Chapter 8 - 8

Climbing up from the tunnel by elevator, I arrived at the carpet of the royal family – Volturi. I found myself in a spacious room, which was all paved with a circle of white stone. There were several people in it now, that is, vampires.

Behind a piece of furniture, which seemed to be a table (it was difficult to recognize it, since I had not seen such strangely made tables yet). The four vampires were seated. All of them, like the others, were dressed in a black robe with flashes of red, but the clothes of the four were somewhat different in small details from those in which ordinary vampires were dressed

- So this is the same Alex...? - Aro spoke without any interest on his face, his appearance was quite bright, so it would be difficult to forget this.

He looked like a slightly thin man, with jet-black hair and a very pale skin color. It seems that I have never seen anyone in this world paler than him.

- Yes, it is. – looking into his dark red eyes, I said with a frown. I spent a long time on the way thinking about how I would behave in their presence, and after thinking carefully, I made a decision: to behave firmly and confidently, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

- Oh, I see. – he nodded to something and spoke again. – You can call me Aro – I am the founder of the Volturi vampire clan, and this is my wife Sulpicia. - nodding once more, he pointed his refined hand at a woman with dark, long curly hair and powdered skin.

In a previous life, for such a type was called "milf". Even from this distance, between us, I could get a good look at the floors and the curves of her graceful body just beckoned me on some subconscious level. And it looks like the woman noticed my gaze, but at that moment I turned my head back to Aro while he was still talking.

- Let me introduce the others – these are Marcus and Caius, who are the co-founders of the Volturi clan and my close friends. – I looked at them too, after which I had to be surprised. Damn, I hope if I live the same length of time as them, I'll never become so pale. They are really like death. Br-R.

- Eleazar told me something really interesting and entertaining about you, so if it doesn't bother you, then show us your special talent. – he said in a relaxed manner, and a bit of interest in what was happening flashed in his blood-red eyes. That's just, are these orders already gone...?

- Well, it won't bother me... . I answered vaguely with a smile at him and disappeared from my seat. Well, let's play.

- Your skin is so delicate... do you put something on it? I grinned provocatively, asking Sulpicia, who was currently massaging her shoulders.

- Heh heh…Excellent! Aro exclaimed without getting up. He didn't seem to care at all what I was doing with his wife. Or maybe he just doesn't feel threatened by me, if so, then it's even better. There will be more room for maneuver.

- That's enough... and thank you. – Sulpicia pushed my skillful hands away from her with a satisfied expression on her face.

- And it's true, I overdid something a little, I'm sorry, lady. I said with an apologetic smile, and then teleported in space to the place where I was originally.

- Your strength is truly unique, young man. – said Sulpicia, apparently making a compliment to me in this way, or else I was thinking about something wrong…

- I agree, I haven't seen such a powerful and diverse ability for a very long time. Marcus agreed with her.

- That's right. – Kaius also inserted his five kopecks, agreeing with them.

- thanks. – I conceded to them, accepting the statements from their side.

- Well, then. Congratulations Alex, on joining the largest vampire clan of you. – heh-heh, and Aro is good at talking, he presented it in such a tone as if I was imposing myself on them here.

- Still agree with me... – he turned to the three vampires and not hearing a drop of objection from them, proclaimed:

- Welcome to the family, Alex! Aro smiled warmly. Hell, if I didn't know how he behaved according to the alleged plot, I would definitely believe it. And so, it's better to be safe.

- Thank you. I said in the same tone as him.

- All right, go ahead. Eleazar will take you to your room. – he waved his hand, indicating with gestures "let's go away."

That's how I met the founders of the Volturi vampire clan. Coming out of the main room in this huge and completely incomprehensible building for me.

After Eleazar helpfully escorted me to my "new" home and showed me what was there, and how, I lay down on the bed out of boredom, why there was a bed in the room I didn't know. After all, everyone knows that vampires cannot, and do not need sleep, although at the moment I would not mind taking a nap, only this does not work out in any way.

When Eleazar left the room, he said that he would come in a few days and tell me what I would have to do here, so to speak, contribute to the Volturi clan.


[The heads of the Volturi clan, after Alex's departure]

- To be honest, I could not imagine that this kid would be endowed with such a powerful and unique ability for all of us. We have been living for over a thousand years, but this is the first time we have encountered this type of ability. Aro was the first to speak after Alex left their abode, which looked more like some kind of small throne room. There was surprise in the vampire's voice, but not as obvious as interest.

- Yes, with his power, we will be able to quickly and efficiently increase the power and primacy of the Volturi, and not only among other vampires, but also humans. Sulpicia finished with an innocent smile.

- Yes, his strength is truly terrifying. – Marcus supported the conversation, and Kaius just kept silent, he was always extremely laconic.

- Get Chelsea here. Aro ordered majestically to the Volturi clan guards who were standing on opposite sides of the door, facing each other.

Soon Chelsea arrived on Aro's orders and was inside the hall.

- You can be free. Aro said with a bored expression to the guards. And the vampires synchronously bowed to the members of the royal family, went out the door. Waiting outside.

- Does your ability work on him? Aro suddenly became serious, looking puzzled at the vampiress. The others were just silent, inwardly agreeing with Aro and waiting for Chelsea to tell them.

- yes. For some time, I will be able to give him a favorable impression of us and the clan as a whole, so you can be sure of his loyalty. – as if reading the report, Chelsea minced every word.

- That's fine... you'll get further instructions later. - Aro said, and the vampiress bowed out of the hall.

- I am sure that with Alex, our power will become unsurpassed, and then the rest will only have to follow our rules and laws. – Aro thought a little. – Maybe it's worth introducing him to the twins? Turning to the other clan founder, the vampire asked.


[Denali, Alaska]

A couple of days ago, old friends of the Denali clan vampires moved to Alaska. The Cullen clan, the members of this clan themselves did not like the expression "clan", so they, like Denali, preferred to call themselves a family.

Just like the Denali family, the Cullens were vegetarian vampires, meaning they also drank exclusively animal blood.

And upon arrival, they decided to visit their old friends.

- Greetings Tanya, it's been a long time since we've seen each other. – he greeted with a smile, expressing a general idea.

- Aha ... - the girl answered his smile apathetically and depressingly, which was not hidden from the sharp eyes of the vampire.

He noticed that a new face had appeared in their family, a woman, but she looked frankly bad, excessive sullenness filled her face. No, there was something wrong with all of them.

- What happened Tatiana? Carlisle asked with considerable concern and seriousness.

It wasn't just him and Denali's family in the living room right now, but his family, too. His wife Esme, and children: Edward, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper.

Tanya did not want to share her problems with anyone, she was such a person who wanted to keep everything to herself and drag on her own hump.

But after looking at the worried faces of her friends, she began to speak with a heavy sigh:

- It all started a couple of years ago ... - at this moment, a slight nostalgic smile appeared on her face, the girl clearly remembered something pleasant.

And then the vampiress told about everything that had happened to her over the years, told about how she and her sisters met the boy in the forest, which surprised the boy's mother herself, because this is the first time she hears this story.

- And that bastard from the Volturi took it! – at the end of her story, Tanya got really angry, and the girl's eyes flashed with a golden flame.

From the beginning to the very end of the story, the Cullen family became increasingly shocked.

- I don't think there is a big problem in this. Carlisle said with a sigh, and before he was attacked by a crowd of evil vampiresses, he explained himself. – At least he will be safe, if what you told me about his ability is true, then he will quickly become one of the favorites of the royal family, and no one has forbidden you to visit him from time to time, – he finished his thought, although he understood that the Volturi are becoming every year everyone was greedy, but as he had heard, there were rumors that recently some clans had been completely destroyed for violating the rules of vampires, but what was strange was that the clans had two vampires each, and as it said, they were innocent.