Day 5, The second planet arrival, 7:00 A.M.
John saw a static, then he saw the corrupted code pointing at a planet "captain hold the shuttle" said John through the mic "Corrupted code stay there I'm heading towards you" said John, but he didn't realize that the corrupted codes fur was covered in blood. when he realized it he sent an android down to the oxygen room "what do you mean theirs an actual planet their" said Daniel, the Corrupted Code pointed at the planet again "oh wow you weren't kidding, hey John its an actual planet" said Daniel looking at the camera.
The Deranged Robot came in with the blood-covered knife then the corrupted code shot the robot with the shotgun leaving it with oil and radioactive waste spraying everywhere "what the f*** just happened" said Dom "oh the Deranged Robot was coming up on Daniel to kill him and judging by the blood on the knife the other androids on shuttle E used this knife to kill Amie An and teleported it to this shuttle for the deranged robot to use" said John through the mic "captain land down on planet 'Destiny' and get someone to dispose of this android and the knife" said Daniel.
Shuttle D lands on their first planet, as they land the blast doors open and Phill, Johnny, and John walk out carrying futuristic AK40's and wearing hazmat suits "your mission is to escort the doctor robot around the marked area so that it can collect the specimens necessary for the research" said Dennis "yes sir" said Phill, Johnny, and John.
John walks in front of the android and Johnny & Phill walks behind the android "hey you ok John" said Phill "yep I'm good" said John "you sure" said Johnny "because your shivering a lot" said Johnny "I'm f***ing fine all right!" yelled John "Jesus christ ok" said Phill, John walks ahead of the rest and starts randomly firing at alien-like bushes and trees in anger "wow someone has anger issues" whispered Phill to Johnny "s*** up, I can f***ing hear you two" yelled John.