Chereads / I Dragged My Fiance's Uncle off the Altar / Chapter 28 - When Will You Get Married?

Chapter 28 - When Will You Get Married?

Xing Shu sneered. Truly a top-notch Green Tea B*tch, Xing Linlin did not need to stand up for herself. All she had to do was shed a few tears, and men would rush to her aid. With such expert moves, it was no wonder that she had the two men eating out of her hand.

"Xing Linlin, if you don't like my brother, just say it. We're a family. Mom and Dad won't blame you. Don't be so ambiguous—what do your tears mean? Do you agree or not?" Xing Shu pressed.

Cheng Xingyang could not take it anymore and stood up. "Enough, Xing Shu. Why are you so overbearing?"

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