Day 4, 6:00 A.M.
"Everyone head to the bridge," said the President, everyone got to their shuttle's bridge ready for a meeting "Ok today we're doing a passenger checkup to see whose here, Group A goes first," said the president.
"Alex, Alexzander, and Austin Horror" said Lebron James "here" said the Horror Brothers "Amy Mcwarry, Zander James, and Joshua Darby" said Lebron James "here" said Amy, Zander, and Joshua "Jason Mcwarry, Anthony Reyes, and shinigami" said Lebron James "here" said the three men. "Ok Group B's turn" said the president "Bethany, Ben, Brodie" said Brandon "here" said Bethany, Ben, and Brodie "Baxter, Peter De Birmingham, and Pablo" said Brandon "here" said the three men "Bain and Bruce Coxworth" said Brandon "here" said the two men.
"Now Group C's turn," said the president "Catherine, Casandra, and Casade" said Crainer "here" said the three girls "Conrad, CoCo, and Carmen" said Crainer "here" said Conrad, CoCo, and Carmen "Connie, Conner, and Caron" said Crainer "here" said Connie, Conner, and Caron. "Group D's turn," said the president "Johnny DoDo Fern, John De Smith, and Dheka" said Phillip De Gemmini "here" said the three men "Dennis, the Duck Season Dog (aka corrupted code), and Daniel" said Phillip De Gemmini "here" said the two men the Corrupted code raised his hand "Dave, Dominic Toretto, and Deranged robot" said Phillip De Gemmini "here" said the two men and the android.
"Group E's turn," said the president "Ezekel Reyes, Depressed Robot, and Ethan" said Angel Reyes "here" said the two men and the android "James Brooks Smith, Amie An, and Amelea" said Angel Reyes "here" said James, Amie, and Amelea "Medical Robot, Caiden, and Theo Rock" said Angel Reyes "here" said the two men and the android. "Group F is next," said the president "Marry Kauffman, Jay Fremantle, and Jae Kristoff" said Biffle "here" said the three men "Jeff Reeve, Ian Watfins, and Steve Mcquef" said Biffle "here" said the three men "Henry Loaf, Tax Reflector robot, and Fred Offspring" said Biffle "here" said the two men and the android.