Chapter 27 - 27

"Well, I think there are no more dissenters now?" I looked around the whole environment.

After Chelsea was brought in, she, without concealment, laid out everything as it was. As soon as the truth flew from the lips of the vampiress, Marcus closed his eyes in disbelief, so that after a couple of seconds a couple of lonely poisonous tears rolled down his face, leaving a trace on his pale and sorrowful face. You don't get used to this and losing loved ones is always very painful, so I will never allow it.

"But who are you anyway?" Sulpicia asked me in shock from the revealed truth.

"I ... call me a Wanderer, I'm a traveler" I briefly introduced myself, because why would I say my name if I'm not at all eager to ever come back here.

"Um ..." the vampiress somehow stretched out, as if pondering something.

"Therefore, live amicably with all the vampires on the planet, otherwise I will have to visit this Earth again" I smiled "And, you know, it's not very pleasant for me to leave my own house every time, so don't be naughty!" I waved my hand cheerfully in farewell, simply disappearing from this world.

I decided to find out about the "children of the Moon" in my world, because the information received here could be illiquid. And it's time to go home and relax with your girls, maybe go on vacation? A good idea, but before that you will need to sort out some problems, and then you can relax.

This time I decided not to be perverted and, having moderated my ardor, I tried to feel the thread of connection that was created in my world. And I managed to see her! But what I saw shocked me, if earlier the thread was thin, like some ordinary rope, now it resembled a whole bunch of rope, now I will definitely get where I need to go. Tuning in to the thread source…

And now I again felt a pleasant darkness relaxing me, it feels like she is glad to see us, although I don't think, most likely it just seems to me. The body seemed to float, and an unearthly bliss came to the whole body, every cell of my body went through some kind of massage, and then let go, gathering into the previous structure. It seems to me that I need to do research and figure out what this space is like, which I get into while I am between worlds.


"Home, sweet home ..." Irina said with a faint smile, looking after her sisters, who quite briskly overtook her, and almost came out of the thicket of the forest and entering the territory that was around the house.

Many happy memories are associated with this place, not only for her, but also for her sisters. Now she understood the true meaning of this place, which will always be a joy to return to no matter what.

Their chosen one brought something intangible and special to this house. Alex himself hardly understood and realized this, but she was well aware of how her sisters flourished at the sight of him, and she also had something to hide.

A lot has changed with the arrival of Alex in their lives, which was only worth getting to know their boyfriend's mother. Despite many years of experience, the vampiresses were very fearful and anxious about such a fateful meeting.

But it was in vain, the acquaintance turned out to be more or less good. Most likely due to the presence of Alex, who tried in every way to smooth out the corners, which he did quite simply, yet Emma loved her son very much and treasured him no less.

Irina would also like to have a son with Alex. A fleeting sadness and longing rolled over the girl, I remind you that this will never come true. How much Carlisle did not look for a solution, but he could not find anything.

It was hard to accept such a harsh truth that she would never be able to have a child with her loved one, to some extent, it is worth admitting that Irina was jealous of Emma. Who managed to give birth to such a wonderful son and raise him.

The longing for dreams that will never come true has passed, and concern for Alex himself has come. Although there was a connection between them, in which it was clearly clear that everything was fine with him, but this did not diminish her concern about him at all. After all, she does not know where he disappeared at all, the girl knew for sure that he was not on the planet. As if he were, it was not difficult for her to find him.

To find not only her, but the whole Denali family, with whom he was so closely connected. The vampiress always considered Alex's ability strange, it was unlike anything she had seen before. It was as if God himself had given him this feature, but she also understood how important strength is in the vampire world, if you are weak and do not have the protection of the Volturi clan, then some groups of renegades can track down and attack you.

Therefore, the cult of power is well promoted here, in which the Volturi clan and their hangers-on stand above everyone. Therefore, the ability with which Alex woke up as a vampire was so important, but because of it, the Volturi wanted to take the girl's lover to themselves.

Although such renegades were closely watched, because the clans do not need them to rebel and raise a whole uprising. This could threaten to reveal the full truth about the existence of vampires in the world, which would cause too much of a stir. And perhaps a full-scale war will begin between vampires and humans, which the Quileutes will most likely join. And of course no one wanted to allow this, so there was a shaky peace between vampires and Quileute werewolves in the world, and for this there were laws created by the Volturi clan.

As soon as Irina remembered about the Quilts, she involuntarily winced. To tell the truth, she didn't like these smelly, in her opinion, dogs. Their smell, that's what, vampires could remember well, it was too pungent.

From unpleasant and heavy thoughts, the vampiress was brought back to reality by a palm that fell on her shoulder. The girl turned around and saw that the pale palm belonged to Emma, the mother of Alex, her beloved.

"Is something wrong?" Emma said questioningly, although a half–smile shone on her face, but she could not remove that concern and concern for her friend and her son's girlfriend, with whom she asked the vampiress.

"I... I miss him, I miss him" she said weakly, looking into Emma's perfect face and sighing heavily. Although it was absolutely not necessary to breathe, it was a habit developed in the distant past, when they often lived in places where there was more congestion of people.

"Don't worry, he will come back, I feel it ..." the vampiress smiled radiantly, quite recently some strange feeling or confidence settled in her that very soon her dear son will return to her, to all of them.

"Yes, you're right ..." Irina breathed out with relief, I don't understand why, but she believed all those words that Emma said with all her heart.

"And now let's go, your sisters have probably already arrived at the house" said Emma, going ahead, but so deliberately to let Irina catch up with her.

"Hee-hee most likely, they are always in a hurry somewhere" the vampiress laughed, but catching up with the girl, turned her head to her "And yes, our sisters. The words burst from her lips, and she began to pick up speed. Emma, with a wide grin, went right after her".