The classroom marked as 1-2 was bustling with students who were all filled with a bundle of energy first thing in the morning. The sound of laughter filled the air as the students excitedly discussed about their individual experiences from the summer vacation. The ring of the bell signaled the students to slowly return to their seats and settle down.
"Hey, I heard we're getting a new transfer student today"
"At this time of the year?"
"Yeah, I wonder what kind of student we'll get"
"Of course you would be curious"
A small exchange between a blue haired boy and a familiar black haired boy took place while the class was waiting for the teacher. The blue haired boy's green eyes seemed to shine with expectation. The black haired student just sighed at his friend and focused his attention back to reading his book.
"As expected of class 1-2, nice and quiet first thing in the morning," The homeroom teacher of class 1-2 said as he walked in with a wide smile, satisfied with how his class always seemed to follow the rules. A petite black haired girl with unusually bright purple eyes trailed behind him. She seemed a little nervous with her overall situation but her eyes still managed to scan the faces of each of the students in the class. She momentarily froze once she saw the black haired student.
My next door neighbor?
Minji held her breath when she saw a familiar face. Though, she was doubtful that he would know her since she never ran into him in their building or even held conversation with him. But rather than that, she was most surprised by how dull most of her classmates seemed; the majority of them looked like normal students with "normal" appearances. Although they all had weird hair and eyes colors, the visuals were not on par with the male student she saw this morning and her next door neighbor. Speaking of which, the small group of students in the back corner of the classroom, where her neighbor was also sitting at, stood out like sore thumbs with their outstanding appearances.
*Are they some kind of main characters or something why do only they look so special?*
Her black haired neighbor, a blue haired boy, and a pinkish haired girl sat in a diagonal pattern near the window in the back of the classroom. Strangely, other than these three, no one else seemed to look as eye-catching in her class.
"As you all may have heard, we have a new transfer student from 000 city today. Please treat her well," the teacher gave a very brief introduction of her.
"Hi everyone, my name is Yoon Minji and I look forward to our year together" she also gave a quick self-introduction. She didn't like saying anything more than what is necessary. The teacher gestured to what seemed like her new seat. Sneaking another glance at the three beautiful students, Minji walked to her seat which was at the opposite side of the classroom to them. She almost stiffened up when she came into eye contact with the blue haired student.
What's he staring so intensely at?
She immediately broke eye contact and awkwardly walked to her seat. The sound of the teacher's voice rang throughout the classroom and Minji settled down into her unfamiliar seat. Another student was seated next to her and Minji gave her a small greeting.
"Alright class! Open your textbooks to page..."
The sound of the bells signaled the start of the short break the students had. Some of the impatient boys immediately pushed each other out of the door and sprinted towards the snack bar. Minji sighed internally as she lazily stretched in her seat. After a long summer vacation, she wasn't used to sitting for long periods of time and her brain wasn't used to studying.
"It's rare for use to get a transfer student this time of the year! Why'd you move?" A small group of girls huddled around her desk, perhaps curious about her sudden appearance in the middle of the school year. One of the girls asked that question. Minji felt her body tense up at the sudden attention she was receiving.
"My dad had a job transfer, so I ended up coming here" she replied briskly, wanting to quickly end the conversation. She wanted to use the break to take a breather, not converse with strangers she's not comfortable around. Unable to take a hint, the girls continued to make conversation and asked countless of questions. Not wanting to seem rude, Minji did patiently answer all of their questions.
"You're really pretty though, Minji! I bet you had a lot of popularity at your old school!" one of the other girls said while touching Minji's black hair. Minji stared blankly at the girls who suddenly seemed to agree with each other and flounder over her. She only received these kinds of compliments from her family members, so she didn't know how to reply.
"Instead of me, I think those people are much better looking" Minji pointed towards the three students who were all talking quietly among themselves to avoid directly responding to the question. None of the other classmates seemed to bother or approach them. Minji was a little curious as to the identify of these people. Were they some celebrities or idols in training?
"Oh them"
"They're famous in our school"
"Not just our school. Do you not know them?"
"They've been famous since Middle school"
"Mostly because their members are so good looking"
The excessive compliments from the girls actually caused Minji to cough on the water she was drinking. She stared at their serious faces and almost laughed at the childish flaunting over that group. But, she couldn't say anything as she didn't want to dampen the excited atmosphere of the girls.
"I... see" she managed to spit out after an unnatural moment of coughing. The girls nodded in confirmation as they stared with awed expressions towards the group.
"That group could definitely make it as celebrities. I wonder why they're not debuting yet" "It's obviously because they don't need to"
As the girls began to bicker about the members in this group, Minji was off in her own world.
I guess it would be weirder if these classmates stayed still after seeing those classmates
After a forced acceptation of these statements, Minji ignored the girls' chattering and stared off into space until another bell signaled the continuation of classes.
And her day passed peacefully with no other "huge" incidents. Minji was surprised at how quickly and uneventfully the day ended.
Minji spent the rest of the day with the group of girls who approached her earlier. They invited her to hang out after classes, but she respected them respectfully, saying she had an "errand" to run after school. Although she was thankful that they reached out to her on her first day, she was still a little too shy to spend time with them outside of classes.
"See you guys tomorrow, thanks a lot for today," Minji said as she gave them a warm smile and walked back towards the direction of her home. To her surprise, school was surprisingly... normal. Ever since she experienced these bizarre changes, she expected her school life to be equally crazy. But, everyone seemed to be amiable and the group of students they refer to as the "celebrities" also just seemed like normal students, spending their breaks studying or conversing with one another quietly.
She sighed with relief as she walked towards the direction of the supermarket near her apartment building, appreciating the view of the sunset along the way. At least this time, she would be able to spend some time in this city without any conflict.
Before heading home, the "errand" she had to run was just a simple stop to the supermarket for some groceries. After picking up some items and produce from the store, Minji came out carrying three heavy loads of grocery bags, confident that she could make it home while carrying these.
Minji soon regretted her decision as she lugged the grocery bags back home. She felt her arms begin to shake as she reached the front of her apartment building. While waiting for the elevator, she looked at her reddened hands, the strings of the plastic bags dug painfully into her skin. She rushed into the elevator and repeatedly pressed the "shut" button. Her attention perked back up when the closing elevator door suddenly opened.
"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to shut the elevator" she apologized frantically. But then Minji felt her heart drop as she saw who stepped into the elevator. It just had to be her next door neighbor.
"No problem" he said nonchalantly as he stood on the opposite side of the elevator. His eyes didn't look up from his phone and he seemed to be listening to music.
God how awful is my luck that I just had to run into him
Luckily, it didn't seem as if he recognized her. They both quietly made their way to the top and Minji managed to catch some of her lost breath.
But the short break wasn't enough for Minji to restore the lost strength in her arms. Once the elevator arrived, she struggled to pick up all of the grocery bags, her arms frantically shaking.
"I can help if you don't mind" The black haired boy, who was pressing the "open" button for her, said as he bent down and picked up the bags instead.
"Ah... thank you," she replied weakly. Although she was really grateful for the gesture...
How the hell am I supposed to drop the bomb that we're neighbors
She also cried inside internally as she meekly trailed behind the boy.
"I live in 2506. You can just drop it off at the front door and my mom and I can do the rest"
Minji revealed this fact as nonchalantly as possible, acting as if she didn't know that he was actually her neighbor. The student abruptly stopped in his tracks and Minji almost bumped into him.
"You're my neighbor?"
"... I guess so?"