Chapter 10 - Blaine

Leon refocused his mind onto the matter that held the most importance, the mission given to him by the System was his highest priority. It wouldn't matter what happened to the original if he were to fail in his task and get sent back to his own world. At least he knows when the Heavens' Chosen arrives compared to some hidden danger that might not even be real. Fortunately, Leon now has a group of underlings to help him both scout out information and even act as cannon fodder against the Chosen.

"Boss, Blaine keeps talking shit about us, you need to remind why he was never this brave when you were still around."

"Yeah, so what if he's part of the Bell Clan, your Rain Clan's got them beat."

"Yeah that little prick only acted up once you were gone, normally he'd cower if he even saw your shadow."

"He's even started to take over some of our usual hangout spots."

Leon continued to listen as they complained about that Blaine fellow while also bringing up ways to get back at him. It looked like before he could get them to do anything else he would have to resolve this predicament and relieve them of their anger. Well, he also couldn't lie that he was interested in meeting this Blaine as it was thrown out several times now that he was a member of the Bell Clan. Even if they kept trying to butter him up by saying how his Rain Clan is superior, their influence in the City along with their power was not something that could be denied.

More than likely, Blaine held a status similar to the original if he dared to go against someone with the status of a Young Master of the main branch in the Clan. He also seemed to have a similar personality and reputation to the original too. Huh, you would think they would get along. It seemed that Leon had underestimated the rivalry between the three Major Clans if even the pariahs of two of the Clans, who usually ignored the Clan rules, allowed it to influence their thoughts and actions.

The person who brought him into the private, who he heard the others address as Caleb started to go into more details about the whole matter.

"Normally Blaine wouldn't act up because of the Boss; however, with you gone that bastard knew we couldn't touch him since he has the backing of the Bell Clan. Without your Rain Clan there was nothing we could do to him. Those under him started to disparage us and chased us away from the usual hang out spots until this place was the only one where we could stay."

"Wait, has he not tried to chase you away from this place?"

"Hmm? Nah, in the beginning he kept chasing us away pretty much on a daily basis, but even after staying here for the last 4 days nothing's happened."

"More than likely, he let you hole up here so that he could keep an eye on you."

"What?! Dammit, if he's keeping an eye on this place then wouldn't someone have seen me dragging you in?"

"More than likely, but does it really matter? You said it yourself, he never dared to act up when I was around. Now that I'm back, he'll just go back to his cowardly ways."

Leon also didn't mention that with how he had just been wandering around the city, news of his return had probably spread to everyone and their mother by now.

"I don't know, the last two weeks have probably been way too good for the prick. Plus with how we're on the back foot right now, it might be hard to rally the usual help in dealing with him now."

The conversation was interrupted when the door to the private room was suddenly thrown open with no small amount of force. At first Leon was on guard that Blaine and his lackeys had rushed over after he had received information about Leon's return, but he was only met with the sight of one person, who seemed to be out of breath after running.

"Drew, what's going on man?"

"What's got you so worked up?"

With a frown Caleb approached Drew, who had now caught his breath and seemed ready to talk.

"Is it Blaine?"

"I just came from the Pavilion."

"Why'd you go there, you know that's where Blaine usually hangs out at?"

"Well, you know I really like the food there, so I thought if I went there while it wasn't a popular time I'd be able to just have a quick meal and leave before Blaine gets there."

"Drew, you goddamn foody, I swear you care more for food than your own life. Whatever, continue on. I'm guessing you ran out of luck and Blaine showed up seeing how you ran all the way over here?"

"Well, Blaine did show up, but I guess he didn't recognize me seeing as how he didn't try to do anything to me. So I kinda just kept my head down and tried to finish my meal."

"Holy shit man, when did you get so brave?"

"Haha, that asshole Blaine probably runs into things all the time with how blind he is."

"I bet he starts arguments with bushes thinking someone's ignoring him."

The others started patting Drew on the back and heaped on a load of praises while throwing in some insults about Blaine's capability to see. Drew on his part just tried to play it off as no big deal but everyone could see him trying not to smile.

"Anyways, I also started to eavesdrop on Blaine's group with how loud they were being. At first they were just talking about some random things, but then the conversation shifted and they started talking about the Boss."

About him?

"In the beginning someone started asking Blaine where the Boss had gone. Blaine just said he had no idea, but he seemed kind of nervous. One of the others I guess thought that Blaine was nervous about the Boss's return so he asked if things were really gonna be fine once you came back. The problem was that Blaine had been drinking and was already a little tipsy so he started to chew into the guy and kept yelling how he wasn't scared. Afterwards he started to throw out lies and insults about the boss, at that point I just couldn't stand it so I left and rushed over here."

The room fell silent as everyone's gaze focused upon Leon, it seemed everyone wanted to see how he would react to the provocation from Blaine. Honestly, Leon didn't feel anything about the insults since they weren't actually being directed towards him. Even if they were, he had already gotten used to his coworkers insulting him behind his back in his old life, but it seemed that his authority amongst this bunch might take a hit if he were to take this lying down. He couldn't allow that as he had already made up his mind to include them in his plan to handle the Heaven's Chosen that was on their way.

"Alright, let's go see what this bastard has to say about me now that I'm back, let's watch as he scurries back to whatever hole he came out from."

It was best to handle this as fast as possible both to assure these guys and to also strike before Blaine could come up with any plans once he learned about his return. It was also a good opportunity to see one of the members from a Major Clan besides his own Rain Clan. Blaine also has a character similar to the original so it would be useful for Leon to study him so he can emulate the 'Young Master' character type that the system was so adamant about.

The occupants of the room looked at one another before they stood up, it appeared that everyone was itching to get some payback after having to endure while he had been gone. Leon was ready to lead the group on a crusade to deal with Blaine when a familiar problem reared its ugly head again. Oh shit, he didn't know where Phoenix Cry Pavilion was.

As Leon looked around at everyone he could see how they all expected him to lead them, even those that didn't look too excited to see him earlier. Even if they didn't like him, they hated Blaine more. Leon's mind worked overtime on how to switch himself out as the lead in the charge, no he would also have to come up with what to do when he got there. He went over everything he had heard about Blaine, the situation, and even what Caleb and him had been talking about moments ago.

"Just going to the Pavilion and confronting Blaine isn't enough."

Everyone halted and seemed to be confused about what he had said, some even started to show signs of suspicion. Leon would have to be thorough in his explanation if he were to get events to play out the way he wanted them to.