The revelation of how closely the full-blown war was approaching was sending chills down her spine. They were either this close to freedom or oppression depending on the outcome that was soon to come which she didn't want to think too closely about since they weren't ready yet especially her with the skills that she currently had.
With that said, she had to concentrate on how to do better, and she felt her resolve hardened now that she had a more concrete foundation she was standing upon with Vincent by her side. She glanced up at him to see a frown but start nodding as if he had also had the new realization as her.
"You're right. And right now, we are almost reaching its peak."
"You think so?"
"I have a feeling that something is going to come crashing down on us soon."
She nodded. "I might come really soon."
"All we can do now is hope that we can come out on top after putting all the pieces together."
"I'd say it's coming along nicely."
"I, as well." He suddenly scooped her up into a bridal carry. "You're taking your sweet time, Charlotte."
She sighed. "Thanks for the lift, darling."
"Of course, my lady."
Charlotte patted his back and leaned her head back to see his golden eyes. "How are you feeling actually?"
Vincent took a few steps forward before getting to the edge of the rooftop and looking out ahead. "I'll get through it."
"I know you will," she simply. "I have a question though. Has your bloodlust truly ended?"
He choked out a response. "Yes. I got as much heat as I needed out. I need to sleep more than anything now. I'll likely be out for a couple of days when we reach the next safe house."
"I see," she said after a moment. "You'll be fine though right?"
"I will be. It'll be up to you to find something to entertain yourself for those days."
She rolled her eyes and a startled scream came out of her throat when he lurched forward and jumped across the rooftops in quick succession to chase after Stone, who was already extremely far away, but Vincent was gaining on them quite quickly with the large distances he was flying by with all the scenery whizzing by.
The safehouse was located out of the outer ring since they were running towards the middle layer which would be a good idea to lay low versus staying in the darkness that could be the vigilante's turf. Soon the darkness that was only known to the outer ring had faded away into something that would be deemed normal, but Charlotte knew that it was a new world to Lucia up ahead.
They had been traveling by rooftops for a long period of time with the sun starting to rise bringing forth a wonderful watercolor array in the sky to welcome them. The navy color now had streaks of lovely pinks and the sunshine was slowly but definitely peaking out of the heavy clouds after forcing its way through.
She looked up at Vincent only to be blinded for a moment when the sun had finally reached down to them, and the small ray hit his silver cross earring directly causing her to clench her eyes closed. With hesitancy, her fingers reached up and touched the silver metal with a red orb engraved in the center.
Vincent glanced down at her, and Charlotte retracted her fingers. "Tell me the story behind the earring."
"There is no story," he responded smoothly. "I got it long ago from an antique shop."
"Really? I assumed that it was your mother's."
"No. I don't have any remaining items from my mother except for the photos hanging up on the walls of the mansion, and the dresses that didn't get burned."
"Do you keep any contact with your father at all?"
"I don't. He lives far away from here."
"Wow. He doesn't even live in the city."
"No. After the vampires tried to abduct him on suspicion of going manic after killing my mother, he ran away."
She covered her gasp with her hand. "That's horrible."
"That was a century ago."
"It must have been so long yet only a blink of an eye for you."
"It was. As I said, vampires only have a longer life span than a human but are not immortal."
"So you don't know the full story of your mother's death?"
"I don't. I was poking around places where I shouldn't have been which landed me in a cavalier role."
"When do you end your sentence of being a cavalier?"
"It is very soon."
"Really? What do you plan to do afterward?"
"At the end of the day, the plan is survival, so despite my job as a cavalier ending soon I'll still be a tracker."
"I see..." she murmured before touching the earring again lightly. "I like it. I think it matches you."