Chereads / A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation / Chapter 198 - An Unexpected Turn of Events(5)

Chapter 198 - An Unexpected Turn of Events(5)

Rodeo was resting on a medical bed with his eyes remained dark. The next couple of moments of stillness, his eyes started glowing once again and immediately looked around to find that he was in Miranda's lab. 

"I'm back at the lab?" Rodeo wondered to himself before remembering something, "Wait! Donna and Angie!"

"Easy kid, they're safe."

A voice coming from his side reverberated, Rodeo immediately identified the owner of this voice and turned to see Karl Heisenberg approaching him with his hammer perched over his shoulders. 

"Kid, do you remember anything that happened at House Beneviento?"

"I remember being beaten up by a group of Manglers, and then something inside me just triggered when I saw one trying to attack Angie and Donna... then everything just went into a blur... are they alright?" 

"They're alright. Donna did get her arm stabbed, but she'll be fine." Heisenberg explained, "Now look, we saw you were in a rage stage and the fact you decimated basically every zombie inside Donna's house like a mad man, the rest are a bit concerned you don't lash out on us if that same rage state were to take you again."

"...Where are the others?"

"They're at Castle Dimitrescu, and Donna & Angie are also there, discussing your plan because we need to use it in half an hour."


"Our lycan scouts spotted a... very large horde heading towards the village, no doubt the Forsaken is done waiting and is going to launch a full assault." Karl stated, "We have half an hour until they get here."

"Let's go to the castle then," Rodeo replied as he was rising from his bed, only to be stopped by Heisenberg.

"Kid, are you a hundred percent okay with this, both mentally and physically?"

"I am fine, Karl. I'm not backing down from this fight. If they win, this world is done for, and I won't let them, because I'm not gonna allow evil to win so long as these fists of justice are still on me." Rodeo stated, making the golden plated skulls on his hands glow intensely.

Karl couldn't hold his chuckle, "I expected as much. Come on."

Rodeo nods and they both head for Castle Dimitrescu. 


In the main hall on the second floor of Castle Dimitrescu, Miranda, Moreau, Alcina and her daughters, as well as Donna and Angie were discussing the plan regarding how to approach and deal with the dark aether forces and The Forsaken. 

"They are only coming from one direction, Mother Miranda, but the numbers they have is what concerns me." Alcina stated to Miranda before asking, "What did the Lycans see?" 

"Judging by what the Lycan scouts mentioned, it's big." Miranda explained, "We could get outnumbered, but according to what I discussed with Rodeo regarding the plan, if we strike the Forsaken and take him out, we destroy all dark aether forces along with him as long as Karl's Soldats, the Lycans, and all the villagers keep his army distracted and away from the Megamycete, we might just win."

"We're going to need a few more extra things as well."

A familiar voice coming from behind echoed, and everyone looked in the direction from where the voice came to see Rodeo and Karl approaching them. 

"Rodeo! You're alright?" Donna asked worriedly.

Rodeo nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"...I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to keep you from being beaten up," She said, feeling guilty, "I'm not strong like you." 

"Donna, you saved me from being stabbed, and I thank you for that." Rodeo responded with a reassuring smile, "That was the bravest and strongest thing you ever did and it requires a strong heart to do it as well, so you don't need to be sorry, Donna."

Donna slowly smiles, "Thank you."

"Ahem," Karl interrupts them, "As much as I'd like to see you two talk and fuck, we have a zombie horde approaching us from the north, ready to kill us all."

"Right, the plan." Rodeo snapped out of his trance as he asked, "How much dynamite and mines do we have?"

"What?" Everyone was curious.

"I have an explosive idea."


Hundreds of dark aether zombies were seen running through a forest on the northside fifty meters away from the village and were closing in. Little did they know, they were in for a... surprise. 

"Move. Forward."

The Mangler and the rest of the dark aether forces continue moving as they exited the forest, and were now thirty were only meters away from reaching the village until... one of the zombies stepped on something. 


Curious, the zombie gazed down... only to discover he had stepped on a landmine.



The land mine exploded, killing the zombie as well as the other zombies around him. Soon later, a barrage of explosions began to occur around them since the area in which the horde had walked in is filled with landmines planted on the ground, and one by one they began to be blown to pieces by the mines as the explosions continued without stopping due to the horde foolishly stepping on them, since they are zombies anyway so their lack of awareness is basically zero. 


Wearing his high tech foundation armor, Rodeo was standing on a chimney of a house and watching at the explosions raging on with a pair of binoculars. 

"Oh look, they found the land mines."

For hours they had, Rodeo and everyone else were able to plant the mines, which were not military-grade ones but mines that were capable of killing a human nonetheless. Thanks to them, the horde was only coming closer to the village slowly. 

Looking around him, Rodeo sees himself standing among an army of lycans on the rooftops of every house in the village, armed with a bow and arrow with Urias and his new spiked hammer standing on one of the rooftops of the houses. 

Observing through the binoculars again, Rodeo noticed the explosions had ceased and the horde emerged from the smoke generated by the explosions as they continued heading towards the village. 

Standing in the frontline, Rodeo looks at Urias and yells. 

"Unleash the arrows!"

Urias, who stood amongst the Lycans, let out a thunderous roar that rang throughout the village, signaling them to ready their bow and arrows. They did exactly that, firing a volley of arrows into the air and headed straight to the horde. 

Some of the arrows precisely hit most of the zombies in the head or body, while others simply missed. Due to their strong armor, the Krasny Soldats and some Manglers were able to tank the arrow without issue and continue moving, while the Tempests simply teleported left and right to avoid the arrows.

As they move along and ignoring numerous arrows striking every aspect of their body, believing they had the upper hand, one of the Manglers notices the arrows have lit dynamites attached to them.

"Son. Of. A. Bi-"


All arrows that struck the ground or any zombies exploded instantly, resulting in yet another onslaught of explosions. However, even though it had annihilated over half a hundred of them, the horde continued on its way to the village nonetheless since their numbers, while being dwindled, were still increasing at a dangerous level. 

"Eliminate. All. In. Our. Path."


Realizing more enemy forces are coming, Rodeo, who stood amongst the army of Lycans, immediately jumps off the chimney and lands on the ground, facing the residents of the village.

"Everybody, take battle stations! Use every firearm, explosive, and melee weaponry at your disposal! Today, we will show the enemy whose boss!!"

Everyone yells and raises their weapons, ranging from agricultural tools to hunting rifles with determination in their eyes. If not for Miranda encouraging them, and them worshiping her without question, they would be afraid most of the time.

"Then move it!"

Everyone started headed for the frontlines, while some moving around the village and geared themselves up with weaponry and making their way for the north side to set up battle positions. 

Rodeo could see Karl's Soldat army charging towards the zombie horde and engaging them in combat, while the Lycans continued on firing arrows after arrows and the villagers, at least those who knew how to use firearms, used their hunting rifles to take out the zombies with a headshot, while any other zombie who tried to break into the village would immediately cut down by Urias and his Lycans, some villagers and Karl's Soldats. Thanks to Donna's flowers and keeping the zombies in a hallucination state, they would be took down fairly easily.

That is the first step of the plan.

"Okay, that's face one of the plan, now for face two."

Face two of the plan was, while the dark aether forces were busy engaging in battle, Rodeo and the four lords would use the underground mining tunnels to reach for the cavern where the Forsaken is. Take him out. And Finish the Fight. 

After punching a zombie in his way, Rodeo heads for one of the many Wells in the village since most of the tunnels were at the bottom of those wells, where he sees Miranda standing next to one of them. 

"Where are the others?" Rodeo asked.

Miranda explained, "They're already in the tunnels, Donna and Angie are with the village people, and the Megamycete is being kept guarded by lycans and Karl's soldats."


"...There's no turning back once we head there?" Miranda abruptly asked.


Miranda sighs, "Then let's move, shall we?"

"After you." 

With a nod of her head, Miranda jumps into the Well while Rodeo glances down into the dark abyss below.

"Maximum effort."

As soon as he says that, Rodeo jumps into the well and lands at the bottom, where he sees Miranda walking down one of the tunnels. Rodeo soon followed and caught up with her. 

"Rodeo…" Miranda stated, "If the worst is to happen, then I will use the Megamycete to take the Forsaken out as a last resort, even if it comes with a big risk."

"Got it."

The two soon stopped when they saw Karl, Moreau, Alcina, and her daughters taking out a few zombies and Manglers. After dispatching one last zombie, they noticed Rodeo and Miranda approaching them. 

"These things are everywhere." Karl said as his electro uber backpack could be seen equipping on his back.

"We can see that," Rodeo said, turning to face the dark tunnels ahead of the group, "Now let's head for the cavern, we don't have much time."

They all nodded and started heading for the cavern where the Forsaken resided, taking out zombies along the way.