Chapter 5 - Standoff

Soldiers: Last warning or we will open fire.

Ben: Alright.

He turns on the Omnitrix and becomes Cannonbolt. All the soldiers got shocked, but they were prepared for this.

Soldier 1: Open fire!

All the soldiers started shooting at the alien, who took the shape of a giant ball and started to roll toward them. But the bullets didn't affect him and he started to knock out the soldiers.

Soldier 2: Sir, he is knocking out our soldiers like a bowling ball knocking out pins.

Soldier 3: Sir bullets aren't affecting him.

Man in Suit: Hmm. All agents change your weapons. Equip the new prototype blasters.

At his signal, all agents equipped the blasters and started shooting at the alien. It also didn't do much damage but deflected the path of his rolling and slowed him down a bit.

Soldier 4: Sir we are having a lot of casualties.

Man in Suit. Hmm. I didn't think ill need them till now but… bring in the trucks.

Soon some trucks with mounted weapons on them arrived at the scene. Some men climbed up the trucks and started shooting machine guns, blasters and missiles at the alien.

Cannonbolt: (They are not some criminal gang members, they are soldiers, and have some advanced tech, like forever knights.) Ouch!.. aaahhh! Ooooh!

The impact of the missiles and blasters was hurting him.

Soldier 2: Sir it's affecting him.

Ben then turned into XLR8 and quickly knocked out all the soldiers on the truck and started knocking out other soldiers. Bullets couldn't even touch him, he was running so fast. He then went to the guy in the suit and grabbed him.

XLR8: Who are you and what do you want from me?

Suddenly he is shot by an arrow which electrocutes him. He gets knocked out and turns into Ben.




Few days ago.

Agent 1: It's on news, from a few days there have been incidents that at night criminals and thugs are suddenly knocked out and tied down mysteriously. The cameras can't give a clear picture.

Guy with an eye patch: But our advanced spy cameras were able to confirm this is not human.

Man in suit: Sir one of them shows a blue figure. Do you think they are back, the Kree?

Guy with an eye patch: I don't think Coulson. Stopping crime would not have been their approach after they get here. Plus they aren't that fast.

Coulson: So you think some other alien species or something?

Guy with an eye patch: Solving crime. Huh. Funny thing for an alien. And after what we have seen, It should not be ruled out that a human could be behind this.

Coulson: So you suspect a human?

Guy with an eye patch: When Carol returned, technically she didn't exist. As in she wasn't recognized. I tell you what, take out the info of citizens of New York and its neighboring cities and tell me if you find a guy who isn't supposed to be.

Next day:

Coulson: Sir we did it. After long research, we found a guy. Sir Ben Tennyson. Sir, there are no records of him from before. Nothing. And suddenly a Samsung store has an employee, quite skilled, who got famous so quickly but didn't exist before.

Guy with an eye patch: Not enough to apprehend him.

Coulson: Sir agent hill has already assigned agent Romanoff.

Guy with an eye patch: Good. Update me soon.

Next day:

Agent Romanoff: Sir I've confirmed it. See for yourself.

She hands over a disc that shows footage in which Ben does something with his watch, turns into a black and green alien, fixes a TV, then turns back to normal.

Guy with an eye patch: Great work agent Romanoff. Coulson, send agents to spy on him

Coulson: Alright sir.

Next day:

Coulson: Sir our agents got knocked out suddenly while following the suspect.

Guy with an eye patch: Alright. Wait for a few days. He would have gotten suspicious right now. After a few days, prepare a team to apprehend him. We might need a lot of people.

Coulson: Alright sir.

He gives orders to some agents, then went inside a room. A guy was sitting there.

Coulson: We might need you in this one Barton.

Barton: What do you want me to do?

Coulson: Just keep your distance. Strike at the right moment.

Barton: You don't have anyone else?

Coulson: We might need someone with your skills in this one.

Barton: Alright.