Chapter 14 - Chapter 13

Today, Christian was moving a lot more slowly than he normally would have on his way back to his house. He was continuously scanning his environment to make sure no one was following him or lurking around. When he saw the three dead hackers on TV, he immediately realized that these were the same people who had been after him at the storage facility.

The hackers must have made an effort to retrieve the files that they stole. Whatever was contained within must have been of sufficient importance for them to have taken the lives of other gang hackers. If they were able to take them out so quickly, I shudder to think what would happen to me. The blood from the mysterious wound must be mine because it was drawn from a knife. The thinking of Christians. Then he reflected on the system and the report that had just been broadcast.

He came to a halt in the middle of the path and took a deep breath.

"At the very least, I'm crossing my fingers and hoping it was the Machine Hackers; it couldn't be...could it? I should have been able to recall information like that.'

He shook the dreadful thought from his mind and determined that he should get to school as quickly as possible. It was about the only thing in his life that he could consider normal at the moment.

"Argh!" There was a shrill, piercing sound that could be heard.

By looking around, Christian was able to determine that the male screech came from a nearby alleyway. The unfortunate young man was surrounded by four people who were responsible for bringing the girl there, and one of them was currently pressing him up against the wall. Although his area wasn't exactly the safest, for something of this nature to take place in broad daylight so early in the morning... In today's society, people are in desperate need of money, regardless of the source.

"In all seriousness, is today just going to be like that?"

The first thing that came to Christian's mind was to simply leave. He didn't want to get involved, especially considering that he had no chance of winning a fight with four grown guys, and he had no intention of doing so. But now he was a hero, no longer a simple youngster like he had been before. Aside from that, even if they were planning to perform a horrendous act, they weren't going to do it in his area any longer.

The group of males continued to shove him into the alleyway, away from the view of traffic on the main road, and behind one of the apartment buildings. When the guy turned the corner at this moment, Christian's keen eyes noticed something on her clothing as he watched him turn the corner.

It was the emblem of a certain school. Both of them attended the same high school.

When he watched a man being kidnapped, particularly in his own neighborhood and not too far from where he lived, he couldn't help but anticipate the same thing happening to his sister at the hands of the same people. Who knew if he had a brother, who would feel guilty for the rest of his life that he wasn't there, and who knew if he did, who would tell him? Regardless of the fact that he was an only kid, what about his mother and father?

Christian entertained the idea of causing a disturbance. After looking around, he noticed that there were not many other people who would help, and he understood that even if he described the issue, no one would help since they were afraid that the group of men belonged to one of the gangs. It would have been simpler for them to bury their heads in the sand, act as if they were unaware of the situation, and convince themselves that there was nothing they could do about it.

Alternately, he could try to call the police; however, one of the things that he had learned was that the police responded slowly to such cases. This was not only due to the fact that they were understaffed, but also due to the fact that those higherup had been paid off to ensure that the response time was delayed. If they were to arrive at this location, whatever those other people had in mind would already have been carried out by the time they arrived.

Christian was thinking to himself, "Looks like I had to work this one out on my own."

A notification screen sprang up in front of him the moment he made the decision to take action as soon as he had made the decision.

[We have gotten a new task]

[Help us save the child!]

"Get away!" Christian was able to pick up on the boy's scream once again, but it was swiftly covered up.

He was aware that he did not have the luxury of pausing to consider his next move. If there was one thing that people remembered him for, it was his propensity to just act things out. The situation was the same just now as it had been before; his legs had started moving, and he was already traveling down the alleyway. As he made the bend, he was able to see that one of the other guys had his hands over the mouth of another guy.

When the group of men turned their heads, it was clear that they were not going to be the warmest and most welcoming of groups. The majority of them were dressed similarly to one another. loose-fitting pants paired with a black shirt of some kind.

Another Anonymous Hacker Group? I should have picked up on that a lot sooner, damn it!

It makes perfect sense why they were able to behave in such a brazen manner in broad daylight.

"Kid, we're in a good mood, so why don't you just get out of here and head home?" "Why don't you just get out of here and head home?" After realizing that he was simply a foolish brat, one of the men in the back waived him off and told him to leave.

Christian felt his anger rising to the surface more and more.

"Four of them, I'm going to get hit a few times, but it can't hurt worse than getting stabbed with a sword, right?" he thought to himself. Christian made numerous attempts to persuade himself. He took a stance similar to that of a boxer to show that he was dedicated to the matter.

Fenrir's voice penetrated Christian's consciousness and said, "Should I unite with you, master?"

"Not yet, the child has not arrived. I will not let him observe anything that he does not wish to observe ", had a Christian worldview.

The men started to roar with laughter at their own joke.

"Oh, it seems like we have a valiant warrior waiting for us. One of the men said to the other as he walked into the audience, "Alright, let's see what you got, boy, maybe we'll give you a small invitation."

Gary waited while keeping his attention on the man's toes. He recalled the moment that he had successfully punched the criminal earlier that evening, as well as everything that Kirk had instructed him to learn.

"Not yet, he's still not close enough," she replied. "Not yet."

Then, when the attacker was finally within striking distance, Christian delivered an excellent jab to the man's face. The punch, on the other hand, had no effect other than to strike air. The man had shifted to the side and clutched his fist in response to the situation.

"Are you even remotely aware of how predictable that punch was? Seriously, if we let ourselves be attacked by inexperienced people like you, we wouldn't be doing what we're doing in the first place!

Christian was being dragged forward by the wrist as the man spat insults at him. He struck him right in the head, throwing his entire body backwards in the process. However, the other man would not release go of him and pulled him forward once again, punching him in the stomach this time.

Christian had his wind knocked out of him, and he was finding it difficult to breathe as a result.

"I was totally mistaken! This ache is significantly more excruciating than when I was pierced by a blade right now.

The child recognized this as his window of opportunity to flee from the men while they were preoccupied with witnessing the beating. He ripped the hand of the preoccupied man away from her mouth, which he had been covering with his own, and bit down as firmly as he could. When he finally got go of him, he proceeded to give him a kick in the dick, and then he ran out of the alleyway through the opposite entrance.

"Now look at what it is that you have accomplished!" One of the men yelled at the other, "You let him get away! Now it's going to be ten times tougher to catch him again!" We needed the money that he gave us, but how are you going to pay us back for this?

When Christian was still in pain from the knee all the way down to his stomach, a notification screen suddenly popped in front of him as he was on his knees.

[Quest done]

"Did she really manage to escape, huh?

After sustaining an injury to his sensitive region, the man had recovered and was now heading towards Christian with a sluggish gait. As he suddenly flung out a kick, hitting him right in the head and throwing him to the floor, the others backed up against the wall to avoid getting in his way.

"Hey, don't you think that this is taking it a little too far? One of his colleagues on the opposing side warned him, "You could kill him," but another one prevented him from doing so.

"Don't even bother trying to stop Dane right now; he'll just take it out on you instead if you do."

"Answer me!" Christian was the target of Dane's yelling.

"Do people who are this way truly deserve to continue living? I've been defeated already.'

The following blow struck him in the abdominal area.

If it weren't for the fact that I'm the one getting hit right now, would they have done this to the small boy?

As these ideas continued to circulate in his mind, not only did his rage begin to flare, but so did something else.

After being struck once again in the stomach, Christian felt blood begin to trickle out of his mouth and nose, and the pain in his stomach intensified.

These lowlifes are going to get exactly what they have coming to them.

Dane, who was running up, attempted another kick.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" He yelled, but this time, his leg was held still, and when he looked down, he saw Christian holding it. He was surprised.

"What the hell is going on right now? Let go ", Dane yelled while he was attempting to move his foot.

In Christian's head, Fenrir asked, "Welp master, are we able to merge at this time?"

Christian responded by saying, "Of course, Fenrir Celestial Merge Now."

When Dane attempted to move, he felt pressure on his ankle, which eventually led to the bone being crushed. Dane yelled out in agony as he was brought to the ground. When the other criminals saw Christian stand, they quickly retreated out of fear.

"Get ready, there's nowhere to escape," Christian warned. "There's nothing to run."


The young man was making his way back as quickly as he could, and two officers were following closely behind him. As soon as he was allowed to walk free, he immediately began looking for assistance nearby, and he was eventually successful in locating some people who could provide it.

"We have to hurry, it's down here,".

As he looked down the alleyways, he noticed that there were four men lying on the ground. This caused him to hesitate. Others were rolling around in anguish, and the leader's ankle had been crushed and bent to an unusual degree. Some of them were knocked out, and blood was flowing from their mouths. Others were in excruciating pain.

"What exactly took place over here? Is that the work of the young man from earlier?'