She glances over her shoulder at me accusingly before spinning furiously, a new fire in her belly and I’m the target. My words obviously hit a nerve.
/"You’re an idiot … you had me! You couldn’t see what was in front of your face. Why would I listen now? Why would I let you have the power to cut me open again? To hurt me like you did, over and over. Just go away. You don’t deserve me./" She turns away again, and I’m starting to see the pattern. Anytime she loses resolve starts to break, she hides it from me and tries to get her control back. Because maybe I have the same power over her that she holds over me. And this is most definitely a two-way thing, I see that now. She still loves me even while telling me to leave. Isn’t that what Sophs does. When she’s mad at me, desperate for me to reach out and fix things, she tells me to go away. Only in the past I’ve been too mad or impulsive and stormed off and left things hanging. Not this time, never again.