Chapter 106 - Sinister Plans

"UA's Hero course is having a Training Camp up in the mountains near Musutafu, it will be both classes 1A and 1B of the Hero Course will be there along with their teachers and the Wild Wild Pussycats will be watching over them." Shigiraki explained to all of us.

"The Cats are gonna be there? Oh that's just rich, Haha!" Muscular laughed out when he heard that.

"Why's that so funny?" Mustard said as he looked over at the big guy.

He then grew a nasty, feral grin on his face as a bit of his bloodlust was let out, "Because I killed some of the family of one of the Pussycats in particular, I wonder how it will feel when they see my face, it will be priceless."

"Focus, we need a game plan since we can't just go in wild and expect to win without thinking this through, USJ is a good example of going in blind that I won't repeat." Shigiraki cut in to shut them up.

"Which teachers are there, and do we know the powers of the kids because that could be an issue since they will fight back for sure." Ice cuts in since they only have basic information that I gave them through the mental link I had established with them instead of putting them through Metamorphosis since they are pure humans for the time being.

"For the Teachers only Eraserhead and Vlad King will be there, Eraserhead will be the big issue of the two, as for the students I'll put up a picture of them and what their powers are, some aren't that big of an issue, but others will be." He says as Kurogiri pulls out a large whiteboard from the back room of the bar before Shigiraki puts up the pictures of each of the students and what their powers are.

"Yaoyorozu? Isn't she the princess of the Yaoyorozu family? Isn't she like part of society's upper elite? Why did she decide to become a hero, that's like painting a huge target on her back." Mange said between puffs of her cigarette.

"Ohh? Then should we kidnap her for ransom then? Probably get a lot of money for her safe return." Twice adds as he rubs his hands together in greed.

"Bad idea, she can make anything using her Quirk, she could make a tracker that will lead the hero's right back to us." I say as I shake my head at the thought of kidnapping her.

"Besides if her family finds out they would probably have no qualms about getting their hands dirty to permanently get rid of whoever took their precious daughter, high society people won't hesitate to hire mercenaries and assassins to save their kids." Mariah quips in as after all she was a mercenary before meeting me.

"But she does need to be dealt with, if she can make anything there's a good chance she could put a tracker on anyone of us, so since we can't kill her it's best we just knock her out cold and keep her out of it for the entire time we are there would be the best option." Mr. Compress does cut in and put it out there.

"Though what's the main goal? Are we going all out and killing the hero's and any students that get in our way? Or are we gonna do something else?" Ice decided to get to the main point.

"Killing or severely injuring them is out there if we can, but the main goal is him." Shigiraki says as he circles the picture of Bakugou with his marker.

"He seems to be the most likely hero that if persuaded correctly could turn to our side, and think about it, if we can convince an up and coming hero that in the public's eyes has a lot of promise as a hero then it would not only ruin UA's reputation but begin to cause cracks in hero society as a whole." He says with a wide grin under the hand covering his face.

"Well that is a good plan, but that is if you look at his personality from a surface level, but he is what you Japanese call it again…." I say stroking my chin before I snap my fingers.

"A Tsundere, one of those rare male tsundere's right?" I lay out their after finding the words I was going to say.

*PFFFFT!* both Toga and Twice who were drinking some soda from the looks of it spit out what they were drinking as they had to hold back the surprise they both felt and keep back their laughter from what I just said.

"Kakahahahahaha! That's funny! A male Tsundere! Oh! Oh that's rich! Oh I can't breathe!" Twice couldn't hold back his laughter as he fell to the ground as he clutched his sides at the thought of it all.

I ignore their laughter and look at the somewhat stunned Shigiraki, "I have an eye for people, and I can see the potential evil in a person after going around the dark side of society for many years, he may spew venomous words, but underneath he has a heart of gold, so the chance of changing him is absolutely nil from what I can tell." I go straight to the point of it.

Well if i overwrite him it's completely possible, but I see no benefit in doing so as with my new powers over fate the 'Hidden' Objectives are no longer hidden before my eyes and I could see them clearly, and him becoming a villain wasn't a part of the quest so no reason I should anyway.

"…. Then what are we supposed to do anyway? That just means this plan is pointless to begin with." He says depressed (**) only to feel my hand on his shoulder surprising him and everyone else as well, even Mariah and Vanilla Ice as they still don't have a full grasp on the worlds powers.

"Actually it's a great plan, and we shouldn't change anything, he will still be our target, but instead of trying to make him one of us he shall be our bait instead." I say as I look down on him.

"…. The bait?" Not only he but most of the league were confused with what I was talking about.

"We make it painfully obvious to his classmates and the other hero's we're after him, they do everything in their power to stop us, they almost do stop us, but at the last second we are still able to drag him away, but here's the kicker as she will be our Ace in the hole." I say as I pull down the picture of Momo and hold it up to them for them to see.

"She can make anything, and since she can make anything like I said before she can make a tracking device, and all she has to do is place it on one of us leading the police and hero's back to us, and with a hostage in our hands there is a good chance they will go all out to get us, but as this is actually a trap for the hero's that they will all willingly fall into." I say with a grin that sent chills down their spines, but this also brought excitement to them as well as this will deal an even more massive blow to this messed up Hero society as a whole.

"I see the merit in this altered plan he has come up for you Shigiraki." A voice comes from the monitor, it being none other than All for One.

"Master…." Shigiraki stood up and approached the monitor that showed only the back view of his masters chair as from what I could tell he was going to leave it as a surprise reveal later on when he finally reveals himself to the world once more with his new young and healthy body.

Hearing their leader call the man in the monitor master they all realized that it was none other than All for One himself, as no one else in the current members had even seen or heard of All for One yet for themselves.

"Heed his advice Shigiraki, he has more than enough experience to guide you when I'm not there, this plan will be perfect to set the trap for the downfall of the Symbol of Peace himself." All for One says which shakes everyone, besides my guys, to the core hearing that.

"I'll do as you say master." He says before the screen turns off and turns to everyone, "Alright so here's the plan…."


I'm only adding this because some reason the website isn't uploading my chapter for some reason

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