She glided her forefinger across the screen and cupped the phone on her right ear.
"Hello,mom what is the matter?"
"Did I send you in the Hu mansion to become a boxer? If that was the case we would have taken you to a boxing tournament." Her mother said tauntingly.
"You called me just for this mom?" Yan Xinyi asked feeling that her mother was wasting her precious time.
"No, I called you to roast potatoes." Her mother said angrily.
"Well then sorry to inform you that I do not have a grill." Yan Xinyi said uncaringly.
"But you are a trained fighter, you can roast potatoes with one flick of a finger, can't you?" Her mother asked in a taunting way.
"Stop this, why does everyone blame me when that she goat is the one who started the fight?" Yan Xinyi asked feeling wronged.
"Oh, so who won? Who was the referee? Where was the boxing ring? Was it a fight between animals? Which animal did you stand for?" Her mother scoffed.
"The animal which you bore," Yan Xinyi started."Over your tiny head." She concluded.
Yan Xinyi hanged up the phone because she saw that the conversation with her mother was just useless.
Hu Le Qi's father,Hu Biao Laohu stared at Yan Xinyi confused wondering what type of conversation she was having with her mother.
His face looked pitiful,if Hu Le Qi would speak to him like that.
It would be a waste of his upbringing.
To the outside viewer, the mansion seemed identical to any other in the prestigious neighborhood.
Large curtained windows set in solid concrete walls and burnt red tiles on the roof.
Stone statues guarding the entrance, a freshly trimmed lawn, flowering bushes and moonlight and light from the floodlights outside reflecting off the surface of a pool on a typical warm summer day.
Sitting by the border with her pale legs, sat a young woman staring numbly at the ripples spreading from where her bare feet glided across the lustrous water.
Her red, puffy eyes were framed by the hair on her head and an oversized shirt hanging on her body.
A well-kept gravel path led to automatic double doors.
Inside, rested proudly several brand-new sumptuous vehicles. A desolate bicycle leaned groaning against the mucky wall. A rusty toolbox screeched bearing the weight of various gardening instruments.
A colossal couch occupied the living room along with the most recent TV released.
Zhao Ting Xin Yan was seated on the tar black sectional sofa in their mansion watchimg the news.
She did not think that Yan Xinyi was so daring to even pour water on her using a jug let alone make her expensive clothes,bag and mobile phone wet.
Hu Le Qi on the other side just supported her when he stopped the fight and pushed Zhao Ting Xin Yan to the other side.
Has he forgotten of his past childhood sweetheart - Zhao Ting Xin Yan when he gotten married to Yan Xinyi who was a stranger before his eyes.
After the Hu family had finished eating their dinner,they all laid their sleepy heads down to rest.
As the sun got higher in the sky, the day's activity began.
Plants and trees feasted on the rays of the sun.
Late risers missed the beauty of sunrise.
It was a rare joy to be awake at sunrise.
The melodious chirping of birds could be heard very early in the mornings.
The maidens who worked in the Hu mansion were already up preparing breakfast for the family.
The freshly trimmed lawn, flowering bushes and sunlight and light from the sunshine outside reflected off the surface of the pool like on a typical warm summer day.
There were stone statues guarding the entrance of the Hu mansion.
The sound of water dripping from a statue's mouth at the center of a glistening white fountain pleased the grounds men who were trimming the lawns while chatting away their worries while inattentively watching over the happy birds playing in the clear luscious liquid.
The maid servant pushed the door open and walked in.
The floor in the room was marble, and it did not creak when Yu Yi Ming stepped on it.
The white, fluffy carpet approximately in the middle of the floor made her numb legd warm.
She walked to the right of the bed,where there was a narrow, elongated window, which allowed her to view the sky and neighbor's fence.
On the sill, there was a candelabra lamp which she switched off.
Yan Xinyi was comfortably sleepin on the pink the queen-sized Duchess bed frame bed, with white and pink covers, and white and a light shade of the pink colour for the fleece blanket which her body was wrapped around.
The blanket in particular had a floral design and was heavy.
"Wake up!!!!" One of the maidens shouted at Yan Xinyi, "or you'll get late for the outing."
This started her making her to sit straight on the bed while holding the Eiderdown pillows which had a white and some pink cases.
She helf it up like a soldier armed for war.
Below that window was the a beanbag to the right, and a small white round table to the left of the beanbag was a white shelf with all sorts of books. It was big enough to hold the books,files and papers in an organized fashion.
To the right of the beanbag was the walk in closet, which behind the door contained a rack of sweaters, a suit, scarfs, and belts.
She walked right before the closet on and the left of it, the sat on the beanbag.
She stretched herself and yawned repeatedly before she went and took a bath then got herself ready.
As she was scrolling through her mobile phone she received a phone call from one of her male best friend,Gao Zi Hao.
They had not seen each other since middle school.
"Hello?" She called out from the other side of the phone.
Gao Zi Hao was at a Chinese restaurant having his breakfast and the people's hubbubs,noise from the waitresses and the cars racing on the roads could be clearly heard by Yan Xinyi who was on the other side of the phone.
"Can we meet at FANF LI mall?" He askes her.
"Sure thing," Yan Xinyi replied then hung up.
She asked the driver ti take her to 'FANG LI' mall.
The ride was just as ant other usual ride.
Seeing the beautiful physical features and kids as they walked to school.
She got off at the entrance of the mall and walked alone into the building, and that was okay with her because she enjoyed the peace, and quite.
Others were standing outside the mall chatting on the seats that were reserved for the shoppers.
She walked around as she thought about how she could not wait to meet Gao Zi Hao but she also thought about how when she got to school she knew that every minute that passed was a minute closer to her being back at hom
The mall was pretty flashy with four escalators among which she rode as it glided smoothly with other people to the first floor from the ground floor.
She first stood by the balcony of the first floor where some shoppers were walking by and removed her mobile phone from her pink kelly bag.
She dailed Gao Zi Hao's number and then cupped the phone on her right ear waiting for him to receive.
"Hello,where are you?" She asked.
"Right here!" Gao Zi Hao replied.
Suddenly Yan Xinyi's world went dark,she guessed that Gao Zi Hao was the one who had blocked her eyes with his hands as a surprise.
He was a male model and he was adored by the fairer sex for his Teutonic-gold hair.
It was a casual jumble sometimes but mostly neat and flowing.
His crescent-of-moon eyebrows were thin and narrow.
He carried an imperious nose well and his angular cheekbones carved down towards a flinty jaw.
Unusually for a model, he had a manly, Samson physique.
His mariner-blue eyes were orb round and darted constantly, a-gleam with delight and the vigour of youth. They were soft, Irish eyes and swam with joy. They shone brightly, like two sapphires dipped in milky pools. Everyone commented on his vivacious character and his gentle nature. His voice could be foghorn loud when he was booming out a guffaw but it was normally mellifluous. His gap year clothes always made him appear younger than his years. The swirl of his loamy cologne had them swooning in the aisles.
"Let's go to the amusement arcade," Gao Zi Hao suggested as he pulled Yan Xinyi's hand.
Yan Xinyi got to experience having living those moments as a high school girl.
Riding bikes,playing video games and even other games that she had never tried before.
"The games were fun!" Yan Xinyi exclaimed as she walked with Gao Zi Hao back to the balcony where they had met but this time she was happier and holding a cup of ice cream.
"Wait here,I'll get someone important to introduce to you."Gao Zi Hao said as he left.
He came back holding a young lady's hand.
Yan Xinyi guessed that she was his girlfriend.
"This is Xiang Caomei my girlfriend,Xiang Caomei this is Yan Xinyi my middle school friend." Gao Zi Hao introduced them to each other.
"Nice to meet you." Yan Xinyi relied as she had a firm handshake with the fine young lady.
"Oh,seems like your makeup is soiled." The young lady said in return.
"Sorry I said a wrong word."
Yan Xinyi knew that the girl was just pretentious enough to fool Gao Zi Hao but not her.
"Don't worry the reason for that is because you have a big mouth. It's common with brainless people,don't mind me." Yan Xinyi replied.
"How about I fix your makeup for you." The lady suggested.
"Sorry my makeup is fixed by professionals not any random lady but you can try." Yan Xinyi said as she toom the lady by her hand and walked to the bathroom with her.
"You are Hu Le Qi's wife yet still hang out with other men. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"
"You have such a big mouth what if I inform my husband of it?" Yan Xinyi asked.
Both returned after some minutes and then said goodbye to each other before leaving.