Chereads / The People's Hero / Character Bio: Glitch

Character Bio: Glitch

Name: Nathan

Surname: Holloway

Alias: Glitch, Retr0

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Current Age: 23





Stun Gun:



Athletic Speed: His speed is that of an Olympic athlete, enabling him to run at speeds of up to 23-26 mph.

Athletic Reflexes: Nathan's reflexes are similar to those of an athlete.

Genius-level Computer Expert: Nathan is an expert in the field of computer science, demonstrating a genius-level aptitude for programming, modifying, and diagnosing almost any computer system: even those unfamiliar to him.

Expert Combatant: Nathan is adept in the use of a wide range of weapons, as well as being adept in urban warfare.

Weapons Specialist: He is well-versed in various weaponry, especially his self-made Thunderball.

Master Hacker: Nathan has shown to have an advanced aptitude for hacking, being able to manipulate cars, cell phones, and basically any machinery within his surroundings. He was even able to hack Robin's impenetrable system.

Expert Acrobat: Nathan is extremely athletic, especially in the areas of parkour and free-running.