This creates an artificial process of Savage's rebirth process however not as advanced the target rises to his feet at the age of eighteen he says "Monster has returned to the living!" She says "Yes darling Monster your back to be my boyfriend" Monster says "I don't think so" He goes to leave but she says "Kneel" Monster is forced to kneel she says "I won't let you escape me again" Monster says "Wait don't tell me that your" She says "Yes darling it's me Wendy I have been reincarnated so many times since then that I lost track of how many times I realized that I coulden't live without you and I needed you by my side that's why I made sure you were revived" Monster says "We can't be together i'm still the same way as when you left" Wendy says "I don't care no amount of abuse could ever amount to the pain I felt all that time without you" Monster says "How did you even revive me?" Wendy says "The Revival Stone invented by your brother mass produced by his students" That's when a small Military team rush the place they kill everyone except Monster their leader says "Monster you really should be careful of who you look at" Their leader was a girl who was a beauty on par with one of Savage's wives Monster says "Who are you?" She says "Just call me your new girlfriend" They leave with Monster this had been a tiny branch of the Military the only part that wasen't in that battle with Eternal God Savage thus they were all that remained. Elsewhere in a Limo a Clown was having a glass of wine they say "What a joke to think that those fools got themselves killed by one man it just goes to show how retarded they all are"