Chapter 4 - Bonded

Chapter 4


It had been six days since I had gone missing. I wondered how my family was doing? I wondered if Rob had even noticed or cared to. Three days ago, all I wanted was to go away from this unknown place and continue my life where I left it, but now? I don't really know anymore. I see peace here, and so suddenly, these people had been treating me like a princess. I had asked severally, who he was, and why they held me here. Their answers were confusing.

I stepped out of the bathtub. Kendra covered my body with the towel. "when can I go home?" I asked.

"But this is your home." She replied.

I sighed. "You've told me that before, but this isn't my home." I said.

We moved out of the bathroom. The soothing lotion, was applied on my skin. These people were filthy rich. On my bed were flowers, and notes. He gets me them every morning and evening but wouldn't come to see me himself. I picked up a flower and sniffed it. It smelled nice.

"It's a silver rose. One of the best we have in the pack." Kendra said. "Doesn't it smell nice?" she asked.

I couldn't deny that it did. It was like nothing I have smelled before. "A bit. It's good." I said.

She smiled, massaging the oil into my skin as gently as she could. "You are a lucky woman. We never thought that could be possible. He seems to love you so much already." She said.

I opened my closed eyes. "what?!" I asked

"Before you came, he never cared about treating a woman right. He never cared about their feelings, but he sends you flowers everyday, morning and evening. I think you are taught him to believe in love, or at least, have faith in it." Kendra said quite excitedly.

"What are you talking about? Do you think I am happy I am here? I have a life outside this prison wall, wasting everyday the more time I am held hostage here. My father is probably worried sick right now. Why won't he let me go?" I yelled at her.

Kendra kept calm. She proceeded to apply the ointment on my hair and then comb it. "If the Alpha let's you go, will you leave?" She asked.

I wasted no time in answering a yes.

"I'm afraid that might never happen. This is your home here with us. Your own kind." She said.

I stood up, walked to the end of the room, looking down at the city angrily.

"The Alpha will not let you make the same mistake Mariana made years back. You are his, and you must accept it." She said. I folded my hands tight. All this dumb stories were messing up my head. I didn't know what was real here. There was nothing to believe, as it made no sense.

"I care for you Bellamy."

"Oh yeah? You cared so much too that you ordered I be starved for three days without light. You are all crazy, especially that Ian guy." I said. Kendra covered her mouth with both her hands. "What? Do you think I am scared of him? What else could he possibly do to me? I would say it to his face."

"Say what to my face?" he asked.

His voice gave me a shock. My heart throbbed. He walked up to me and gave me a cold stare. "I believe you liked the flowers I brought today. I can smell it in your face. The silver rose. I personally picked that one myself." He said, reaching his hand to my face. His fingers touched my skin. It felt warm and nice. I turned my face away.

"Why are you keeping me here?" I asked looking at him in the eyes just as I was warned never to.

"This is your home. This is your world, your kind." He said.

"You kidnapped me, took me away from my life, the only life I ever knew, and you say this, this is my home? You must be sick in the head." I fired back.

"I am sick in the head. A normal me wouldn't have you raise your voice at him. Perhaps I should return to the normal me." Ian said, and then raised his face giving a striking warning to me. Kendra crossed her lips with a finger, telling me to keep quiet.

I raised my face to his, "What would the normal you do?" I asked without showing any fear.

"what home, what life are you talking about? You ran away from that life, and you will always run away, because it is not your home, not your world, and definitely not your life. You came here yourself because this is where you belong. A girl at your age, crying in the woods at the middle of the night. Who hurt you, who hurt what's mine?" Ian asked reaching his fingers to my face.

"That is non of your business. You don't control my personal life, and, I am not yours." I said

"You are mistaken. I did not kidnap you. You returned on your own. If I hadn't found you, you'd be dead by now. I saved your life. What do you think happens when you hit your head on a sharp tree stump, and bleed out in the middle of the woods, with no medical aids or help? You bleed to death. You are only alive because I put my life-force bead in you." He said.

Kendra nodded confirming Ian's story to be true. I touched the back of my head. I felt no pain, neither was there any form of injury.

"Is this another shit story? How do you even come up with all of this?"

"I am many things but a liar." He said. "But if you want, I can take it out of you, and watch you bleed to death right here, in front of me. It is your choice." Ian said. I could detect no lies in those dazzling strange eyes.

"Let's do that. I just want to get away from you and this godforsaken place." I said, shrugging off every belief that he might be saying the truth. After all, it's absurd.

"Very well." He said. He took steps closer until the warmth of his breath could be felt on my face. "What are you doing?" I asked, uncomfortably, trying to move backwards, but behind me was a wall of glass.

"Taking what's mine." He answered. His grip on me was stronger than any I've ever felt. "Stop, don't." I said as he reached his lips to mine. With my eyes closed tight, I felt his soft moist lips on mine. His lips tasted sweet. I was first consumed by the feeling of this touch. I felt free and at peace. It was easily one of the best kiss of my life, and I shamelessly didn't want it to end. Ever. But it did. This feeling died. My body burnt, heated up that I could feel my blood boil through my veins. It felt like my soul was being drained away from me. I tried pushing Ian away with every strength I could gather, but he held me still. My hot body became cold at once. I fell to the floor, the soul piercing cold made me moan. I wasn't sure what he had done to me, but there was no time to think. Kendra cried as she watched me struggle for my life on the floor.

"Please…" I muttered. That was the last thing I remembered. I thought I was dead.


I woke up scared, breathing as hard as never before. The drops of sweat rolled down my nose and skin. "It's OK, you are OK." Kendra said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I took my bead out of you just as you asked. It seems you still need it after all." The Alpha said. His voice almost put me in another coma. I threw the pillow at him. "You monster. You could have killed me." I said crying.

"I didn't mean for that to happen. You forced me to, remember?"

My face was cleaned.

I wanted to keep you here against your will with the use of force, but I have changed my mind. For now, you need my bead to stay alive, so you must stay close to me. In a hundred days time, you should be fully recovered. If by then you still want to leave, I will let you." Ian said.

A fair deal to me. "What now?" I asked.

"Now? You are bound to me. You have my bead living inside of you. You are a part of me just as much as I am a part of you. You are my mate."
