Chereads / Sakura Bachi / Chapter 1 - Cold Days

Sakura Bachi

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Chapter 1 - Cold Days


The journey of the sun is never ending, where the moons and stars always follow behind, until its light burns out.


April 1st was an event that would fundamentally change the life of the Mirua and Ryuzaki household forever. To them, it was the day their world turn upside-down, to everyone else, it was a day like none other. One person was at the certain of it, the cause and the effect, the beginning and the end.

That one individual was in a deep slumber, having the time of his life punching kids left and right. The number of kids surrounding him was the size of a football stadium that would increase every second, as if they're New York city rats, but he refuse to stop. As he kept punching and punching, the smile on his face grew and grew until all you can see are his teeth and tonged.

Even as the number of children increased, and it appeared that there was no end in sight, he never stopped, that is, until a loud ring echo all around. The kids vanished as soon as the ringing rang, and he found himself in a different location every 5 seconds, searching for where it might be.

The ringing was adjacent to that of a alarm clock, but at the time, he had no way of knowing that.

Then, out of nowhere the ringing stopped and he would soon forget about it as he went back to having a dream adventure.

Outside of said dream, a young 12 year old girl click a rigging alarm. She then began to climb a dresser as if she were a spider. As she made her way to the top, she knocked over a few items that belonged on the dresser, such as glasses, hair gel, comb, and many others. Surprisingly, despite all the noise, the young man remained asleep, motionless.

Once both of her legs were completely planted ontop of the dresser, she silently counted to 3 before leaping into the air with all her might. Gravity took over the rest for her as she begin to fall with her legs bent so her heels is touching her butt, and her knee is facing his stomach.

Midway in the air as she was about to give him the one of the most generic light novel wakeup call ever, she shouts at the top of her lungs "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEE UUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!"

"Ugh!" He yelled as the soaring pain went through his entire body, it felt as thought he was being crushed by a building.

When he awoke from his dream, he was in agony as the throbbing pain in the center of his stomach continued to grow with no sign of abating. Looking up to see what it was, he noticed a blur of a small female silhouette with brightly colored hair; he immediately recognized her as his younger sister.

The moment he figured out who it was, he pushed her off of him, and the cause of such is her landing face down on the ground.

"What is your deal onii-san."

"My deal is what the fuck are you doing in my room! Who told you can come in, when my door is shut it means don't come in or at least knock before you do! My god."

"I came here to wake you up because mom wanted to 'check up on you' see if I care what happens to you, humph."

She left the room storming in anger, with a puff of smoke beaming from her head as if she's in a classic 1900s cartoon, though he wasn't able to see it as he wasn't wearing his glasses. He can see things relatively good up close and make out what they are, but it's a different problem when it comes to looking at something from a distance.

He went back to sleep, not carrying for the wide open door as all he could think about was what his sister said. A few seconds later, he understood the gravity of what his sister said.

He jumped up from his bed as quickly as he could, frantically searching for his glasses, unaware that his mother was already climbing the stairs with the fake smile and eyes close to slit she always has on. When he finally found his glasses, he ran to put on his school uniform as fast as he could, but his mother was already outside his door watching him.


The voice was too familiar. He grabbed whatever saliva was in his mouth and swallowed it all down, before he slowly began to look up. What he saw was his mother standing there with a disgust aura around her, as if she's disgusted by the mere presence of her son.

The longer she gave him the "I'm disgusted by you" look, the more his stomach twisted to the point where he wanted to puke.

"What did I tell you about being late to school Keisuke. I told you countless times over and over not to be late for your first day of school, and what did you did, you did exactly that. Care to explain yourself?"

The silence was deafening, as if the sound of a pen drop can be heard from miles away. Keisuke didn't want to say anything as he was afraid of being beaten, and his mother didn't want to say anything because she was waiting for Keisuke response.

After what seemed like an eternity his mother finally spoke to him. "You have five minutes to prepare, but no longer. Understand?"

"Y-yes mam..." Stumbling on his words, he looked down to face the ground so he doesn't have to look her in the eyes

After saying everything she needed to say, she finally left the room, closing the door behind her as she did. As she did so, Keisuke felt to the ground of exhaustion finally able to breathe as though a weight was lifted off his shoulder.

A minute later, Keisuke was finally finished getting ready for school, having put on his school uniform that consist of a plain navy long sleeve button-up cardigan sweater, a white dress shirt, a black tie and a long black pants, while the girls wear black skirts, with a red and white color pattern.

All that was left for him to do to get ready for school, was to fix his messy hair.

After fixing his hair and putting on his glasses and cologne, he was finally ready to leave for school.

As he made his way downstairs, he saw his family eating together without a care in the world, as if Keisuke was non existence.

Keisuke has 2 younger siblings besides a mom, and a dad.

His youngest sibling is his little sister Rein Miura. She's a 12-year-old girl in her first year of middle school, so she's in the phase where she styles her hair and clothes unnaturally. Her school uniform is a female sailor uniform with a white and blue color pattern. She wears her hair in a braided pigtail that rests on her shoulders constantly, and has lime green hair with highlights the color of Sakura trees.

The second oldest brother Nagi Miura, who is the middle child of the family, does not, contrary to popular belief, get left out of family activities; rather, it is Keisuke who does. Nagi and Rein are spoiled beyond belief.

Nagi is 15 years old boy in his third year of middle school, and attends the same school as his younger sister.

Just like everyone else in the Mirua family except for Keisuke, Nagi has black curly hair, a trait inherited from his father who also has black curly hair. He also wears glasses just like Keisuke, but his are more rectangular in shape, whereas Keisuke are circular.

Only his little sister bade him farewell as he left for school, and everyone else treated him like a ghost or a figment of their imagination.




"Freshmen introduction. Representative Ryoto ..." Said a handsome young man who was quite tall for his age.

His hair, which reached his shoulders, was even whiter than his snow-white skin. His hair was unique to put it in a way. It was unruly and rigid, but it appeared cleaner than the tile of a recently renovated house. However, the thing that draws in everyone attentions was his raw jade eyes that looked as if a dragon sleeps within it. If one would to pluck it out, it will be on display for everyone to see as the most beautiful thing in the world.

"I'll keep this short and sweet since I know a few of you would like this day to be over already. This academy, the students, and the teachers, are just a stepping stone for me! You guys are only here to become a cradle for my greatness. Anyways, what I'm getting at is... You're only goal in life is to live in my shadow."

As he concluded his speech, everyone in the gymnasium was shocked by what had occurred.

Seconds later as Ryoto made his way off the stage, whispers filled the room.

Two young girls in particular were whispering about Ryoto behind Keisuke, and his body had to unconsciously listen in on their conversation.

"Isn't that the son of Ryusei Ryuzaki?"

"You don't mean the Ryusei Ryuzaki of M.A.U.?! The Martial Arts Union! It is said that despite being the CEO of a company, he has one of the greatest powers in the world and can make almost any government do his bidding." One of the girl responded in shock, noticeably show I was also shocked by this revelation.

"Right! Not only that. but because of him, martial arts has become the leading sport and trend that everyone follows, with his company earning billions of dollars each month."

"So you mean to tell me that's his son? Ah... How I wish I could be born to a rich family."

Keisuke couldn't help but agree with her final sentence. His life would be complete (better) if he were born into a wealthy family. Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't have been such a coward who couldn't make a single friend his entire life.




The yearly new school year ceremony was finally over, and everyone started to head outside going into their respective homeroom class.

As is the case with most Japanese high schools, the freshman are paired up with an upper classmate who shows them around the school and shows them their homeroom class: cafeteria, clubs, many other places that they would be seeing for the majority of the time at the school, along with the most important part, showing them their homeroom class. After Keisuke lost his upper classmate's assistance during the chaos, he was forced into searching the entire school for his class 1-A by himself.

It took him quite some bit of time, nevertheless he was able to find his homeroom class, sighing in relief as he did.

'A new year, a new life. It won't be like middle school where I was always eating alone, not having a partner during PE, and always having my head down during class. High School is sure to be different. This time, I'll have friends!'

He placed his hand on the handle of the fusuma door before sliding it open.

Not even a second later after opening the door, a bright white light flash into his eyes as a circular object flew right past his head, inches away from hitting him square in the face before it made loud /Thud/ sound as it hit the wall.

"Would you look at that, I almost killed a person!"

When Keisuke saw who it was that said those words, it was Ryoto laughing with a small group of people surrounding him. His mind was filled with many thing, but one thing occupied it at the time, that thing was how he almost died, yet they don't seem care and instead make light of the situation.

'Breathe in. Breathe out.' He tried to relax by doing some simple breathing exercises he've seen on Urtube and TicTak.

Thanks to that, he was able to relax a little. In addition to that, he took a closer look at those who were laughing at him. He saw that Ryoto is sitting on top of a young girl who is on all fours as if she is a chair.

One of the people surrounding Ryoto drew Keisuke attention more than the inhumane thing Ryoto was doing, and it was because of the numerous tattoos and piercings on his body that someone in their first year of high school shouldn't be having.

Aside from the many tattoos and piercing, he also has black hair that is styled in a mullet that Keisuke haven't seen someone worn before; he thought mullets were only worn by actors and actresses in movies and television shows, so he never expected someone to have one.

"Go bring me my toy Akira." Utter Ryoto.

When Keisuke heard him say that in such a proud and arrogant tone, he knew the person he called "Akira" would not get his 'toy', which he assumed was the object that flew right by him as none of them were carrying a toy.

"Of course, your Majesty," Said Akira, right before giving a condensing bow that caused one of the "lackey" surrounding Ryoto to chuckle a little. However, when Akira heard that, his face turned redder than a demon born from hell out pure anger.

The lackey knew what he had done and tried to apologize, but it was far too late. Akira charged at him with full force, tackling him to the ground before punching him furiously, as if he were a rabid dog.

The entire classroom fell silent, as if it hadn't already been. No one dared to say anything for fear of upsetting Akira or Ryoto.

"That's enough Akira. If you keep going, he's going to die. And besides, you still haven't given me my toy." Ryoto spoke softly, as if he was unconcerned about a human life.

He got off from the lackey, covered in his blood before he went to grab the toy for Ryoto.

As Akira came towards Keisuke, his body trembled in fear at the mere sight of Akira.

He abruptly came to a halt before turning his head inhumanly, as if possessed by the devil.

"Huh? Who the hell are you looking at!"

"N-nothing sir." Keisuke said as he bowed as fast as he could making sure his eyes is only looking at Akira shoes.

His body had responded unconsciously before he even realized what was going on, as if it had been hard wired into his body.

He was unsure of what happened next, but all he could think was that Akira was overjoyed as the laughter of a clown was loud enough that the classes next door could hear it, and as the laughter became quieter and quieter as Akira grew further and further away from Keisuke, he suspected that he was finally out of the hock, so he lifted his head back up.

Not wanting to be in the situation any longer, he looked around the classroom and noticed an empty desk in the top left corner of the classroom, right next to the second door.

Before Keisuke could even take a step towards the empty desk, he froze in fear as he felt his body fill with another chill. But the feeling was different this time. It was as if every cell in his body was screaming for him to run or he will die, yet his body would not allow it.

Keisuke wasn't the only one in the classroom feeling this bone-chilling cold, everyone of the student was as well too except for two people who were completely unfazed. The two are Ryoto Ryuzaki and a black-eyed Chinese girl with a boyish build.

The boyish girl has tomoe-shaped eyebrows and a distinctive lavendel hairstyle braided into a single braid, and then forming a semi circle starting from the crown of her haid to the bottom of her head which oddly complemented her muscular physique.

Seconds later a tall man the size of a Abominable Snowman enter the classroom through the, bringing fear with him.

There was a dark and gloomy aura around him. This aura instantly affected anyone who looked at him, making their bodies unable to move and engulfing them in terror. Though one could not see him directly as nearly his entire face were covered by 2 hands interlocking each other. It was impossible to tell whether those hands were real or not.

As he made his way over to the teacher desk and looked at the students in the classroom, It felt as though he was looking right into their soul, as if he knew every single detail about them, even when his eyes are covered up.

After what felt like an eternity, the gloomy man finally started to move as he began to turn around and write something on the chalkboard. The class couldn't help but watch in confusion.

He then places his chalk on his desk before going on to introduce himself.

"My name is Shinigami Kami, and I'll be your homeroom teacher from now on. Also, you ghost skin boy, get off of that student and take a proper seat."

That's when Akira came into the classroom storming in anger.

"No one, and I mean no one talks to Ryoto like that! Got it?"

Somewhere in the school at the exact same time, an teacher cam ne seen scrolling through his computer of students that are intending Toma High School, before stopping at a first year student picture, staring ever so intensely at it.

'I see, so he got in... And in that class no less, he's going to learn faster than the other class that Toma course doesn't follow the normal academic course than any other schools, all thanks to M.A.U backing this school.'

He sighed before continue his line of thought.

'Getting the wrong home room teacher can make one life a living hell...'

Back to Shinigami classroom, he grabbed a one-foot ruler off of his desk and walked towards Akira with a menacing expression.

"What the hell do you want!?"

Akira's tone didn't drop for a second, and his eyes remained fixed on Shinigami, not carrying for the ruler in his hand.

They are now both standing face to face with each other. Shinigami raised the hand that is holding the ruler up in the air, raising it above his head, before striking Akira in the head with all his might.