Chapter 19 - Chapter 18

A young man's first thought was, "What a terrible circumstance."

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: no one can stare at me like that and get away with it! The person in front of him relayed the information, and the others behind him were anticipating a thrilling performance.

"What a slum of a neighborhood! You can't even blame me for whatever I did to you! It's possible that I considered you to be the lowest form of human life, but it's not like I told you that to your face! I never in a million years would have said those things to you! The young man took several forceful gulps. It was impossible for someone like him to outrun someone who was on a bicycle.

There were four of them, and each one of them had a black tattoo on their face in the shape of a band that wrapped around a portion of their body, indicating that they were members of a hacker's gang. The young man was thinking about what action to take.

It would appear that there is no way to avoid receiving a spanking. I simply have to keep my fingers crossed that after a few punches he will become bored and they will depart.

The one that the youngster had 'offended' got off his bike, but the others stayed on theirs and would most certainly catch up to him if he tried to get away from them and ride away. The young man had resigned himself to the unavoidable course of events, so he clinched his teeth, clasped his hands, and shut his eyes as he waited for the punch that had just been delivered.

In its place, he heard a scream coming from the member of the gang.

"My arm! You cretin, this has absolutely nothing to do with you at all! What the devil are you doing here?

When the young boy opened his eyes, he noticed a member of the rival gang lying on the ground while gripping his elbow, which appeared to be shattered. He was speaking to a woman who had suddenly materialized in front of the child clothed entirely in a pink tight suit with a white scarf. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes, and she was wearing a white scarf.

"Me? I'm just a random bystander who happened to overhear the commission of a crime. However, here you are ganging up on a child who is vulnerable, despite the fact that this world is filled with enough dangers that we humans do not have a need to be fighting amongst each other. You lowlifes are the absolute worst. The response came from the woman.

Because the youngster was in front of him, the only thing he could see of the woman was that she had long hair that flowed in the wind and a gorgeous form. The boy was able to get a good look at her face when she turned around and faced him. His rescuer had a handsome face marked with freckles and was attractive in general.

The other students who had not been injured got off their bikes and started pulling out weapons. The student who had been injured was the one who pulled out a pocketknife from his pocket.

"Don't worry about me, I deal with things a lot worse than these small-time trashes on a daily basis," the girl smiled at the boy as she ran forward to one of the students who was holding a bike chain. "Don't worry about me," the boy replied. "I deal with things a lot worse than these small-time trashes on a daily basis."

The young kid became scared and swung at it, but the girl sidestepped it and grabbed it before it could hit her. After then, she snatched the bicycle chain out of the other person's grasp and swung it at the legs of the aggressor. The fact that the girl appeared to have a greater level of mastery over the boy's weapon struck the boy as rather humorous.

The young woman effortlessly eliminated each of the other competitors one at a time without taking a breather. She had easily dislodged the pocketknife from the first boy's grasp before delivering a knee to the face of the offender. She had done this without breaking a sweat.

The young man had to pinch himself to be sure he wasn't dreaming about what had just happened. He also looked about to see if there were any hidden cameras, but of course there weren't any. He looked everywhere. There was no one else around but the six of them to observe what took place. In a short amount of time, the young lady had successfully removed all four of them using caution.

As the boy went to go, a girl who was nearby stopped him and offered some sound advice. She said, "Go home, kid; there are a lot more hazardous things in the middle of the night, and you won't always be lucky enough for a good Samaritan to help you out."

'A Celestial Wielder saving me? I had the impression that they were no longer performing, but it's encouraging to know that new music is being created. I've never seen her before.' The young man questioned.