Dracula had the Wolf Killing Swords taken away to be enhanced so they could become powerful enough to be used against full power Savage Wolf. He also gathered the remains of every single indivual that had previously fought and killed either Savage or Wolf then enfused them together to make an even greater warrior tailored to stopping Savage Wolf. Once the Swords were ready and this warrior they went to confront Savage Wolf the two of them were going all out. They had evaded attacks from some of the Savage Wolf's countered attacks from others then slashed at others. They proved to be able to quickly cut down the army of Savage Wolf's however that's when they all instantly regenerated with the combined healing factor of both indivuals. They all backed away so the real Savage Wolf could confront him he says "Who are you? You seem familar" The indivual says "I'm everyone that has ever killed you both merged together as one to be your downfall" Savage Wolf smirks then jumps to full power and attacks. The merged indivual is being overwhelmed by the sheer might of full power Savage Wolf he manages to use the swords on full power Savage Wolf causeing damage. The swords worked however they failed to completely take down Savage Wolf as they were unable to fully match his full power. He wraps his tail around the arms of the merged fighter then uses them as a punching bag before discarding them and stealing the Swords leaveing their enemy in failure. Savage Wolf reverse engineers the materials used to make these swords.