Dark Crawlers
Criston Barth has been alive since 1814, famously known as the "Mississippi Vampire" relocates in a small town of Edenton seeking redemption and new beginnings after centuries of brutal wars and nearly being killed.
He meets a nurse, Zaya Johnson and in her Criston for the first time in his vampire life feels something human inside him when he looks at Zaya. He can't stay in the sun for long time for fear he will burn and neither can he visit Zaya in the hospital where it's filled with blood and it drives him crazy.
Even though the love seems too good to be true, Criston's mortal enemy Jackson Forbes a werewolf learns of his whereabouts and he brings with him his pack of wolves.
Unlike in the past when it was just him, Criston has something to lose and this scares him. Would he leave town with Zaya or will he leave Zaya? Or would he face the werewolves and other enemies for the sake of love?
Flip the pages to find out and enjoy...