I awoke to the dull hum of the fluorescent lights overhead, the kind that cast more shadows than light. My eyes adjusted slowly, and I found myself in the familiar coldness of my room—or cell, as I often thought of it. The walls were a stark, clinical white, and the only furniture was a metal-framed bed and a desk bolted to the floor. I was slightly enlightened today. Like I had been for the last couple of weeks. My mind was not as lost as it had been at the beginning. There was no lie that Norman was helping despite his unconventional ways of doing it. He had taken me through a lot in the weeks that I had been semi normal as he liked to call it. I liked to think that in those weeks I was more than normal. I mean there wasn't much that was happening that I did not know about. I was more aware of my surrounding and I was a bit more sure of when I was deluded and when I wasn't.