They were long gone by the time we arrived. The ruins of their cities tell a broken story about a world torn apart by war and all that follows. There is plenty of knowledge to be found among the rubble. Archaeological data-How they built, moved, and progressed. But there is so much that we will never understand. Their rudimentarily societal methods have not stood the test of time. We don't know what brought them to this end. We don't know how they live or loved, dreamed or danced. We are left to imagine how they spoke to one another. What stories they shared, kept and lost. We can only dream about what they had the potential to become. We found this planet in the V91-9 system, maybe 6 weeks ago? I don't remember. It is truly difficult to keep track of time when you're on missions like these. The reason we found this society was because our initial scans revealed 5 habitable planets in this system, and all of them appeared to be garden worlds. Upon closer examination, 4 of said planets looked pristine and untouched-no signs of settlement or intelligent life. The other one, however, was very clearly distressed. Subsequently, deeper investigations were authorized on this planet and scans were conducted revealing several cities on the planet along with a massive, extremely advanced machine orbiting it. This machine is repeating the same signal over and over again-we have been working on deciphering it for days to no prevail. I will keep all of you updated on our situation.
End mission log entry 001.