Credits: @leannebrown15 & @Aesthetics__ (on Inkitt)
Inhye's POV
"Let's get ourselves very familiar with today's menu. Everyday's menu will be different except the basic ingredients"
Jen tells Bora and I as we clocked in for the first day of official work after our training. Unlike other cafes, this one just does the things and places it there for the staff to work in the kitchen than be out talking.
"Any reason for that?" Bora asks Jen. This colleague of mine is really a curious talkative chatterbox and happy virus of another level that got Jen chuckling a little.
"Reason being I don't want the male staff gawking over and wanting to flirt, with female staff being all sour and hating over. I believe personally all humans can be spiteful and have a grey area of them regardless of gender." She explains.
"Especially like me, you guys aren't in the stage of the twenties yet. Let's have a peaceful yet fun life in our later teens life!" She says
We nodded our head understanding what she said before getting prepped in the kitchen.
"I've never worked in an environment where the boss sounds like she know so much about life." Bora whispers as she chops up some of the chocolate beside me as I'm preparing the cucumbers due to Bora herself being allergic of them.
"First time for the both of us." I say. "Maybe she likes quiet and peace who knows? I mean after all she's a former FBI infor-" Bora talks and I can't help stopping my work to cover Bora's mouth before Jen noticed anything
"Let's just not say so much for now." I tell her softly before uncovering her mouth and we continue with our work.
"I hope you're serious! Don't go too rough cause I'm begging you not to" I also had to help Bora cause she was close to breaking the chopping board with the knife.
We had everything done and working before showing it to Jen. Hopefully she's satisfied cause this is good decent work.
Junghwa's POV
"Impressive" I said impressed looking at what Bora and Inhye had produced with the training I taught them.
"Now get cracking" I tell them both and they did so with the next set of tasks I set them while I went to go to stock count. I soon noticed the cheddar cheese I got has been eaten off a small bit.
"I can't make anything cheesy with that bitten off. I don't even eat cheddar cheese…" I mumble to myself remembering when was the last time i entered the stocks room which then I remember entering, when either the food ran out or when new stocks come or stock count day like today.
'This is so weird' I think to myself. "Do they have the security camera somewhere?" I softly asked looking around the cafe cause I remember it being installed.
'Forget about it. I'll ask the CEO tomorrow' I decided to seal the cheddar cheese and pursue the incident another day.
-Hours Later-
I wrapped up everything after the shift is over and closing up. My brother and his group be practicing so I had to head home myself.
"Look who we have here~"
A familiar voice make me look up to a the familiar trio of Anong, Becky and Chariya, a terrible deja vu is about to hit me real hard.