Dracula had already broken down all of the Titans after they all were taken down by Savage Wolf he has them all merged together in a rebuilding of Savage Wolf. This was part of his plan after all Dracula had also planned ahead and had a merged fighter be built to take down his creation. This merged fighter was tailored to be able to bring down all of the Titans just like the one taliored towards Savage Wolf. He also made sure they were turned into a host for Dracula this merged fighter was still in the process of being built. After a month Hybraid Savage Wolf was awakened he was extremely unstable with all of the titans in that one body shareing it the strain was almost too much but it's greatness out did that and thus it could exsist. The Game Master was the only Titan still alive outside of this monsterosity he made use of everything at his disposal and with everything he could manage fought against this Hybraid Savage Wolf. However Dracula interfered he had plans and him and all of his hosts fused together becomeing one Dracula says "I am the full greatness of Lord Dracula prepare to die" The Game Master smiles and says "This is fair we all belong dead" The three clashed and none of them survived the Dracula Empire gathered the remians of the three bodies then merged them together making a Hybraid of all the Titans excpet for Jade who loved Savage too much to try and attack him.