Chereads / Twilight: A Transmigration Story / Chapter 19 - It's a Strange Feeling

Chapter 19 - It's a Strange Feeling

(General POV)

Alan couldn't forget that strange feeling he felt in his chest when he made eye contact with Alice Cullen. It was something he'd never felt before. A sort of tug in his heart, urging him to do something. To do what though?

Well, he would soon find out in the future.

Within a day, the Cullens became the biggest topic in Forks High School.

It was no surprise really. With their dashing looks, guarded expressions, and questionable relationships with each other, it was no wonder everyone had their eyes on them.

A couple brave girls attempted to strike up a conversation with Edward Cullen but found themselves ignored altogether. The same happened with Alice Cullen but with mainly boys. Unlike Edward however, she politely yet firmly rejected their attempts using straightforward answers. As for the other four, anyone with eyes could tell they were paired up as two couples so no one bothered them as much.

By the end of the day though, it was clear that Dr. Cullens foster children wanted nothing to do with the rest of the student population.

They were quickly labeled as 'weirdos' by majority of the students who disliked their unfriendliness and questioned their strange relationship.

Of course, not everyone shared the same sentiment.

Jessica Stanley, for example, continued eyeing Edward despite his obvious aversion to her and the rest of the students.

Her friend, Angela Weber, couldn't help but comment during lunch hour when they were seated at a table in the cafeteria.

"I thought you had a crush on Alan. Don't tell me you've changed your gaze toward Edward Cullen."

Jessica rolled her eyes and replied, "Can't likes change? Besides, Alan hasn't given anyone the time of day."

"And you think Edward will," stated Angela with deadpan. Shaking her head, she jabbed a fork into her salad muttering, "Honestly Jess. First it was Mike, then it was Alan, and now it's the new kid Edward? Your crushes are only on the surface it seems."

"What's this about crushes?" joined a new voice. It was Eric Yorkie.

With a tray in his hand, he shuffled into the space next to Angela wanting to join the conversation. A couple of steps behind him was Mike Newton and Sean Wells.

Seeing the boys arrive, Jessica coughed and said, "Nothing. None of your business."

"Aw, don't be like that. What, do you have a crush on one of the new kids?" Eric wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "I wouldn't be surprised if you did. Half of the school does."

"It's not that," lied Jessica gripping her fork. "And once again, none of your business."

Seeing her agitated, Angela decided to speak up and change the subject.

"Hey Sean. Where's Alan? It's not like him to skip out on lunch."

"Hmm? Oh, um Coach Clapp caught him in the hallway," Sean replied with no remorse for his friend. "I think he must've heard about Alan's track and field record from our middle school coach. Probably wants him to represent the school or something."

"Alan was ridiculously athletic and fit," Mike rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I don't think I've seen him break a sweat when he took part in running with us."

"Well, it's obvious he works out a lot," Eric added. Leaning on his palm, he muttered, "Have you seen the guy's abs? I saw him change in the locker room and I don't think I've envied someone's body more."

"Eric, you envy a lot of guys," Jessica stated with her signature eye-roll. "It's nothing new."

"Well, either way, I can't help but sometimes feel that he's just a different breed from us," Eric continued, unaffected by Jessica's words. They were true after all.

"Who's a different breed?"

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Holding a tray, Alan walked up to the table and dragged an extra chair over to sit down. Although he had good hearing, he was distracted earlier so he only caught the end of the conversation.

"You are," Mike smirked. "Seriously, how the hell did you get so fit? Did you start working out when you were what - five?"

"Twelve, actually," Alan answered honestly.

"Wait, you're actually serious?" Sean asked with shock.

Alan raised an eyebrow, "What? Lots of kids exercise at that age; I'm no different. And besides, you knew that already Sean."

"I guess you're right," Mike says referring to his first sentence.

As they continued chatting, Alan felt a familiar gaze on his back. Curious, he looked over his shoulder and noticed Alice Cullen staring at him again.

Seeing him turn, the female smiled and did a little wave.

'Oh?' thought Alan with a raised eyebrow. And then he frowned at that familiar feeling in his chest. 'What the-'

Ignoring it once more, Alan looked and met Alice's gaze head on before returning a smile back at her. He wasn't sure what she wanted but it's clear she was interested in him.

'Maybe it's because of what happened five years ago...' he made a guess. 'But if it's just Alice...'

There was another hunch he had but he found it unlikely.

'It couldn't be that she holds 'that' kind of interest in me...could it?'

At the time, Alan couldn't have imagined how spot on his guess was.


The last bell of the day rang and the first day of school had officially ended.

Alan gathered his belongings on his desk, tuning out the teacher's last second notices, and shoved them into his backpack before leaving the room with the rest of the students. He walked over to his locker and opened it to take out some books and a spare set of clothing.

His sixth sense felt a presence next to him prompting him to close the locker and turn.

His eyes widened briefly when he saw who it was.

"Can you?" he asked politely.

"Alan Swan, right?" Alice replied with a question of her own. The look in her eyes told him she already knew the answer to her own question.

"And you're Alice Cullen. Dr. Cullen's...daughter?" Alan said, unsure of how to address her. "Did you need something?"

"Your phone number...if that's alright with you," the pixie-cut female responded with a flirty grin.

'Wow. She's really hitting on me, isn't she?' thought Alan. Not that he was complaining. However, he wasn't sure how genuine she was being or if she was doing this because she wanted something from him. Nevertheless, he decided to play along for now and wore his own flirtatious smile.

"Only if you give yours first," he told her, smirking.

She raised an eyebrow and chuckled before whipping out a phone and saying, "Alright. My number is XXX-XXXX-XXX. Your turn."

"How about I type it into your phone?"

Alice nodded and gave him her phone for him to punch in his contact before handing it back to her.

"Thanks! See ya later, handsome," she grinned before turning back and walking off.

"See you later..." Alan mumbled back in a daze.