Chapter 30 - 30

"Volturi!..As soon as you dared to do this, everyone involved will greatly regret it!" thoughts like rolling lightning overwhelmed and captured Alex's consciousness. His body was rapidly, like a stone, falling down, but the expected "boom!" it didn't happen.

He landed gently on the ground, trying for the most part to extinguish the force of the blow, and his desire alone was enough to fulfill this. But now he didn't think about it at all, at the moment Alex was only concerned about the state of his family. Irina was resting in his arms, but after examining her and realizing that there were no serious injuries, he disappeared for a few seconds, during which time Alex put the vampiress on their bed and quickly went to help the others.

"Hey, firefly, it's time for you to see white again" I say, as a small movement appeared in the breast pocket.

A second was enough for the firefly to completely get out. Flying out of the pocket, he flew around me several times on the axis, and then stopped right in front of me, in front of my eyes.

It seemed that nothing happened for a whole second, when suddenly the firefly flashed, and a black, saturated fog began to thin out of its tiny body. The fog encircled the body of this strange and unusual insect more and more, until there was so much fog that it began to take the shape of a humanoid creature.

"Destroy objects in dark robes!" Alex gave the order as clearly as possible, he wanted to see how the demonic warrior They subordinate to him would manifest himself.

Upon hearing his master's order, the demon's eyes once flashed brightly with a golden-green glow, which was just like the light of fireflies, as if showing that the order had been confirmed.

A moment and darkness begins to swirl out of the chest, throwing out tangles of dark fog, until finally, with one hand, They break through their chest in the place where the darkness is swirling, and as if they have hooked something inside themselves, they begin to pull it out. A moment later, a sword lies comfortably in the demon's right hand, without saying anything else, the demonic rushes straight into the midst of the battle.

"Well, it's time for me to start too, I'm not going to watch Aro's scum trying to destroy my family" an evil grin distorted his youthful face, and his eyes lit up with a bloody light again, today they cannot escape the reckoning.

"Rrraa!" involuntarily, a furious growl flew out of the transformed mouth, which everyone was immediately distracted by, it seemed to touch the thin strings of the soul itself. This time Alex changed into the form of a big black wolf. Because of his peculiarity from the very beginning, he had absolutely no need for a full moon. He could use all his abilities just like that, at the peak of his powers.

Since he was in wolf form a few times, which can be counted on the fingers of one hand, the transformation itself brought him discomfort, the bones in the body bent in every possible way and changed dramatically changing their shape and size.


"Raor!!!" when my first roar distracted everyone from business, though not for a long time, but it helped to buy precious time for my family, just enough time for them to get to the demon and start a fight with the Volturi.

Therefore, even when they saw me turned into a wolf, they could not express proper surprise, because they had already been overtaken by a demonic warrior. Taking advantage of some surprise effect, he deftly, with one swing of the blade, cut off the hand of his first victim, and then, because of the hitch that occurred, he also cut off his head with a gentle movement of his hands, standing in a stance incomprehensible to me with a certain grace.

It's time for me to show myself. I take off with such force that my hind legs dig their claws into the ground, leaving traces of the sharpest claws on it, and then I make a big jump, in which I disappear for a moment from everyone's eyes.

With a glance in advance, I have already determined the place where I will get, right in the enemy's forehead. A fleeting moment later, and I also appear in a jump over the head of one of the Aro vampires, as I managed to notice earlier, they have some kind of power abilities, but since the girls are still on their feet, it means they don't represent anything particularly significant.

In a way, I'm even glad that Aro underestimated the strength of our Denali family so much, because if he had sent someone from the main vanguard, in other words, someone from his retinue, then my girls and mother would have had to sweat a lot until I came.

But everything turned out the way it turned out. Now there really is nothing stopping me from getting rid of Aro, but this time I will act much more prudently than the way I behaved last time.

Flying over the vampire's head, I slightly recovered in flight, and due to the fact that the speed when jumping was decent, I knock the vampire to the ground with all my strength, knocking him down with my hind legs.

"Khek!" a strangled moan escapes from that when my claws, despite the skin, which is much stronger than a human, pierce into the chest and pierce it, leaving a number of small holes on that. Yes, it will take him a while to heal, although he is not even in danger of that.

Without thinking about anything else, without any embarrassment and pangs of conscience, I twist and bite into the vampire's neck, sharp teeth without any problems sink into such unpleasant flesh, as if some glass or something like it got into my mouth.

But even because of the unpleasantness of the current situation, I do not slow down my pressure, but only strengthen it, in an attempt to finish this business faster. For a second, my blood-red wolf eyes meet his, hopelessness and fear from what is happening are splashing in his eyes. Once a great vampire from the Volturi clan, which in itself should look promising and prestigious, is now just a pathetic sight. His ardor has completely dried up, and he himself has lost the strength to fight, so without unnecessary scraping, I end his torment by tearing the vampire's head from the body with my jaw.

I feel in my body how the already slightly accumulated magical energy is still splashing, it should be enough for all of them. With my desire, I set fire to his corpse, thereby again attracting everyone's attention to myself, but this is to some extent even beneficial.

Now that there was only one vampire left, who had been fighting with Them until the flame gave his comrade, but after such a trick I turned, he made a strategically important decision for himself – to escape. It's good that I managed to put a mark on him, thanks to which I can find him, about the same as I put on Mikaelson.

I'm in no hurry, however, like my demonic warrior, so before I give chase, I inspect the rest of the trash from the Volturi clan, none of them should leave here alive today. After looking for those with my eyes, I just freeze for a few seconds to concentrate on several targets at once and, just like last time, I set fire to their bodies.

Immediately, from different sides, various groans and screams are heard all over the neighborhood, who are smarter trying to knock down the flame, but if it were ordinary, they might have succeeded, and so, no one will escape my punishing hand.

"Alex... is it really you?" at such a close distance, vampires could track each other by communication, if there was one, of course. There was so much hidden hope in my mother's voice that I couldn't restrain myself, as soon as I saw the faces of these three, something inside stirred, I didn't even notice how the wolf's appearance fell off, and I was already standing in front of them like a man.

"Hi Mom, Kate, Tanya ..." I looked at each of them "I told you I'd be back." I smiled weakly. Although the disappearance did not lie on me, but I still felt guilty before them.

"Alex..." Tanya wanted to say something, but before she could add another word, I just grabbed all three of them into my bear hugs.

"How did I miss ..." I pressed them to me even more, and my face got into the hair of Tanya, who was standing in the center. They were silent for another ten seconds, most likely stunned by my appearance, or by how I became a werewolf, or maybe all together.

"Alex, your heart... how are you..." Kate was the first to wake up, oddly enough.

"Everything later, I'll tell you everything a little later, and now, let's go back to the house" gently ran her left hand through her hair. How glad I am to finally be back!