Meanwhile on shuttle C, Crainer was reporting the elimination of shuttle B to The President "Ma'am I've found reports that shuttle B has been eliminated by unknown hostiles" said Crainer "*sigh* ok hows the progress on finding a habital planet?" Asked The President "Umm so far theres no signs of any planet yet" replied Crainer.
While Crainer was talking to The President, Coco walked in the reactor and found Caron smashing up the generators "s*** send in the riot guards" whispered Coco, few minutes later three Riot Drones hovered in and circled around Caron "PUT THE AXE DOWN" said one of the Riot Drones, Caron stared at the Riot Drones while holding the oil covered axe "WE WILL GIVE YOU TWO OPTIONS, ONE WE WILL ESCORT YOU TO THE BRIDGE, OR WE WILL DRAG YOU TO THE BRIDGE THEN KICK YOU OUT THE AIRLOCKS" said The Riot Drone.
Caron continued to look at The Riot Drones then continues to smash the secondary engins "THE HARD WAY IT IS" said The Riot Drones. The Riot Drones grabs Carons arm and drags her to the airlock "you guys are making a mistake everyone back on earth are making havoc as we speak, more will come before me and soon all of you will die!" Screamed Caron holding up her phone, pressing the record button, then once she was finished she pressed the send button all while maniacly laughting.
"Sir Caron destroyed the secondary engins" said Conrad "*sigh* how are the other engins going?" Asked Crainer "Their running at full compacity sir" replied Conrad "please keep me updated on the engins" said Crainer "yes sir" said Conrad. Ten hours later shuttle C arrives in galaxy 'Capricorn' "Sir we've arrived in galaxy capricorn" said Conrad "good anything picking up on the raidar?" Asked Crainer "Not yet sir" replied Conrad.