Chapter 124 - Metal as Hell(5)

As the heavy metal music started again, out of nowhere, an army of Imps, Hell Soldiers and Arachnotrons jumped out of the buildings and as they landed on the ground, they started attacking them all at once.

"Open fire!"

But before they could start firing, a large beast came out of a building, and as it jumped towards them, it slammed the ground with its fists, creating a crimson colored shockwave which threw the group left and right. They quickly got up and saw what it was. 

A Fireborne Baron. 


"They just keep getting bigger and uglier." Green murmured, but it's not enough as the Fireborne Baron word what he said.



"What the hell!? The thing talks!?" Evan exclaimed in utter surprise, he and the rest who know or play both Doom games never expect to see a Doom Demon, beside the Marauder and the Dark Lord to speak English.

Letting out a roar, the Baron and the rest of the hell's forces around him charge at Queen's Requiem and Finn's gang. 

As the Baron jumped towards them ready to slash down with one of his fiery blades, the group immediately moved out of the way and avoid the attack.

Calling out Cerberus, Green mentally ordered his Stand to punch the Baron in the face with immense force, making the demon take a few steps back. 

The Baron shook his head and stared at his Stand angrily, but what made Green seem surprised is that the Baron stared at where his Stand was, as if he was able to see the Stand. 

"A spirit?"

"Wait! You can see it?!" Green yelled out in shock.

"Certain beasts that roam the hell dimension have special eyes that allow them to see spiritual lifeforms and apparitions." The Baron explained before pointing to himself, "One of those beasts being me."

The Baron tried to attack Cerberus with one of his fiery blades but his arm fazed through his Stand like a ghost. 

In retaliation, Green fired multiple rounds from his assault rifle at the Baron, but it barely did anything. So he throws his rifle away, realizing it's no use, and guides Cerberus in attacking the Baron.

The Baron hurriedly jumps on top of the roof of a bus and fires a large fireball from his right hand at Green, but Cerberus quickly deflects it away with his ice sword. The Stand instantly fired an electricity bolt at the Baron, electrocuting him and stunned him for a second, but it's enough for Green to take him down.

However, before Green could approach the Baron, two Prowlers suddenly appeared behind him by using their teleporting ability and one of them instantly slashed his back with their claws, it would've have sliced Green to pieces even in his MTF armor, it still could sliced through him like cleaving through water, but luckily the high-tech armor he wore didn't allow the attack to go any further. 

In response to their attacks, Cerberus grabs both of their heads and freezes them with ice before bashing their frozen heads together, causing their heads to break into a million pieces, killing them. 

After killing the two purplish demons, Green didn't have enough time to react when he got uppercutted by the Baron right in the chest, the power is so strong enough to send him flying in the air and crashes on top of the roof of a car. 

Weakly getting up, Green suddenly spotted the Baron lift up an abandoned military Tank with little effort by pure strength and threw it at Green at a speed which humans would be hard-pressed to see.

But in the next instant, Cerberus appears in front of him, creating a flaming sword, he slices the incoming Tank in half, which the two halves of the Tank fall left and right. 

"This guy is gonna be a nuisance." Green muttered, staring at the Baron in seriousness.

Meanwhile in another battle, Rodeo and Finn had their backs against each other and looked at the four Arachnotrons surrounding them. 


"Yeah I got this."

With a thought, multiple bubbles appear in front of the four Arachnotrons' faces and the oversized cybernetic bugs look at them in confusion. And before they knew, the bubbles burst in front of their eyes, taking away their vision and blinding them. 

With this, Rodeo immediately turned the bullets in the magazine of his assault rifle into bombs and fired at each of them. 


Bringing his right thumb down, the bullets exploded, killing all four Arachnotrons and reducing them to atoms. Once they had killed them, the two charged towards a Prowler and tried to punch it down, but the Prowler teleported and they missed their attack. 

The Prowler was now on top of a car and throwed two fireballs in purplish color. The two quickly duck from the attack, but the Prowler teleports in front of Finn and slashed down with both of its claws but Finn brings his arms in front of himself to defend and the claws scratch his them instead. 

But then, before the Prowler could react, Rodeo grabbed his head and slammed it into the ground before blowing his head up with his bombs, killing it.

"You ok?" Rodeo looked at Finn and asked.

"I'm fine, lad. Just a scratch. I'll get it patched up by Robert's ability later."

In another area, Krieg blows an Imp's head off with armor piercing rounds from his shotgun, but then, a Prowler jumps towards him but quickly elbows it in the face before grabbing it and snaps it 180 degrees. 

After killing the Prowler, Kreig jumps towards an Arachnotron's head and lands on top of it, grabbing the bug's mandibles, he stabs both of the eyes of the Arachnotron with it, killing it. Jumping off the dead Arachnotron, he lands back on the ground and sees Spy shoot an Imp in the head with his revolver and dodges a Hell Soldier's blaster shot, he runs towards it and instantly cuts its right arm off then its head with his sword. 

Pulling the trigger of his sword's hilts, the sword of the blade fires at an Imp and it pierced right through its head, it then ricochets off a lamppost and pierced right through the back of the head of a Hell Soldier, it ricochets off again on a car door and pierced right through the right side of the head of a Prowler, ricochets off a wall and was now heading for Spy but he swiftly caught it and reattached the blade to his swords hilt before heading towards Krieg. 

"Duck you imbecile!"

Following his words, Kreig ducks and a Prowler jumps over Krieg, missing him, the Spy immediately jumps as well towards the Prowler and knees him in the face before slashing down and cuts the Prowler's head in half, killing it in an instant before landing next to Krieg. 

But then, the two video game characters noticed something on top of a small building at the very end of the street, on top of that building was the General and two Archviles. 

"What the hell?" 

On the building where Spy and Kreig spotted, the General stares at the group fighting, he glances at the two Archviles and orders the two.

"Dew it!" 

The two Archviles nodded and started to summon more than a hundred Imps, Hell Soldiers, Arachnotrons and Dread Knights. They manifested in front of Queen's Requiem and Finn's gang and started to attack with their bodies and eyes started to glow crimson red, their attacks became faster and more aggressive. 

Even the Baron who was fighting Green and his Stand was attacking much faster than before. Cerberus was trying his best to deflect and parry the Baron's attacks with his flame sword but sometimes almost failed and nearly got his user get caught by the Baron's attack.

This is the Archvile's ability. To summon more enemies and increase their attack speed and damage. 

"Damn those Archviles! They planned this as well." Rodeo yelled out in annoyance, he looked at Evan and ordered him, "Evan, take care of them!"

Holding a Prowler by the throat, Evan nods and punches a hole through the Prowler's chest and flies towards the two Archviles and the general. 


All of a sudden, few dozens of blood Maykrs flies out of the building to his right and started blasting Evan with their spears, forcing him to not finish his sentence and he started dodging the blaster shots and flying away from the Maykrs who were chasing after him, he also noticed the Maykrs were also being affected by one of the two Archvile's ability since their body were also glowing crimson as well and flying faster that might outsped a Fighter Jet.

"Annoying pieces of shit."

Throwing some knives at the Blood Maykrs with some hitting them in the head and killing them, however, a larger number of them took the hits and continued to fly after him. Evan then makes a call through his helmet radio to Carlos. 

"Carlos I need assistance. Now!"

Hearing the call that came to the radio attached to Carlos' armor, the Bird Stand looks up and fires dozens of icicles like ballistic missiles at the Blood Maykrs, hitting most of the Maykrs, killing them one by one. 

Once that was taken care of, Carlos looked forward and saw at least an army of Imps, Hell Soldiers and Arachnotrons heading towards him. With a loud stomp of the ground with one of his talons, Carlos creates numerous large pillars of ice spikes emerging from the ground and impaled all of the demons, killing them instantly. 

Back to Evan, he noticed the sky's were clear for now and decided to head for the two Archviles and the general, but he saw that they were already gone.


All of a sudden, a laser beam pierced his right shoulder from the back, even his armor couldn't protect him from it as well, feeling the risk of being sniped, he quickly landed on the rooftop of a building and took cover behind an AC unit. 

Holding his right shoulder in pain, Evan yelled, "Where the hell did that shot come from?!"

Taking a peek and looking at one of the buildings. He used the combination of his enhanced eyesight similar to Star Platinum and his high tech helmets to zoom in optics to get a better look at one of the buildings. Then he spots something moving in one of the buildings, just almost ten kilometers from his position.

What he sees is a humanoid figure, covered with exoskeletal plates of an unknown material on some parts of its body, mostly the limbs and the torso area. Its head is also covered with this material and resembles a helmet which covers most of its face except for its mouth. The parts of the body that aren't covered with these plates are black like ash with glowing, magma-like fissures and cracks running through them. 

One of the most striking anatomical features of this humanoid figure is the large black growth that replaces its right hand that emitted crimson energy.

This was a Hell Razer. 


"Not gonna lie. They look kinda cool."

Even though Evan was only ten kilometers away, the Hell Razer still spots him and fires a laser beam from his right hand, Evan reacts and immediately gets back to cover when the laser misses its target. 

As he dodges it, Evan makes a radio call to Rodeo. 

"Rodeo, the two Archviles and the other guy are gone and we have snipers in the area."

[Crap. Hell Razors! They are literally the snipers of the hell dimension. Where are you right now?]

"I'm on the rooftop of a building not far from your location. One of them got me but since it was a laser, the wound cauterized quite quickly. Those Hell Razors have taken good sniping positions. Be careful. I'll try to-"

Cutting his words off, a massive shadow loomed over Evan which he slowly moved his eyes to the side to see the Hell Barge, staring down at him. 


[Son of a-...]

But then, the radio went static. 

"Evan? Evan?!" Rodeo kept repeating Evan's name, but no matter what he does, there is no answer, only static. 

The silence and no response caused Rodeo going into rage mode.


Yelling out his might, Sheer Heart Attack came out of his left hand and moved forward at alarming speed.


With deadly intent flying towards the army of more than a thousand Hell forces all over the street everyone was, the RC vehicle of death began blowing them all up and causing a massive slaughter and genocide since all of them are generating massive heat.

"AMELIA! WHERE IS EVAN?!" Rodeo loudly asked her through the radio angrily while Sheer Heart Attack in the background continued its killing spree.

[I don't know! The last thing his camera helmet showed was the Hell Barge looking at him before his camera went dark. I'm not sure what happened after that.]

As Rodeo was talking to Amelia through the radio, Jacob in the background noticed a Dread Knight, who managed to survive from Sheer Heart Attack's onslaught was heading for Rodeo who was still on the radio call, he quickly ran towards the Dread Knight and punched it in the face hard, sending it flying and crashing into a burned down store.

"Oye Rodeo! Get a grip and get back to fighting!"

Looking at Jacob, Rodeo was about to yell at him back but then, they all heard the sound of engine whirring and hovering noises, the sound was so loud that most of the area was shaking a little bit due to it. 

The team and Finn's gang turn around at the direction of the noise.

At that moment, they spotted five hovering objects of unusual shape appearing from behind a large building. 

These are Immoran Hell Ships - Fighter class 



Back at site-17, everyone who were in the operator room saw on the big screens were in shock and horror at the hovering objects. If the Hell Dimension brings more of these in their world it would be chaos and the thought of how many more or types of these might be there sent shivers down their spines. 

Although SCP-076, or Abel didn't really care, he can die and resurrect from the dead as many times as he wants to, although he was a bit surprised at how menacing the ships looked, but he kept a calm and serious look. .

The rest welllll... this. 

"THEY HAVE SPACESHIPS?! WHY DO THEY HAVE SPACE SHIPS?!" Molly exclaimed in utter disbelief.

"I HAVE NO IDEA!" Iris shouted as well.

"Well, Immoras are taking action." Carson and Simmons both said, already expect since the beginning that they will come as well.

Speaking through the radio, Amelia shouted to Queen's Requiem.

"All of you. Get out there now!"


Back at Vegas, the team and Finn's gang looked at the ships with a mix of shock, surprise and horror. 

"...You got to be fucking kidding me." Jacob stared at the ships dumbfoundedly.

"Maybe they can't see us from this distance." McQueen said in nervousness.


In one of the ships, red armored humanoids were piloting the ship as they were currently doing their task in order to operate the ship.

These are Immoran Troopers.


"Do you have them in our line of sight?" One of the Immoran troopers asked the other who was handling the weapons system.

The Immoran trooper that was handling the weapons system looked at the holographic screen in front of him and could see Queen's Requiem and Finn's gang on the streets. 

"Yeah, I see them."

"Ready the argent blasters. Leave none standing."

The other Immoran Trooper nods and as it presses some buttons on the holographic keyboard in front of him, he finally activates the weapon systems.

"Firing main blasters."


Back with Queen's Requiem and Finn's gang, they suddenly notice the ships start firing at them with their blasters, ready to blast them to smithereens.


Calling Sheer Heart Attack back, everyone from Queen's Requiem and Finn's gang starts to run away from there as the ships keep on firing at them. The Fireborne Baron, who also managed to survive Sheer Heart Attack's slaughter, noticed them running and decided to fall back with the rest of his kind for now, letting the ships take care of them as he was confident of them to take them all out.

One of the blasters from an Immoran Ship shot three large buildings in the area the group were underneath in, once they got shot by the blast, the buildings started to collapse on them. 


At the next moment, all of the buildings collapsed on the ground, hard enough to create a large dust cloud that covered the entire area.

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