Chapter 4 - Chapter 4


My house was never-ending in its beauty as well as its space. A modern stylish three-story condo with twenty rooms, a gym, a cinema, a huge hall for parties, a studio, and my father's bar. I got down through the second staircase ignoring the three bodyguards that were stationed at different exits. However, the one with a more familiar face, Philippe, a Mexican man with black hair, brown skin, and a cute boyish look accosted me.

"You look nice today ma." He complimented me, in awe of me. I would have called him a pervert had I not eyed him too, once or twice before. He looked like he had big-dick energy, and was well in his late twenties or early thirties. Nevertheless, he isn't going to ever find out that I see him in that light because men like him are possessive - they have you once and think they can keep you as theirs. I wanted to be as free as a bird and as untamed as the wind.

"I could say the same for you." I smiled.  What if I'm too horny and he's the only man available? Now in the living room, I looked out through the floor to the ceiling glass door, taking the garden into view. My father, stepmother, and half-sister were the perfect family without me. If I was a good daughter, I would have let them be. I wasn't starving, but I didn't want to have to account for my absence. Also, I skipped lunch a lot, so breakfast was essential. My heels clicked on the tile as I walked out to the garden with a fake smile on my face.

"You are late, Lily."

"I don't remember stopping you from leaving without me, Rose."

"You look gorgeous." Briana praised, taking a fit of her long blonde hair and looping it above her head. Her brown eyes were kind and beautiful, as she was.

"Is there a day I don't?" I said cheekily.

"Someone has to anyway."

"…but Thank you," I added, correcting my impoliteness. She smiled, always not minding me at all.

"Good morning Dad and good morning Mum." My dad who was speaking on the phone let me kiss both cheeks. I went over and kissed my stepmom too before sitting cross-legged in between her and Rose. Rose, a thorn in my flesh with her long black hair, straight face, and her daring gray eyes which was just like my father's. She was always wearing this dark eyeliner which made her gray eyes look deeper than they were. Other than that, her face was free of makeup except for her bushy brows lined, and a bit of blush on her high cheekbones and small nose.

"Nervous about your first day at school girls?" My dad asked when he dropped the call.

"Yes." Rose squealed, "But I'm more excited. I've heard so much about Waterside High. I do miss my former school though." She pouted.

"Then, by all means, return," I said under my breath. She turned to me and was about to speak when my Dad interrupted her.

"You should be happy. It is the best High school in America."

My dad turned to me, "Lily what about you? How do you feel about staying in a new city? Are you adjusting well?"

I shrugged, "Honestly, the only thing that excites me is finishing High school." I lied, I too was excited, but God forbid I admitted to sharing the same feelings with this god-awful girl. My dad and step mum stifled laughter.

Rose snarled at me. "Always a killjoy Lily Albert."

"Your Principal would like to meet the parents of the new students for what he calls, 'Enforcing Discipline from Home'. So expect your dad tomorrow."

"That's no bother." I smiled, even though it was quite strange. My dad signaled the chef to serve us and we ate in mindless chatter. I occupied my thoughts with imageries of finding a hot teacher that could fuck me silly.  The older the man, the better the thrill of having them pursue me and beg at my feet. Nothing is ever forbidden for me. If I desire it, I get it. To me, Desire is to be given into - nothing more, nothing less.


Why in the hell did I concur when my Dad asked to drop us at school in the pretense of being the good father that he never was to me? Is it because no matter what, family means everything to me? No! Or because I couldn't say 'No' to the poor old man? Wrong again. It would be befitting of me to begin my first day with everyone watching me arrive in a Limousine. Silence prevailed during the ride. While my father talked endlessly over the phone, Rose excitedly chatted on hers. I, on the other hand, looked through the windows getting accustomed to the beauty of the city.

Waterside High school was more enthralling than I had envisaged. The driveway and parking area were packed with exotic cars. The number of men in suits outnumbered the number of students; whether or not they were bodyguards or drivers. The four-story building painted in colors of the sea dominated the entirety of the compound. It was breathtaking.

"Take care and be good." My dad said, smiling at us. The driver closed the door just then and in a minute they zoomed away leaving me at the huge water fountain in the middle of the school.

"This is where we go our separate ways, Rose. I don't want people thinking we are related." I said, sensing how tense she had become. Schools like this sure had a way of intimidating someone. Not me.

"Who do you think you are?" Rose scowled, her small nose scrunched in anger.

"The girl you will not be walking into this school premises with," I replied with a soft chuckle.

"Like I wanted to. Bitch, stop overestimating yourself. You are not as important as you think." She scoffed. "The fact that you think yourself better than me when you are just a product of…."

All eyes were suddenly on me as I walked into the hallway. I never doubted for one second that they would. If some other student had been the one writing this, they would have portrayed me as a fallen angel. Rose angrily took off the other way.