Chereads / Villainous Dimensional Chat Group Alternative / Chapter 114 - No More Hero’s

Chapter 114 - No More Hero’s

I should ask is it more interesting to you guys if I leave it hidden to all of you about what hidden objectives Dio is doing and only finding them out after he does them?

Or should I actually show them before hand since he can see them personally and already knows what to do at the start of a quest.

I can do either or for these but I'm just asking for opinions really, I think it's more interesting when I show you guys why he was doing something random and then giving reason for it at the end of the chapter with him completing a goal of his or him doing something extreme that he doesn't need to do but instead wants to do because that's the type of bastard he is, like last chapter with all the torture he caused.

Food for thought I guess.


After going through the shadows and soon enough to where the chaos was unfolding, with the massive explosion happening, everything the Hero's had planned fell apart, as the police were getting decimated by an army of Nomus while most of the pros were to injured to fight.

Unlike in the original the Hero's never got wind of the Nomu factory, nor the main hideout location of the League thanks to my alterations to the original plan, now well…

"It looks like what the end of the world would look like." I said with a smirk as I looked at everything that was happening, as everyone was running round like headless chickens while the League and Nomus along with my followers wreaked havoc.

Ice was the hidden monster that was ripping through the police force, cutting their bodies apart into nothingness with Cream, while Mange and Mariah were combining their Magnetism to chuck buildings at the giant Mt. Lady to keep her occupied while beating her up all the same while it seems the hero's that were in the building barely got out, Edgeshot, Best Jeanist and Kamui Woods were out cold while an injured Endeavor, Gran Torino and All Might were dealing with the droves of Nomus sent to overwhelm them.

As this chaos was happening I just casually walked past all of this destruction and death all around me as if it was nothing but air itself as I made to the center of it all where the main three were still fighting it out.

The Nomus were annoying, but they weren't doing that much when it came to the hero's as they were fending them off despite their injuries, but they were enough to keep them occupied as I reached the center of the destruction and stood upon a pile of rubble.

*Bubble Bubble Bubble*

Soon enough, behind me a black viscous liquid began to bubble up from the ground before standing almost as tall as me before a certain black helmeted man wearing a suit walked through.

"Well, looks like someone finally showed up, like my handy work?" I say back to him, not minding he looks like his old self again, but that's probably more for surprise factor for his old rival than anything else.

"Yes, I got to say that trick worked marvelously, being ten steps ahead of the hero's only to make them look like fish floundering around on deck." He says with a nod before we both turn to the remaining trio of hero's before he begins to levitate up into the air, where as I decide to be a bit more flashy and just begin to 'climb' up into the air as if it were stairs itself, after all I can overwrite myself to do anything I so desire to myself now.

"All Might, ahh how the mighty have fallen so low, your barely a shadow of your former self, barely holding onto the flame of One for All it seems." All for One began to mock as he looked down upon the struggling All Might from up above while I walked up to stand near him as I took a seat as if I was sitting on the ledge of a building letting my legs dangle down into the air as I looked down at them.

"You continue to surprise me with all these skills of yours." All for One said as he turned to look at me before looking back at All Might, who in a fit of anger, sent all the surrounding Nomu's flying in a whirlwind made from him rapidly spinning.

"ALL FOR ONE! I knew it! Of course you were the one behind all of this! Where is he?! Where is the boy?!" All Might shouted out in anger at the sight of All for One and questioned where Bakugo was at.

"Oh? You mean this?" I say as I summon Bakugo who was wrapped up with shadows holding him in place while his head was covered in darkness making them unable to identify if it's him, but he was still wearing the clothes he had on for the operation so they knew it was him in the hospital gown.

But he was completely still and unresponsive.

And just like in the original the students of UA who are his friends were hiding in the shadows trying to figure out a way to save him, but seeing his battered and broken body broke their hearts.

Like I care, I find their suffering more amusing then anything else, and instead of worrying about others, they should be worried about themselves.

But killing the protagonist isn't my job as I found out in my last quest with Ainz, Villains need to end their worlds hero's themselves, if someone goes around that, they face the wrath of the world, but in turn gain massive rewards as a result.

But as this is AFO world I'll let him have the honors of finishing them off once and for all, besides there are promising kids to make into villains and hero's to turn to our-side with a bit of 'persuasion' after all.

I still have plenty of other things to do in this world before I'm done, though to say that All For One will-

"Whoa there!" I say easily dodging the speeding All Might with AFO punching him back to earth with ease without even needing to use his deforming quirks to make up for the usual strength difference between the two, clearly AFO has gotten stronger.

"Seems I can't even think for a second before a hero in spandex comes to annoy me." After all everything I was thinking about took less than a second for my brain to process, but being me I'm allowed to think in 'dangerous' situations because of my powers.

"Well All for One, looks like they really want him back, I guess we should comply, afterall he's nothing but 'dead' weight right?" I say giving him a subtle hint which he got and just chuckled slightly.

"Haha, of course, how rude of us, of course you can have him back, he has served his purpose." All for One says giving the nod which I just smirk and toss him high up into the air.

All Might put his all into catching and saving the unconscious Bakugo but to everyone time felt like it slowed down as I casually raised my hand and made it into the shape of a dog.

"Shadow Wolves…." I said as the shadows extended and turned into the the heads of a hungry pack of giant wolves.



This day marked the end as there will be…

No More Hero's