Chereads / Dragon Ball: We are... parents? / Chapter 15 - Happiness

Chapter 15 - Happiness

Goku ate as usual, attracting the gaze of most of the diners in that place due to the amount he was consuming. Bulma, on the other hand, had not taken a bite of the plate that was perched before her eyes. Her mind was working in these moments, and therefore, she was not paying attention to anything else.

Bulma was really happy about the fact that she could now share one of her passions with her friend, and with the father of her future daughter. Knowing that she could sing with Goku made her happy. For her, it was the best discovery she had made in recent months, and in her opinion, it was the best they had done together so far. The girl was carried away by her imagination at that moment. Only Kami would know what she was imagining instead of eating.

The sky was disputed between pink and orange tones, marking the beginning of the sunset, which later would give rise to a cloak of night darkness next to shining stars. The sun danced on the contour of the distant horizon that could be clearly seen on that beach.

"Dad, wait for me!" The voice of a girl was present. There were Goku and Bulma, walking hand in hand and strolling along the beach while having ice cream

The girl ran as best as she could until she was next to her parents, and they both took her by the hand, with her being in the middle of the two young people.

"Look Goku, your daughter is able to walk faster and faster, she has inherited it from me," Bulma spoke, puffing up her chest with pride.

"Sure, I guess you're very fast..." Goku mentioned, scratching his cheek with his index finger, ignoring the effect of his words.

"Are you suggesting that I am not?!" Bulma yelled, with a vein of anger on her forehead, as Goku backed away, feeling afraid of the bluehead.

The girl looked at both of them with a smile and gave a soft laugh. Her parents were very rare.

"What are you laughing at, precious?! Do you also think you are faster than your mother? Now you'll see!" Bulma began to chase her daughter along the beach, and the black-haired man observed that act with a smile.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Goku shouted, reaching the two women in his life, but unfortunately, he slipped and his ice cream ended up falling on him.

Mother and daughter stopped their running and saw Goku lying on the sand with an ice cream cone on his head, as he comically cried.

"Ha ha ha!" They both laughed when they saw the scene, while Goku kept crying because of his ice cream.

"My sweet ice cream..." Goku whispered, lowering his shoulders in defeat, even his daughter laughed at him.

End of imagination.

Bulma smiled happily, despite not knowing how she had ended up imagining that scene. She didn't know what the future held, but if she could choose something, she would wish everything would happen as she had imagined.

"Bulma..." Goku called, but apparently her friend wasn't listening. "Bulma... Hey Bulma!"

"Yes?" Bulma looked up, after having been submerged for a few moments in her imagination. "What's wrong Goku?"

"Are you going to finish your meal?" Goku asked with a smile. "You haven't eaten anything yet."

"Oh, I think I'm not too hungry, if you want you can eat it yourself..." Bulma indicated, knowing that deep down, his friend wanted that, although she was quite wrong this time.

"Why? The doctor said you should eat to have a strong and healthy baby," Goku spoke, remembering a time when he accompanied Bulma to a medical consultation a month ago.

'Goku...?' Bulma wondered quite puzzled. Wait, Goku was turning down a meal? Yes, that was what was happening. Goku was REFUSING a meal for the well-being of Bulma and her daughter.

"Yes ... he said that," Bulma didn't know what to say, she had to admit that it had caught her quite off guard, "then ... I think I'll eat."

"Cool!" exclaimed Goku taking up his food. "Hey! I want another ten plates of this please! Also another five of this!" He added, looking at the waiter, who nodded with a bead of sweat.

At the evening, they were both on the ferris wheel at an amusement park. Because Bulma couldn't ride almost any ride, largely due to the baby's health, the two of them had enjoyed some of the games that were in this fun place.

"This is delicious!" Goku exclaimed eating a cotton ball that Bulma bought.

"Right?" Bulma asked smiling, she had taken a much smaller portion than Goku's to avoid going overboard with the sweets.

"Woof! From here you can see the whole city," Goku spoke, seeing several lights from the top.

'Yes, it's a beautiful landscape,' Bulma added with a smile. It was not the first time she had seen it from up there, but doing it with Goku made it special. Really quite special.

Bulma had been thinking about what she really felt for Goku. Sure, they were both best friends and he would be the father of her future daughter, but she felt that there was something deeper between them, something more than an old friendship that had been cultivated over the years. A bond that united them both apart from her future daughter. She was confused in that aspect and until she had nothing clear, she couldn't leave any doubts. She would have to wait longer...

'What are you thinking about?' Goku asked, smiling innocently. Bulma cast her beautiful eyes on him, looking at him.

''Nothing important, just thinking about the future,'' answered Bulma. ''How do you imagine the future, Goku?'' she added curiously.

''The future? The truth is that I hadn't thought much about it,'' Goku replied, scratching the back of his neck while he smiled nervously.

''Sure, I guess in your future there will only be meals and fights,'' Bulma said, sounding bored.

''Well... maybe, but in my future there are also you, my friends... and my daughter,'' Goku added with a strange feeling when saying the word 'daughter.'

Bulma widened her eyes upon hearing him say those words. She felt that something was slowly changing in Goku and she was extremely happy about that. She definitely did not envision a better father for her future daughter.

Later, after the Ferris wheel, they decided to continue trying different games. Now they were in front of a booth to participate in a game.

''So I just have to throw this ball into those bottles and knock them down?'' Goku asked when he heard the prompts of that game.

"Yes, that's the way it is, boy," the person in charge of the booth spoke.

"Don't push too hard, Goku," Bulma advised her friend, knowing how strong he was. Goku nodded and, taking the ball with his left hand, directed it towards the bottles, knocking them down on the first try.

"Wow! You're clever enough to do it on the first try, congratulations," said the man, smiling. "You can now choose your prize."

"That!" shouted Bulma, pointing to a stuffed rabbit. "That would be fine, right, Goku?"

"Sure, I don't see any problem," Goku spoke, scratching the back of his neck. The salesman nodded, taking the stuffed animal and handing it to Bulma.

"Thank you! Thank you for everything... Goku," Bulma said, hugging the soft stuffed animal.

Hours later, they were at the entrance of Capsule Corp, having already had a long and fun day.

"Well, I better go to rest. Tomorrow I must continue training," Goku said between yawns.

"Of course, thank you for today, Goku. I really enjoyed being with you," the blue-haired girl mentioned, smiling, while she held her stuffed rabbit in one hand. Goku smiled upon hearing her.

"I also enjoyed it, Bulma. It has been a fun day," added Goku, smiling. "COME, FLYING CLOUD!" The jet boy yelled. Instantly, a yellowish cloud came to the place that responded to the name of Kinto'un. Goku jumped on it but did not take off immediately. Before he left, he was going to say goodbye.

"Have a rest, Bulma. See you tomorrow," the black-haired man spoke with a smile.

"See you tomorrow, Goku," said the girl with blue strands, smiling meekly.

"Goodnight, Bulma..." the boy said goodbye to his best friend.

"DON'T START AGAIN!" shouted Bulma with an angry expression. Goku's cloud finally took off, losing itself in the dark.

'Always making me scream, you will never change, Goku,' Bulma thought, looking up at the stars.