Hello, Drinor here. I'm happy to publish a new Chapter of The Last Woodbender.
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Chapter 47 (Innocence is Dead), Chapter 48 (Breaking Apart), Chapter 49 (The Princess, The Woodbender, and The Void), Chapter 50 (Aang Alone), Chapter 51 (Half Blind, Full Hearted), Chapter 52 (The Last Boy Avatar), Chapter 53 (Underground Heroes), Chapter 54 (Kill the Boy), and Chapter 55 (Let The Avatar Be Born) are already available for Patrons.
"Are you ready?" Jet questioned them as they all looked down at the King's Palace. It was dusk, but the streets were still crowded with people. Aang looked down at the gates that led to the King's Palace. This wasn't their first time there, but this time, they would be there to conquer the place, find the King, and free him.
Aang remembered Naruto and Yangchen's words; he needed to ignore what he wanted and what they had taught him. He needed to close his heart, and he needed to do his job as the Avatar.
'Yangchen, how were you able to kill someone?'
'Aang. Despite what you might think of me. I didn't want to do it. But sometimes, the world is better off without some people existing. I tried to teach Kyoshi the same thing, but I fear her long life had it's bad effect on her.'
'What do you mean? How long did Kyoshi live?'
'Aang, I'm afraid this is not my story to tell, you should ask Kyoshi, all I can say is that living a long life. It's a curse, you start feeling as if peoples lives are...nothing.'
Aang looked back at his group, the staff on his hand, and wondered if he truly was ready to do this.
Can I kill someone? he wondered and looked at Naruto. He didn't know why, but his friend didn't seem focused; he seemed almost in pain from the way he was wincing.
"We are as ready as we will ever be. It is not going to get any easier if we just delay this," Sokka answered instead, looking at his sister.
"Sokka's right, Jet. Execute the plan. We are ready." Aang said determinedly, and Jet quickly nodded before palming his mouth with his hands; he whistled like a bird, and people came out of their hiding. They all watched silently as around twenty people holding signs came out of a corner of the street, all holding big signs with words written on them. The people who happened to be on the street stopped to see what they were doing, and the answer quickly came as one of them pulled out a speaker before speaking as loudly as possible.
Aang's mouth fell open as this quickly did the job. All the Dai Li in the area started gathering around this group of protesting people. The innocents seemed to be talking with one another, pointing at the approaching Dai Li.
"This is not even the best part," Jet said smugly, winking at the group, before cupping his mouth once again and making a similar sound of a bird, but this time, it sounded like a cry for help.
Aang and the others watched as another group, this time from across the block, came out. All were holding the same signs, and the one in front was holding a speaker.
Aang watched as civilians coming from further blocks away joined the protest, but it wasn't just them. Turning around, one hundred meters away from the Gate, he saw more and more civilians walking towards the gate to see what was happening, and as the loud voices in the speaker got louder, even more people joined.
"Should we go now?" Sokka asked a little nervously, seeing that many Dai Li agents had gathered around the protesters. Surprisingly, they had yet to act and try to stop this protest from getting bigger.
"Why are they not doing anything?" Katara questioned, noticing this odd behavior.
"They are waiting for orders from Long Feng. They cannot do anything without his permission, especially involving a large group of civilians." Jet answered casually as if the answer was obvious, but this made Naruto look at him with slight suspicion.
"How do you know that?" Before Naruto could receive an answer, one of the Dai Li agents imprisoned five people; one of them tried to run towards the agents, only for one of the agents to throw a rock at his face, causing his face to explode in blood, before falling down dead.
Aang and the group watched as hundreds of civilians started running towards the agents, and the agents started using more earth bending, but one of them was imprisoned when an earth bender from Jet's group imprisoned his legs.
"Fight for Ba Sing!!"
The shouts echoed through this part of the city, and Aang watched as more and more agents started appearing. From twenty of them, fifty appeared, using their earth-bending to imprison the civilians and those in Jet's group. He watched as one agent sent a rock at one of them, crushing his ribcage, but he wasn't fast enough to protect himself from a sword from behind; the sight of blood made his eyes widen in shock; a part of him wanted to get down there and stop this bloodshed, but he reminded himself, he reminded himself what he needed to do.
'Aang, it won't be pretty, but when the time comes. Close your heart to their suffering, close your eyes to their despiration. An Avatar should be prepared for everything.'
"Alright, it's time. Let's go," Jet shouted, and Aang and the group quickly jumped down the building. Aang used his airbending to slow down their fall. Before them was a hole that Toph had prepared. Jet, three of his group, and the Avatar group jumped inside.
It was complete darkness inside, but they ignored it as they started running towards the castle. Naruto squinted his eyes. This tunnel was dark, and he could hardly see them anymore. He placed his hand on the muddy wall, trying to keep himself from walking into the wall as he tried to concentrate.
'Naruto, are you alright?' Kyoshi asked, sounding concerned.
'I'm fine. I just need to ignore this for now,' Naruto said dismissively as they ran across the entire thing. Soon, Toph stopped running and turned to face them.
"We are underneath the castle. From here. I can feel multiple rooms underneath, they are quite big, and it seemed to be nine of them." Toph informed them.
"Why...would there be rooms underneath the castle?" the Frog Boy asked, sounding slightly perplexed.
"There must be where the King is being kept. If I was Long Feng. I would have made sure to keep him somewhere that is hard to find." Sokka quickly said with a look of triumph.
"...You might be right, but this might end up being a trap as well. We should be careful." Naruto quickly added, having bad feelings about all this. So far, the plan had gone without a hitch, but he couldn't help but have the same gut feeling he had when they first met Jet back at the forest months ago.
"I don't think there's any trap waiting for us, Naruto. You are simply not used to plans working. Trust me, we will get through this." Jet said a little dismissively.
"It is not like we can go back now. Toph, do the thing." Sokka quickly said, and Toph punched the top of the tunnel. Bits of the floor fell down, and the warming light of the candles poured inside.
One by one, they climbed into a large square room like a hall, with candles illuminating every corner. Naruto found it strange that this place seemed...empty. Why would someone just lighten up candles in a place like this? Not to mention, this hall was way too big, with a set of steps on the corner that led upwards.
"Follow me," Toph shouted at them as they ran up to the end of this massive hall. As far as they could see, there was no door or stairs leading somewhere else. But Toph walked up to a column placed near the top right corner of the hall.
The entire hall had three sets of columns on each side, and this one, painted white and made of stone, didn't seem any different.
"Toph, why did we stop in front of this column?" Sokka asked irritated as Toph placed her hands on the column's surface, touching it several times.
"What was that?" Aang quickly asked, looking around, hearing the loud explosive; it sounded like it came from outside, but for that explosive to be heard so far inside the castle.
"Plan B, Avatar Aang. Trust me, my men would have never used this plan if it wasn't needed. I'm sure they have a good reason for doing this." Jet quickly defended his people, but that did little to ease Aang's anger as he turned to face Jet.
"And you didn't feel like telling us? What was this plan? What needed to happen for them to think of executing this Plan B?" Aang demanded with a huff. He couldn't see, but based on how loud this explosive was, he knew people had died from this, and not just one of them.
Before Jet could answer, Toph punched the column, and they all watched as the white painting on the column crumbled down like dust, revealing a door that led inside!
"Strange, I've never seen something like this before," Sokka pointed out as he grabbed the handle and twisted it, pulling the door open and revealing a mounted wall ladder that went deep underground. From inside, it seemed the column was made of a thin sheet of metal fused together.
"I wonder how deep that goes?" Sokka wondered as his head peeked inside to look down, but five steps deep, and it got too dark for him to see anything beyond.
"Well, let's not waste time," Aang said, still bitter about the fact that Jet had not told them about this Plan B. He would talk with him, but later, right now, they needed to free the King and take care of Long Feng and his Captains.
Using Aang's Airbending, they all jumped down one after the other; the ladder went one hundred meters deep underground, and everyone who jumped fell slowed down before landing with Aang's help.
"Okay, where are we? What is this place?" Sokka was the first to ask when he saw where they had ended up.
The place was strange. They seemed to be in a square opening in a wall. Beyond this wall was a massive room that went fifty meters below the floor. The place below was full of everyday stuff, stuff one could find in a normal house.
They could see four doors along the wall on each side down below. It seemed like a place to live in, yet they couldn't understand who would want to live in this place. Naruto noticed a mounted ladder near the edge of the opening they were standing on that led to the floor below, but what caught their attention the most were the square windows on the roof with curtains arranged in a way so they wouldn't fall in a vertical line, but instead, the curtains were there to cover the windows. But how was it possible for the sunlight to pour inside? It was night out there, and they were almost two hundred meters deep.
"What even is this place? Who lives here?" Sokka questioned out loud, his voice echoing into the large square room below.
"The King, perhaps." Naruto wondered out loud before jumping down, using a tree vein to slow down his fall. Thankfully, they were surrounded by ground underneath this room in every direction, so he could easily use his Woodbending. But as he landed, a jolt of pain shot through his head. Naruto knew he needed to stop using Woodbending so much.
As the others joined him, they walked deeper into the strange place. It felt weird that someone could live here, almost two hundred meters deep, without talking to people and without sunlight. How could anyone ever live here?
"Toph, is there anything else in this place?" Naruto asked, his voice echoing throughout the place. He wondered if there was a hidden room that led them to another place.
"I don't feel anything. This is as far as it will go. There's no other room," Toph told them as Sokka walked up to a set of couches. There was food left on the table, meat and other kinds of foods. He could see a map of the world nearby; it was quite new. He wondered who would need all this in this place.
Naruto noticed newspapers on a table, but they were old. As he grabbed one, he read the date and furrowed his brow.
17 March, Year 93 AA
The Frog Boy jumped on the side of the wall before using his fingers to climb up until he reached the curtains. A rope was swirled around a ring, and with a hard pull, the curtains were set free, revealing the windows, and a bright light brightened up the entire large room.
"It's not real sunlight! Just a bunch of shining glass." The Frog Boy shouted at them before letting go and landing on his long feet. Despite a fifty-meter fall, he didn't seem harmed.
Suddenly, one of the doors opened, and everyone turned to look at it. The one who opened the door was a man around his forties, wearing a pair of glasses and a green cloak with the Earth Nation symbol stitched on it. His cloak had golden threads on the hem, and he was wearing a golden ring with a green gem on it.
"The Earth King!" Aang gasped at the sight of him. They had seen his face before when the Face Keeper was the one impersonating him, but Naruto had explained that the Face Keeper was good at making himself appear just like the man or woman he was trying to impersonate. Since the Face Keeper was dead, they knew this one was the real one. But they had expected the Earth King to be in a much worse condition, yet he seemed fine.
"Earth King, we have come to get you out of this place." Sokka quickly shouted, running up to him, ready to grab him by the wrist and drag him out, but the man didn't budge. Instead, he cocked a brow.
"What do you mean, get me out of this place?" the king asked, sounding confused. The group was starting to wonder if the King was not okay in the head.
"You are deep underground; you have been here for years. What are you talking about? Did you forget that you are the King?" Sokka shouted at the man, and the man's face turned white.
"...What?!" The King sounded mortified before quickly looking at one place in the wall. Naruto followed his gaze, and it was a calendar, but it was all wrong. The calendar made it seem like it was the year 93, but it was the year 100. Everyone knew that.
"This is not right? I have been here only for a week, " the king said, sounding skeptic. He denied their word, and Naruto wondered how this man didn't know how long he had been here.
"We are not lying, Earth King." Aang said urgently as he stepped forward with a smile. "I'm Aang. I'm the Avatar." To prove it, Aang quickly formed an airball with his right hand while bending the water from a nearby bottle on his other hand.
The King's eyes widened in shock. "...You are still alive! Where have you been for the last decades?" The King demanded, this time sounding accusing.
"We don't have time for twenty questions, your grace. We need to leave now." Naruto demanded, knowing the last thing they needed was for them to stay this deep underground.
"He's right. Your grace, come with us. We will explain everything, but you need to come with us." Katara urged him, and the King reluctantly followed them outside.
After leaving the massive chamber, they were once again in the room where the tunnel was supposed to be; all they needed to do was enter the tunnel, but it was gone.
"Toph, we need a new tunnel," Sokka shouted, looking at the spot where it was supposed to be, but the hole was completely filled with dirt.
"Guys, there's something strange here?" Toph suddenly pointed out, and everyone quickly turned to face her.
"What do you mean, Toph?" Naruto asked as he approached her. He could see that she seemed a little tense.
"I feel people coming, but they are coming from everywhere." The moment those words left her mouth, several parts of the wall opened up, and Dai Li agents jumped inside the room. The group quickly formed a circle, protecting each other's sides, with the king standing in the middle, looking frightened, but Naruto quickly realized they were in a bad situation.
"Guys, these are not just Dai Li agents, they are part of the City's Shield." Naruto informed them, and the group knew they were outnumbered as over fifty enemy earth benders jumped inside the room, with Long Feng and a man they couldn't recognize, but based on his clothes, he was someone with a high rank.
"Who are you?" Aang was the first to ask the man who stood beside Long Feng.
"I'm General Jiguang, the one in charge of the City's Shield, Avatar Aang." The man introduced himself with a booming voice; all the troops around them had yet to make a move. Naruto figured they were waiting for General and Long Feng's orders.
"You are the General!" Aang shouted in disbelief while Sokka aimed his boomerang at him.
"Why are you allying yourself with that snake? Do you have any idea what you all are doing? The world needs your help, but instead of helping the rest of the Earth Kingdom, you are just standing there and doing nothing," Sokka said fearlessly in an accusing voice.
"I don't expect someone as young as you to understand our reasons, but we saw the world for how it is, we are not fools who think we can do anything to change things. This war. If we send our troops out there. All we achieve is losing more lives. This is why we agreed to force everyone inside this city to live this lie." The general replied, and Aang narrowed his gaze, stepping forward.
"Now is different. I'm here. I am the Avatar. I can make a difference in this war; I can change things for the better. Just let us fight. The Day of the Black Sun is coming closer. The Firebenders won't be able to bend during the eclipse. We can use that time to get the upper hand, and win this war." Aang shouted with a hint of hope in his eyes, hoping he could convince them to fight for him without resorting to violence. Why does it always have to be violence?
The General and Long Feng seemed surprised to hear about the Eclipse, which confirmed to them that the two didn't know it would happen. However, all their hopes of cooperation were crushed when Long Feng stepped forward.
"And you know when this Eclipse will happen. That's quite a feat, but you are all still little children in a war. Tell me, how does a ten-minute Eclipse change anything? That's how long it lasts. Eclipses are not something new. But I know that ten minutes is not enough to turn the tides as you like to believe, and even then. I would not have ordered my troops to follow you to this cursed war." Long Feng said the words with venom as if it were the one thing he hated most in his life.
"The people of this city have suffered enough. I won't have another soldier, another life be lost because of this war." Long Feng said with a final voice, his voice echoing throughout the large room.
Aang narrowed his gaze. His fingers firmly gripped the staff, causing the wood to creak. "So you would have your people live a lie." He said the words with disgust; for a moment, his voice sounded like multiple people speaking at once.
"They will LIVE." Long Feng shouted at them for the first time before quickly taking a deep breath, realizing he had lost his control. "You don't understand how much people of this city have suffered—battle after battle. I grew up fighting the Fire Nation. Before each fight, the General would tell us the same thing. 'This will be the last fight. They will never return again, and soon, we will liberate the Earth Kingdom. The Avatar will return soon. I promise you that.' He would tell us whatever came to his mind to motivate us to keep fighting. I had to watch as each of my friends died needlessly. As I grew up. I promised myself that I would be different. I would make sure no lives were lost as long as I was in charge, but I failed. I could not protect anyone. Not even my son." Long Feng's eyes turned a little foggy as he talked; he swallowed deeply, looking right at Aang.
"His death was my fault. But I promised myself that he would be the last one. This is why I have them live this lie. You can call me whatever you want, Avatar Aang. But since that day, there has been no deaths. They are living a lie, but they. Are. Alive. That's what is truly important to me." Long Feng said determinedly, slowly raising his hand to give the order when the General grabbed his hand, stopping him.
"What are you doing?" Long Feng questioned with a hushed tone, but the General ignored him as he looked at the group.
"Avatar Aang, I grew up to respect the Avatar. My mother used to tell me tales how you would appear one day and save all of us. I respect you. For this reason. I'm giving you this one-time deal." The group shared a look, wondering where this was going.
"You have three options. You can live here in Ba Sing Se with your group in the inner circle. I will make sure you are living comfortably, but in doing so, you will never mention the war ever again. I assure you that you won't have to fear anything. You will live here. You will be safe here with your friends." The General started but stopped when Katara glared at him viciously before stepping forward.
"How do you expect us to take this option when you sent Dai Li agents to kill us on the first night here," Katara shouted accusingly, and this made the General look horrified before turning to face Long Feng, who let out a sigh.
The General glared at him, knowing the girl wasn't making this up. "We will talk later about this, Long Feng. Do not think for a moment I will let something like this slide." The General spoke in a hushed tone, warning Long Feng, and he looked away, knowing he shouldn't have done that.
The General turned to face the group once again. "I'm really sorry. I will understand if you don't feel safe here, but you still have option two. You can take your friends Avatar and leave Ba Sing Se. Take your flying bisson with you, and leave but never return. As General Qi Jiguang of Ba Sing Se, I promise that no one will attack you; we will even give you money for your trouble. Or option three, and one I don't want. You fight until you die. Choose wisely." The General drawled, ignoring Long Feng's look.
Aang clenched his teeth in anger, wondering what he should do. A part of him wanted to take Option Two, as Naruto told him. One of their options was to leave Ba Sing Se to its fate and wait until he learned Firebending from Iroh and Zuko, but he could do nothing without a large army. Despite being the Avatar, he would risk his friend's life if he decided to attack the Fire Nation with just the Water Tribes' army. If the Earth Nation Army were with them, the chances of his friends dying would be much lower.
"How will you deal with the comet?" Naruto asked for the first time, stepping forward and squinting his eyes. He breathed heavily but tried to keep himself calm. Everything was blurry to him, and he could no longer see their faces.
"You mean Sozin's comet?" Long Feng questioned with a small chuckle. "Princess Azula and Prince Zuko are in this city. We have already made a plan ready to imprison them. Once they are in my hands. I will send a letter to Firelord Ozai, letting him know that I have his children, and if he wants them to live. He and his army will never even get close to Ba Sing Se, let alone attack it, and failure to do so. I will send the hands of his children to him as a gift." he said with a smile of satisfaction.
"Wait, Zuko is one of us. He is my firebending teacher." Aang quickly said without thinking. He wouldn't allow him to be imprisoned like that.
"I'm afraid this is out of discussion. He is the prince of the Fire Nation, and same goes for Azula, and Firelord Ozai's brother. Iroh." Long Feng stated with a look of rage at the mention of the old firebender.
Not good, Naruto thought when someone decided to be part of this conversation.
"As King of the Earth Nation. I'm ordering you all to stand now. Now." The King shouted for everyone to hear, looking straight at Long Feng and the General, but no one was doing as they were told, and Naruto wondered just what Long Feng would do right now.
"I am your King, I'm ordering you all to stand down." The King shouted once more, but even he realized that no one was listening to him.
"You are right; you are the King," Long Feng said almost mockingly as he raised his hands. Ba Sing Se is under attack. You must go underground, my King. You will be let out once you are safe," he said, sounding concerned before clapping.
What? Naruto was confused, but he watched as the King's body tensed up before relaxing, a hazy look in his eyes.
"I see. Thank you, Long Feng. I will hide underground for the time being."
WHAT?!! Naruto knew this meant the king himself was hypnotized.
"What have you done to the King?" Aang demanded, his eyes glowing white with anger, his voice booming like a bomb inside the room.
"A small price to pay for salvation. The King, Joo Dee. A few prisoners are needed so everyone else can be free." Long Feng stated with a glint in his eyes.
"Then the Deal is Off The Table," Aang shouted with a booming voice, quickly forming an air sphere around them as everyone attacked them, but the rocks broke down before being hurled away like projectiles back at them from the wind speed.
"Aang, can you control yourself?" Katara shouted, but the Avatar did not answer. He jumped in the air before slamming his staff on the ground, causing the air to shoot out like a sound wave everywhere around them.
Many screamed in pain, covering their bleeding ears, but many used earth to cover themselves and now were throwing projectiles and everything at them.
"Naruto, stay close." Toph shouted as she slammed her fist on the ground, making sure the ground around them wouldn't grow spikes from the many earthbenders around them.
"Deep Forest Emergence," Naruto shouted as he slammed his hands on the ground; a spike of pain shot through his head, making him scream in pain as the entire room shook and started breaking apart as long and thick tree veins burst out before expanding everywhere. Their screams echoed in the room, and Naruto screamed more from the pain; it felt like his head was exploding, but he needed to get them all out.
One earth bender launched himself at Naruto with a large spiky boulder, but Aang quickly appeared to protect Naruto before he slammed the soldier against the wall with an air blast. The soldier gasped in pain before going silent, with blood splattered on the wall behind him as he fell down on the floor. He was no longer moving.
Aang gasped in shock; suddenly, his Avatar State faded away instantly.
"...W..WHA...WHAT...WHAT HAVE...HAVE...I DONE?!" Aang shouted, mortified and in horror. His eyes were wide, and tears ran down his cheeks as he fell on his knees, covering his ears.
"Aang, we need to get out of here." Sokka and Katara shouted at his face, Toph being the only one fighting back right now. Jet and his group were trying to keep them from approaching, with Frog Boy grabbing rocks and throwing them with his feet, hitting several earthbenders in the head.
Naruto screamed in pain as he slammed his hands once again. More trees burst out before penetrating the wall, going deeper and deeper, and from outside, the tree burst out of the ground like a flower.
"Look! Naruto formed a tunnel. Let's get out of here!" Sokka quickly shouted as the trees formed a road for them to get out, with Aang almost unresponsive, but Naruto fell to the ground, not moving anymore.
"Naruto! Come On!! Naruto. Get Up!!" Toph shouted at him as she tried to hold back everyone around her, but they were too many. With a slam on the ground, she created a protective barrier before launching a barrage of ground spikes toward them like last time, but her barrage came to a stop from the General and Long Feng.
"Naruto!" Toph quickly ran up to him, shaking him, hoping he would wake up.
Naruto's eyes went wide open suddenly as Jet screamed, 'Frog Boy. NOO!' The blonde slowly sat up, and Toph smiled in relief. However, she frowned when she heard his heart beating faster than ever before.
"Naruto, come on we need.." "TOPH, WHERE ARE YOU?" A gasp escaped her mouth as Naruto screamed out the words with fear; for the first time, he sounded afraid.
"Naruto. I'm right here." Toph shouted, terrified and concerned. She shook his shoulder and got right in front of his face, using her hands to know where his face was.
"I Can't see anything! Everything is going Dark. I can't see. Toph, anyone. Help Me!!" Naruto shouted with a quivering voice, his entire body shaking like a leaf, with his eyes moving around, but never focusing on anything.
Toph was so focused on Naruto, and keeping up the shield that protected them that she couldn't hear someone coming from behind her. "Long Feng, send his regards!!"
Naruto's eyes saw the silver glimpse of the knife through the darkness; the knife was rushing towards Toph's back...
Blood flew in the air as Toph was pushed away; a choked gasp escaped Naruto as his chest exploded in pain, with blood pouring out of his chest, and mouth. He coughed blood, his body; it felt like he had no body to move anymore.
"NARUTO!!" Katara quickly threw several ice spikes right at Jet's back and neck. The blood burst out as he fell to the ground, with Naruto's head hitting the wall, his back leaning against it with the knife stuck in his chest.
"Naruto, wake up. Please!" Toph shouted, but Naruto wasn't responding; he wasn't even breathing anymore, and she could hear his heartbeat slowing down. "KATARA. HELP HIM!!" She screamed as Katara ran up to them, first using her water to try and heal his wound, but nothing was working.
The Spirit Water, she quickly remembered. "Toph, protect us!" She shouted as Toph screamed in rage like never before. The earth itself roared in anger as hundreds of projectiles flew towards the soldiers that were still attacking them.
"Get Out!!" Long Feng shouted at his troops as the projectiles tore apart twenty soldiers; their bodies were scattered around the place.
Katara waterbended the spirit water inside his wound and held him close. "Come On. Please." Katara whispered with a hushed tone, for a moment nothing happened, when he felt air blowing out of his mouth, she sighed in relief with tears running down her face as his eyes opened, but they were glittering RED.
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