Chapter 5 - Library

It seemed like he really was a servant based on how he just started walking off after giving Leon a nod of acknowledgement in response to his order. Hopefully he was guiding him and not just heading off after knowing where he was going. After a few minutes of silent walking he finally arrived at a larger set of doors with a sign that read Library.

The older servant did his duty and opened the door for Leon allowing him to enter the library, in which he was immediately approached by another servant. This servant actually didn't show any change in expression when he saw Leon just like the one that was currently holding the door open. Was there some type of similarity between the two? Was he also some type of hidden expert? Maybe not, the librarian didn't have any type of aura or pressure that could be attributed to him that made Leon wary.

"What books would the Young Master like to see?"

Ah, that explained the explicable bravery of the servant. It seemed that he probably didn't know what the Seventh Young Master looked like. It seemed like the original was not someone who would visit the library. He probably shouldn't reveal his identity if he wants to receive any type of decent service.

"Bring me books about the clan and its history."

While he also wanted books about this world and its history it would be best for him to have some sort of starting place. Also with its technology level the Clan probably only has information about whatever country it's in along with the surrounding areas. Books about the Clan probably have information about the local cities and towns. The closer it is to the Clan the more detailed the information will end up being most likely.

He watched the faces of the two as he stated the books he wanted in case they showed signs of alarm or suspicion, but both just took it in stride while the librarian went off to fetch the books. It shouldn't be too strange for someone to want to learn about the clan they belong to, right? As long as he doesn't try to dig into the secrets of the clan it shouldn't bring much attention to him.

After about 10 minutes the servant returned with a small stack of about four books. Leon couldn't be any more thankful at his return as the silence between him and the older gentleman started to feel awkward, at least to him. Was he not much of a talker? Or was Leon's plan working? Yes, he is in a really bad mood so don't talk to him or ask any questions that he might not have the answer to.

"I found four books that should be useful to you. While there are more books about the clan, they are either forbidden or contain more detailed information of what you can find within these books. After you finish these books, if there is some part you wish to learn more upon then please just tell me and I will go fetch the related books. If you have the title of any particular book you want to read then I can also go look in our catalog if we have it."

This was great. This was exactly what Leon had wanted. As long as he has a starting point he can gather information on points that catch his interest and expand his knowledge of this world. In the end he will have created his own web of information. Who knows, with his pursuit of knowledge he could end up becoming one of the most informed people in his Clan.

"The return date for the books is a month's time. Failure to return the books or loss of the books will be handled by the disciplinary hall." Disciplinary Hall? That sounded like a place the original was probably extremely familiar with, and not in the good way. Leon would have to make sure to avoid such a place, they're probably the most familiar with the original's behavior and personality. Then again with the system wanting him to cause problems left and right, he might end up visiting the hall as many times as the original.

He reached for the books, but became confused as the books were replaced with a sheet of paper. He received the paper from the servant and glanced over its content. He nodded in understanding when he saw that it was just a sign-in sheet to verify who took the book, but he ended up blanking the next second. There was nothing wrong with the sheet of paper but rather himself, he still didn't know his own name. After racking his brain for a solution he remembered that he wasn't alone here and looked over his shoulder.

He thought it was ridiculous but it was the only idea he could come up with. So as he held his breath he brought the paper before his quiet companion. He almost took a breath of relief when the servant relieved him of his burden and the sign-in sheet. Leon watched in interest to see if he would finally learn his own name, only to be let down when he saw the servant take out a fancy looking stamp from his pocket. Sadly the stamp on the paper didn't give Leon any insights into his new name, but for the librarian it seemed like a bomb had gone off.

The servant exhibited the expressions that could be found on all the other servants he had met today, except for the stone faced expression of the one who had set the bomb off that blew the librarian's mind. Leon grabbed the books the moment the librarian absentmindedly retrieved the sign-in sheet. He rushed out of the library before the servant could regain his wits. He could hear his own servant shadowing him as he returned to his room. He had a feeling the only reason he could hear his footsteps in the first place was because the old man allowed him to.

After making it back to the familiar door he turned and looked at the dignified face of his servant. Leon was at a loss for a moment as he took in the sight of the servant again. If he didn't know any better he would misunderstand that the servant was the actual noble between the two of them. He thought it over for a second before he addressed the stern looking servant.

"I don't want to be bothered while I'm reading."

It seemed like his message got across as the older man went and stood guard next to the door of his room. Leon took one last look before he entered his room and walked over to the desk he had seen earlier. He placed the stacks of books down and reached towards the window beside the desk and opened the curtains. After a moment's thought he set aside the books and searched the desk and ended up finding a few candles along with a flint.

He put them on the desk out of his way and grabbed the books he had put aside a minute ago and looked at their covers. The cover lacked any type of image and seemed to be some type of leather with only the books title written on them by hand. The world seemed to lack any printing methods, the books were either copied by hand or he might even have the originals before him. It made sense why the librarian seemed so adamant on the books being returned.

The first two books were "The Founding of the Rain Clan" and "The Rise of the Rain Clan" respectively, the two might even be part of a series. While these two seemed to cover the history of the Rain Clan, the third book seemed like it would have information about the present Rain Clan with its name being "The Structure of the Rain Clan". It seemed like the book covered the hierarchy and rules of the Rain Clan. "The Influence of the Rain Clan" was the name of the fourth book, and it contained information about things connected to the Rain Clan. This book should contain information about wherever the Rain Clan was located along with some of the nearby places and maybe even some of their allies and business ventures.

Leon grabbed the first book, "The Founding of the Rain Clan", and spent the next few hours browsing through it. Unfortunately, Leon lacked any tools to take down notes so he had to just memorize any of the important information he came across. From what he read the Founder of the Rain Clan had been a simple traveling merchant who had decided to settle down and bought land in Phoenix Cry City, the city where the Rain Clan currently resides.

From there the Founder opened several shops in the city and married a woman from one of smaller Clans in the City. It seemed as if the Founder had been ambitious from the start as he had refused marriage proposals from some of the larger Clans at the time because he didn't want to marry into their families. With the resources and connections from his wife's family he continued to open more shops while marrying off his children to form marriage alliances with several powers within the city.

It seemed the Founder had not been content with just being a merchant family as he also sent several of his more talented children to the sects within the city. These children later returned to the clan and created the cultivation foundation of the clan. While the current martial techniques and cultivation methods of the clan surpass what the talented ancestors had created, their roots are still visible and allowed the current generation to know that none of this would be possible without that foundation.

The book itself was mostly about the founder creating the early foundation of the clan, but it left out the true foundation of what allowed the Clan to become one of the Major Clans in Phoenix Cry City. It did not reveal why all of the different powers in the city at the time had agreed to the marriage alliances proposed by the Founder. However, even with all of the embellishment Leon could clearly see how much of a business genius the Founder had been.