Chereads / Sounds to the Universe / Chapter 5 - Bad Day

Chapter 5 - Bad Day

The rest of the day for Minji was very silent. Even after classes ended, the rest of the girls flooded out of the classroom, leaving her by herself. It rubbed her the wrong way that they seemed to be avoiding her.

*Did I do anything wrong? Or have they already lost interest in me?*

Well, either way, it meant peace and silence for Minji so she didn't mind it too much. She just hoped that it wouldn't escalate into something more bigger and traumatic.

"See you tomorrow Minji," Minjoon lightly tapped on her desk on his way out with his group of friends.

"Uh, yeah see you" she replied rigidly. One thing that surprised her about today was that Minjoon approached her quite frequently. Sometimes it was to share a jelly snack or other times it was to ask her about some weird crossword puzzle. She didn't know why he was acting so familiar with her and felt awkward about the whole situation. Were they friends...? Or was he trying his best to befriend her?

Minji stayed sitting in her seat as she cleaned up the last of her notes. She kept today free in case the girls asked her to hang out like yesterday, but to her surprise, they just left. Minji now had nothing to do.

*Might as well go home and study*

Minji was not the studious type, but with nothing to do, she might as well just study to pass the time.


On her way home following her usual route, Minji admired the sunset peering over the high-rise buildings. She breathed in the evening breeze and felt her head becoming clearer. It's only been two days since she started school and for some reason, it feels like so much has happened yet so little has happened.

*Well, to be exact, nothing really happened except for a few encounters...*

She grew lost in her thoughts.

"Excuse me?" someone called out to her. "Huh?" Minji quickly turned around after feeling a small tap on her shoulder. "This fell out of your backpack. I think it might be important to you," a small pink-haired girl held out both of her hands with something in the middle of her palms. Minji stepped closer to get a better look at it.

"Oh," her heart dropped the moment she realized what it was. What was this doing here? She was sure she threw it away...

"Thanks for picking it up for me. It's trash though," Minji reluctantly picked up the item from the girl's hands and put it in her pocket, frowning. Seeing her expression, the little girl seemed to have a concerned look. Did she perhaps do something wrong?

"Sorry just now, just some bad memories. Thanks again," Minji changed her expression into that of a smiling one. Somebody helped her out so it would be rude if she continued to have a sour expression.

Seeing her expression become brighter, the little girl smiled and waved goodbye. It was a small encounter but Minji found the little girl to be very cute. It was fairly rare seeing somebody with pink hair.

*No wait. There's a girl with pink hair in my class. Are they related somehow?*

The girl sat at the very back of the classroom. Minji never heard her voice as she either never talked or talked in a very low voice. All she knew about her was that she was very pretty and tended to study a lot during the breaks.

*Like a model... and a model student*

Minji snapped out of her daydreaming and came back to reality. She needed to figure out the reason this item came back into her possession when she was sure she threw it away.

*It appeared out of nowhere. Like magic. Just like my purple eyes...*

She felt a chill run through her body. She didn't know if it was because of the wind or the realization of her sudden change in appearance.


At home, Minji spent most of her time searching the web on things related to "transmigration", "different world", "weird changes", "weird hair and eye colors", and so on. But none of her results proved to be anything useful. Most of the search results just came out to be novel/published book plot summaries. Minji scratched her head in frustration. How come everything changed in one day? She didn't recall doing anything particularly special the day that things changed. She just woke up, had breakfast, and fiddled with her phone for a few hours until her eyes' reflection on it suddenly changed from dark brown to purple. Was it something she searched on her phone?

As if a lightbulb went off, Minji quickly grabbed her phone and looked through her search history. There wasn't anything weird about it until...

"There isn't anything before the day things changed" she gasped out.

There were no further entries.

"This doesn't make sense. I clearly watched some videos and browsed the web before that day too," she tapped her screen repeatedly. Refresh, refresh, refresh. Over and over again. But nothing changed.

As if she obtained a new phone, her old entries were nonexistent. Even the photos from before the date change didn't exist anymore.

*As if something wiped it all out...*

Minji threw her phone on her bed and started to think. But no amount of thinking amounted to anything. She was just wasting her time. After all, none of this made sense.

*God damnit all*


As if things were not working out for Minji, the next day, Minjoon was not waiting for her. She didn't expect to walk together with him every day, but a part of her felt really down since nothing seemed to be working out.

The once beautiful scenery on the way to school seemed dull as Minji practically lunged herself forward with each step. She kept sighing with each passing moment. It felt like forever but she finally arrived at her school. As if the day was repeating itself, she saw Jieun walk towards the front doors.

"Jieun!" Minji approached her actively, wanting to find some company with someone familiar. Jieun turned around and it was a moment but Minji saw her expression turn sour.

"Good morning" Jieun greeted her briefly and without waiting for her, she made her way into the school.

*Strange. Is she deliberately avoiding me or does she not want to act friendly anymore?*

Minji's felt her heart drop a little. She knew just how hard it was to make friends but to think she would go back to being alone like this made her feel a little sad.

She made her way to her seat and took out her notes to review before class. Since nobody was coming to make conversation, she thought it would be better to do something rather than sit staring blankly ahead.

"Minji" Minji raised her head to see who called her. Minjoon sat in the seat in front of her again and tapped on her desk lightly.

"What's the answer to this?" Minjoon asked her.

"Where were you this morning?" Minji didn't want to confront him, but those words just seemed to come out of her mouth without control.

"I had to walk my younger sister to her school. Sorry for going ahead without any notice."

Minjoon rubbed his noise awkwardly while looking apologetic.

"Why don't we trade numbers?" Minjoon took out his phone and gestured for Minji's. It was an abrupt request and Minji didn't know how to reply to it. Accepting this would mean that they were now officially friends? Or was he just hitting on her?

"Uh sure here's my number," she didn't have any reason to reject him, so she took out her phone and traded numbers with him.

*I guess it'll be convenient since we're neighbors anyway*

"Also, the answer to that is 'diamond'," she helped him out before he returned to his seat.

"Makes sense. Thanks alright I'll see you later then," Minjoon said while leaving. Like lightning, Minjoon came and went quickly once again. It seems he only comes for what he needs and leaves immediately after he's done with his business.

"Look at her again..."

"So stuck up..."

In the quiet classroom, Minji began to hear whispers, presumably about her. She was flustered with how the girls seemed to be staring at and talking about her. Minji covered her face with her hair and focused on reading her notes. Listening to these words won't help her anyways. Or at least that's what she wanted to do, but her heart was in turmoil over her sudden position in the class.

How did her image change so suddenly?