Chapter 5 - Chapter 5


"Today is the day we take the stairs."

"GOOD DAY," A girl said, approaching me with so much conviction and grace. I knew immediately that she was the Queen. She looked like a fucking plus-size model. Her eyes were the lightest shade of brown, like her hair. Her pale skin and makeup were flawless.

"My name is Bella." She continued, stopping in front of me. Her voice sounded so soft and sensual. "Don't worry this Bela has a personality." She joked causing the two other girls behind her to laugh. "You are one of the new students, correct? You are a scholar, perhaps?"

"That is so."

"Excellent! I am the Student Union President and I will be showing you around." She said, stretching perfectly manicured nails to me. She either wanted to be my friend or measured me up  as a competition and was abiding by the rule, "Keep your friends close but your enemies, closer."  But what if they become the same? I took her hand, beaming.

"I am Liliana Albert, but call me Lily."

"Meet my friends Irina Montessori and Geum Jan Di." She introduced the blonde and the beautiful Asian probably Japanese.

"I am Korean." The pink-haired girl said, noticing curiosity etch on my face. 

"Hi." Irina cut in with a smile, and damn, she was beautiful, especially when showing off her pretty dimples with those huge blue eyes of hers. They all made the school uniform look more like designers.

"Nice to meet you guys," I answered, dismissing any further meet-and-greet.

"Before anything, we must go to the assembly. Principal Emiliano Antonio says so." She saluted, taking a step in front of me. Her eyes met mine and she smiled sweetly. "Do you have your map with you?"

"Sure, I do," I replied, bringing it out of my bag. "You said the name of the Principal is?"

"Emiliano Antonio," Irina replied, smiling dreamily. Emiliano Antonio. The name liquefied on my lips and it sizzled. That's the thing about Winter. Everything was just so inebriated.

"He practically is a god," Bella said, angling her hand. I put my hand in hers allowing her to lead me through the hallway to the assembly.

"Do I get to see this 'god'?" I asked as we walked further.

"We have to take the stairs here. The assembly is on the second floor." Bella said softly when we reached the end of the hallway. "He never leaves his office neither does he allow entry into it without an invitation." I nodded, subconsciously gathering every information I could about this man.

"Girls don't go after him?" I asked. "I mean I know how sex-craved High school girls could be especially when it came to older men with sex appeal."

Irina stepped beside me, "Of course they do. He has been an obsession, but he has his own addiction."

We reached the top and continued through another passage. "Man is obsessed with his wife," Bella said, a reply to my unspoken question. Her answer made me feel all hyper inside. A man who loves his wife so much. The perfect game for me to play. I cracked up.

"Men don't love their wives. I mean they may do, but it never stops them from wanting other women especially when a such woman is eighteen thus legal, young, beautiful, and innocent."

"Here is where we go in." Bella gestured, even though she didn't have to. Other students made their way in already showing me that.

"You seem to be too curious." Jan Di spoke, in a suspicious tone. I figured that she would be my least favorite of the triad.

"Just getting to know my new school." I drawled.

The hall was buzzing with life. Sounds of heels and boys whistling crammed the air. My uniform was the shortest I'd seen yet. The students either respected the principal or feared him to their bones. I craved to see the man that could spur such self-control in hormone-raging teenagers. As we stepped further into the hall towards the row of seats, all eyes were spellbound by our presence. What was better than one pretty girl? Four pretty girls.  We climbed up a few stairs before taking a seat in between the rows.

"I have to attend to some matters. See you when I see you - which is going to be soon." She smiled, excusing herself. In my line of vision, I could already see two teachers waiting for her.

"Is the principal here?" I inquired.

"Unfortunately for you, no." Jan Di said with a subtle eye roll.

"I wasn't asking you." I snapped.

"Oh, come on, don't be so sensitive." She laughed, letting off a humorless chuckle.

"I'm not. I just think you would look prettier with your mouth shut and nose off my business."

"Alright… Alright, girls." Irina interjected, sticking her head out to look at us. "He doesn't attend the assembly except it's crucial and unavoidable Lily."

"Does he hate teens or what?" I whispered to her, having no interest in the assembly that had begun.

"He has only been here for six to seven months and in the first month I think every girl tried to seduce him." Geum Jan DI stifled a peal of laughter.

Bella returned. Jan Di excused her, moving to the next seat to allow Bella to sit beside me.

"You seem resolved to get every data you can of our dear Principal," Bella said, a mysterious glint in her eyes.

"I find him fascinating." I shrugged. "A man who doesn't want to be lured, so bad that he keeps away, that's…" My voice trailed off having no words to match my thoughts. "What is his wife like?" I inquired.

"She's not as pretty as you imagine," Bella whispered. I sniggered, "Well, I know she isn't ugly."

"She is lovely. However, not for a man like Emiliano." Irina puts in. "Maybe for a middle-aged bald man. She's just the average African woman."

"But he doesn't seem to mind that and there is nothing we can do about it. So can we just pay attention now?" Jan Di whispered sternly.

"Rumors have it that he gave up his family for her," Irina added, again sounding dreamy. "He's perfect."

"Can we stop talking about Mr. Emiliano?" Jan Di cut in rudely.

"What has come over you?" Bella said, with a frown.

"Why do we have to babysit a new student with silly stories." She hissed.

"Stop sucking my dick." I spat, reeling my head around to face her. Our eyes stayed glued until I felt a hand on my thigh urging me to calm down.

"Ignore her," Bella said.

"For a thousand dollars, I would seduce the Principal, and have him in my bed before graduation." I dared, with a cheeky smile.

"Bet." Irina and Jan Di said in unison. I turned to face Jan Di and she had this amused daring smile on her lips. "Let's make it ten thousand." I retaliated with a grin, my green eyes ultimately darkening with the emotions that I felt.

"Ten thousand it is. I would have Emiliano begging at my feet even before summer." I turned to Bella who had a look of disapproval on her face.

"Bet." She finally, agreed.  "Although I do not think this is necessary." Jan Di giggled. "Failure is." She muttered under her breath, but I heard.

"Other people's fate has no reckoning with mine."

"The principal has a few things to say..."  The Deputy, Indiana Jones said, interrupting us. She was an impressive woman in her late fifties and had a sonorous voice which I noticed during my admission proceedings with her as she was in charge. I didn't comprehend the reason before, but with what the girls divulged, I understood it was to allow Emiliano cut as much contact as he could.

Clad in a white pencil skirt and a button-up blue shirt, she looked astounding. For the first time, I paid attention. Less than a minute later, Mr. Emiliano's voice buzzed out of the speakers. It was as deep as the ocean and as tantalizing as my favorite chocolate. It held all the power, gusto, and passion I could think of. Every word he spoke was articulated till the end in such a smooth and flawless manner and with a sexy, Italian accent. He spoke calmly, yet there was a fire in his voice, a latent authority that could make shivers run down the spine of the bravest of men.

Imagine him moaning my name with this voice.  Imagine him begging to taste me with this voice. Imagine him being all mine.

My heartbeat increased and a tingle ran up my spine; excitement. I was tired of being certain of the end of my sexual escapades before they began. I knew he would fall for me though. No man could withstand my allure and I may be the queen of exaggerations but this wasn't one of them.  Do I believe in impossibilities? No, I don't… The only impossibility I believe in is of a man ever resisting me.