Chapter 13 - Page 13

Two weeks passed since that day and no one had heard or seen a sign of Savage or his wives causeing most to assume they were dead or in hideing somewhere. However that was wrong in reality they were simply at a Water park they had been on vacation ever since that day. While at the Water Park all eyes were on the eye candy that were the wives of Savage. To a Mortal their beauty would be impossible for their mind's to comprehend resulting in them only seeing a bright light and extremely blurry figuree that they naturally just knew as attractive. That was the same with nearly every hot girl Savage made love to however his wives were beyond comprehension of most entities. From Mortals to Gods to Devils even to some Titans all they would see is a blurry image. However the greater ones would see the outline of them the Eternals would be the same. Only the Eternal Titans would be able to comprehend their beauty and be able to see their real appearence on most days. However as they were all in swim suits not even those entities would be able to comprehend their beauty it would take the Eternal Titan Gods to see it. However Savage was above all of them and his attractiveness was greater then his wives so naturally no one would be able to seem them unless their exsistences were higher on the rankings. While at the Waterpark Savage met this girl named Misa he was caught by his wives while he was being kissed by Misa. Insanity says "Darling you cheater this was supposed to be a family vacation how could you?"