Chereads / More Days Of Courtship / Chapter 19 - Chapter NINETEEN: Golf Course.

Chapter 19 - Chapter NINETEEN: Golf Course.

It's aroma of flowers, with the pink and the pink and gold decor in the room. The receptionists smiled at her amiably as one of them led her to her room.

She was dressed in a pure white official oxford buttoned shirt perfectly tucked in in a navy blue mini tube skirt and black platform plumps and held her hair up in a high ponytail just like the others and a black wrist watch on her left hand which showed how much time management was a key at the hotel

This showed how strict they followed the rules of the hotel.

The door was opened exposing Yan Xinyi to a new world of relaxation.

Being with other girls,Yan Xinyi had the company of those who saw her as a full human being with all potential, emotions and intellect.

The massages at the beauty salon kept her out of the osteopaths surgery and helped her to remain as a calm.

As a person who would work every day after the honeymoon would require less human contact.

Some went to the pub to relax or out to a club to dance, yet Yan Xinyi preferred beauty treatments as part of socialising and keeping positive mental health.

Yan Xinyi was in a casual knitted mini pink slit dress with a lace corset and a pink mini bag and white platform sneakers with her hair cascading on her back and Hu Le Qi who was wearing a black baseball hat, white t-shirt and black sweat pants with a black baseball jacket, black sneakers and a laptop bag walked through the crowded city to get to the park.

The pavements were so crowded, they could barely breathe with all the people and food vendors around.

Hu Le Qi could smell a mixture of so many things.

The first thing was the people, some there smelled like they had just taken a shower but others smelled like a dead skunk.

They just couldn't stand the smell you had to walk away from that person as fast as possible.

The other smells he could smell was the food from the vendors.

The one I liked the most was the smoked sausage and pulled pork vendor.

Hu Le Qi was in heaven when they stopped there.

It is every man's dream to see sausage sandwiches in front of him along with some freshly pulled pork with sweet, tangy barbeque sauce.

He had ordered the pulled pork, it wasn't too cold but wasn't too hot, it was just right.

The juice rolled off of the sandwich onto the napkin every time he took a huge bite. The tanginess was just sensational it was perfect in every which way.

Yan Xinyi had picked up, a nice cold lemonade on this hot day.

When the lemonade touched her dry lips, they shriveled up from all of the lemon that was in it.

It was a perfect mixture of lemons and sugar water it was just fabulous.

The icy coldness of the lemonade was wonderful because it was steaming outside.

Entering the park, a slight breeze rustled the leaves making them fall to the solid ground one by one.

Flowers were vast, and they concealed the freshly cut green grass. There wrre sun-colored daisies, vivid purple lilies, carrot-tinted hydrangeas, and cotton candy pink hyacinths.

The pathway was nothing more than dirt littered with random rocks.

There was a white picket fence that ran along the trail.

Walking by the minute green and brown tinted pond, the milky white, soft feathered ducks could be heard a block away as they quack and battle for the food being thrown at them.

The elderly couple, dressed in their black silk slacks and crème-colored matching sweaters, watched in amusement as they were the ones causing all the excitement.

Looking around watching the leaves fall off tree after tree flying like butterflies, all different colors.

When they stopped, they immediately died and they were not coming back alive again.

Piled leaves filled up under trees and children ran and jumped on them like they were pillows.

Those trees tripled the height of humans with numerous branches holding hundreds of leaves.

While walking the river flowed and it was such a beautiful view with the sun shining right off of it.

The ducks and little birds chirping and floating through the smooth water puts a joy to my face.

They found a rest area with a bench and by it was a fountain. The ripple of water and the singing that the birds formed made it peaceful to sit there and study the fountain.

Spread out over the vibrant green grass, sat contentedly on checkered covers, families enjoyed a picnic.

It consisted of ham and cheese sandwiches with pickles and bottles of homemade lemonade.

After having finished their satisfying meal, the busy parents took time to chase their mischievous children in a game of catch me.

On the other side of the road, boys lined up in a lengthy queue to take their turn at the zip-line.

A patient supervisor made sure no one was skipping the queue.

Nearby multiple creaking swings were occupied by a bunch of toddlers pushed by their caring parents.

They screamed in delight as they whizzed through the cool spring air.

Slightly older children were playing with soft sand building castles with the aid of colorful plastic tools.

A dark-haired boy wearing round glasses tripped over such a construction, falling face down onto the airy sand swallowing a mouthful of it.

He started crying loudly signaling his talkative mother to come over and comfort him.

A couple of meters away, a confident daughter went flying down the metal slide right into the hands of her gladdened father.

Laughing, he exclaimed: "You're so brave going down such a steep one!"

The scent of blooming flowers wafted throughout the peaceful place.

It originated from a group of tall sturdy trees, under which a family read worn, adored books, leaning against the comforting, uneven surface of the bark.

The chirping of birds pleased the parents chatting away their worries while inattentively watching over the infants playing in the clear luscious liquid of the pond.

Yan Xinyi and Hu Le Qi sat there enjoying the moment of freedom from the limiting factors.

They were eating cheesecakes and lemon meringue pie.

The cheesecakes were rich, dense and creamy with a buttery, not-too-sweet graham cracker crust.

Breakfast for Yan Xinyi was soft pancakes and berries, as warm as they would be in the callow light of dawn, maple syrup threaded upon the top.

It remained by her favourite breakfast, yet it had nothing at all to do with the food.