Chereads / The Necromancer's book of Stories (BL) / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7 - Night's Hold Out (1)

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7 - Night's Hold Out (1)


A man was sitting in the booth of the checkout section next to a halberd. He was muscular and around 6'5 he also had dark skin, and he was bald with amber eyes. He was wearing a gray tank top and black cargo pants with a red and orange cloth around his waist, on his left arm was a tattoo of a werewolf holding a halberd

"Welcome to Koa Forgery, how can I help you today?" The shop owner said.

"Hello, I'd like to look at the spears you have," I said

"Alright please follow me then"

The shop owner then led me to a separate room with different types of pole-arms.

"Here is our pole-arm section, here you'll find our spears." He said as he pointed to the right side of the room.

"Thank you, I'll be sure to ask if I need any help," I said.

"Hahaha, well then I'll be sure to assist you to the best of my ability"

As he was walking off laughing I noticed a cloth in his pocket with a portrait of a snake strangling what seemed to be a dead clown.

'How disturbing'

"My lord, why exactly are you buying a new weapon?" Victor asked with a look of curiosity on his face.

"I was thinking of getting a new weapon, mostly for training," I replied

"But you already have that wooden pole"

"Yes but, I wanted to start more difficult training"

"I see…Then how about this one?" Victor said as he pointed to a spear mounted on the wall in a small corner.

The spear handle was made of Hickory wood and the spearhead was steel. I was surprised it was made of steel since it's so hard to produce. The hilt had some words carved on it, it was in the runic language. At least what I presumed it to be. And strangely enough, I could read it.

'Perhaps it's because Lev's a Half-Elf?'

The carvings said "Briony".

"Briony huh, perhaps it has a magic ability in it" Victor added

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well typically weapons that have a name in the runic language have a special ability or two" Victor explained with an intrigued look on his face.

"Ho, then what ability do you think this one would have?'

"Well in our language it means "To grow" or "To sprout" perhaps it has an ability that allows it to grow certain plants as the owner wishes" Victor pondered

"I see..then I'll get this one." I decided

"Alright if that is what you so wish to do, shall I go ask the cashier to package it?"

"Yes please, but I'd like to look at the sword section to"

I had planned not only to get myself a weapon but Victor a new sword as well.

"Pardon me asking My Lord, but what for?" Victor asked

"That's a secret," I said while smiling and putting a finger up to my mouth.

"Haaaaaa, what shall I do with you, my lord…" He mumbled

Victor and I then asked to owner to package the Spear up for us. While he was doing that I asked where the sword section was, it was in the back with other close combat weapons.

The room had stands for swords in the middle and places that held swords on the walls as well as some smaller rooms on the left and right sides with more expensive swords.

"Shall we start with the room on the left and go from there?" I asked

"If that is what you would prefer to do"

We then checked the room on the left and the center room, but nothing brought any attention to us. So we headed to the room on the right.

"Last room, hopefully, there is something here of interest" I commented

We looked around for a couple of minutes, then I noticed that Victor was staring at a sword on the wall.

"That catch your eye?"

"Mh, you startled me my lord" Victor replied

"Ah, sorry I didn't mean to"

"It's fine but, yes it did actually"

The sword was a Sabre, it had a blueish silver blade. The handle and sheath had a pine pattern on them.

"We can get it for you if you want it," I Said

"No, no please you don't have to get anything for me" Victor stammered

"But I want to, plus the whole reason I wanted to look at swords was to get you one" I admitted

"...Are you sure it's ok?" Victor asked nervously

"Of course! Plus I'd be a bit embarrassed if you rejected my offer."

"Well in that case please do!"

"Alright then, I guess I should get something to sharpen the blades as well" I mumbled

While we were going to check out I noticed some charms to put on your weapons.

"Hey Victor, wanna get matching ones?" I asked while holding two up. The charms were a star and a constellation.

"Charms? well if you want to then I would love to," he said with a smile on his face.

'Damn it why does he have to be handsome'

We then went up to the owner and brought the stuff we were buying.

"HAHA, nice pick you two, y'all got some style" the owner laughed

"Why thank you, by the way, I was wondering something," I asked

"Oh, and what is it?" The Owner asked

"Well, Mr. Koa" I replied

"Oh please, just call me Arnau hahaha" Arnau laughed

"Alright then, Mr. Arnau."


"I noticed that the charms both have a small engraving under them, I was wondering if that was a rune" I questioned

"Why yes it is if you like I'd tell you what they are" Arnau suggested

"Yes, that would be fantastic!"

"Alright just let me check the back for something first," Arnau said

"ok, Vic-"

"My Lord"

As I turned my head Victor was giving me the death stare.

'Oh dear gods, he looks like he's about to kill me

"Y-yes Victor, is there anything wrong?" I hesitantly asked

"Well nothing in particular," He said putting on a smile of instability.


"You aren't perhaps trying to blow all of the money we took with us are you?" He asked coldly with an angry smile on his face.

"N-No why would I?" I asked with a strained smile on my face.

It was at that moment when I remembered something that I had forgotten about.

'Crap that slipped my mind'

Though there wasn't that much information on Lev in the book, there was a small bit of his information on the time that he was spying on the MC. And that was that he was the type of person that blew every penny that he brings with him while shopping. And that he was a very heavy drinker that would break stuff when drunk.

'Damn this guy was trash, why'd I have to Transmigrate into him ahaaaa'

"Well the last time we went out you had blown every single penny and so we had to walk back to the manor because we couldn't call the carriage" Victor continued.

"D-did I now, wow I can't remember" I stammered

"Oh course you don't, after all, you decided to get drunk before then which led you to falling asleep half of the way there AND SO I HAD TO CARRY YOU THE REST OF THE WAY!" Victor said with anger.

'Damn you can feel the spite radiating off of this guy'

"Oh, I did?… I'm sorry?" I said as I scratched the back of my head.


A light bulb suddenly lit in my head.

"But wait a minute, isn't that technically a part of your job?" I commented

"Well I mean yes but still-"

"Ah ah ah, you don't get to lecture me for you having to do your job Mr"

'HA take that, now you don't get to bully me about my alcoholism

There is one distinct trait that both me and the original Lev share. Were both severe alcoholics. And no I don't mean the "I get drunk on purpose type and start breaking shit" I mean the "I drink and don't pay attention I just get lost in the taste" kind of alcoholic. Meaning that even if we know were drinking too much we can't stop simply because we find the alcohol too good to stop drinking it.

I remembered one time when I was on leave from the army for an injury. I was out drinking with some friends that it got so bad I almost got kicked out for drinking too much, but luckily my friends were there to stop me.

"Though that may be my job, my lord…" Victor continued

'Ugh don't tell me he's going to lecture me more

"You still need to take care of yourself, after all, self-love is the most important" Victor lectured.

'As if I'll let you tell me about that!"

"Tch, of course, you'd know that after all how long has it been since your last relationship?" I protested

"I- that's beside the point!" Victor blurted with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Besides the point my ass, if you're gonna lecture me on my habits and how I take care of myself look in the mirror first!" I lectured pointing at his face

'He's lecturing me on self-care, just look at the poor guy!'

"Those bags under your eyes are extremely noticeable! you've been working yourself to the bone, haven't you? Seriously take a break once and a while, go on a vacation or something" I continued.

"Haaa I know, but sometimes I just get so worried about you young master" Victor admitted with a bit of blush on his face

"Hm, worried about me? Why?" I asked

'Why the hell would he be worried about me? Because of my alcoholism?'

"Well, I've noticed that lately, you've been working more. So I've been worried about your health after all you've also been pulling some all-nighters" Victor confessed

'All-nighters? The original Lev must have been working more because of the secession soon, damn they both need to take care of themselves more.'

"Victor, please you don't need to worry about me that much. Take more time into caring for yourself, take breaks if you need to." I said

'Hehehehe this is a good opportunity to build up a relationship'

"But my lord-"

"No buts and if you don't like this then take it as an order got that?" I commanded

"Haa Understood but that also means you need to take breaks as well, after all, we can't have the next Count collapsing from overworking himself," Victor said

"Oh please, you don't have to worry about that. I'll be taking as many breaks as I want, so just relax okay?"


"Alright! Sorry to interrupt, but I have everything you asked for!" Arnau interjected

'My savior!'

"Thank you, oh and about those runes" I replied

"Right, I suppose I should explain now. The rune on the star is "Nilsa", it means "defender" or "champion". I'm sure you can tell by the name that it has an ability related to protection." He explained

"Alright, what ability does it have exactly?" i asked

"HAHAHA…i don't know, that's for you to figure out!"


"But it also depends on your own ability! Anyways as i was saying, The rune on the constellation is "Haizea", It has a wind ability." He said

"Okay, that's all I needed to know then" I replied

"Then I guess I'll ring up your items"


After we had paid for everything we were back out on the street, Victor's new sword at his side mine on my back.

We decided to stay at an inn for the night and finish some other errands tomorrow.

"Victor what exactly are the errands your just now telling me about?" i asked

"Well, Lord Ezra had asked me to give you some papers to give to the Duke." He answered.

"The Duke? Why is he here?" i asked

"haaa young master, did you perhaps forget that our county and their duchy share some land?" Victor asked with concern

"Oh i guess i did"

'The Griffins county and a duchy split land? The novel didn't say anything about this.'

"You really should try to remember things like that more, especially if its about our territory" Victor lectured.

"I guess, but when exactly do we do that?"

"Tomorrow morning, and because the city is closest to the shared land i suggested that we stay overnight."

"Oh, so that's why you told me to pack some clothes. I honestly just thought you were being extra cautious, but alright. Do you perhaps have an inn in mind?" I said.