Chereads / I Dragged My Fiance's Uncle off the Altar / Chapter 31 - Purpose for Choosing Him

Chapter 31 - Purpose for Choosing Him

Cheng Lang tapped his fingers lightly on the black marble table. "Cheng Gang has a big appetite. What has Chen Ru been doing recently?" Chen Ru was a blue blood. Even though she had been married for so many years, she was as imperious as ever. However, this pride had been pretty much chipped away by Cheng Gang's constant cheating.

"Chen Ru is still thinking of ways to win Cheng Gang's heart back. Her expectations of Cheng Xingyang are getting increasingly high. Cheng Xingyang's performance has been pretty good these past few years. Chen Ru wants to use this opportunity to repair her relationship with Cheng Gang," Jian Yaochuan reported.

Good results? How could a ne'er-do-well like Cheng Xingyang carry off the position of Director? Cheng Lang pondered. He immediately thought of Xing Shu and his heart skipped a beat. "Give me her dossier."

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