Chereads / Twilight: A Transmigration Story / Chapter 21 - What a Flirt

Chapter 21 - What a Flirt

(General POV)

"Now then, if you take x and multiply it by x+1, you get x to the power of 2 plus x..."

Alan let out a yawn as he struggled to stay awake. His right hand moved holding a pen to messily scribble down various notes whilst the teacher spoke. On his left, Sean had a book open in front of him standing up while his head lay on the desk. His eyes were closed and there were soft snoring sounds coming out of his mouth.

Seeing his friend's state, Alan rolled his eyes and didn't bother to warn him when Mr. Varner walked over to his desk with a raised eyebrow.

The surrounding students held their breath as they waited for a good show.

Mr. Varner cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Wells?"

No answer came other than Sean's snores. Numerous giggles were heard throughout the room. Alan couldn't help but watch in amusement as Mr. Varner tapped Sean's shoulder, calling him again.

That's when Sean suddenly shot up with wide eyes.

"Huh? What? Who?"

The boy then noticed Mr. Varner staring down at him unamused while the rest of the class stared at him with teasing grins and amused smiles. Sean glanced up at Mr. Varner and gulped.

"S-Sir, I was just-"

"Save it for detention Mr. Wells," Mr. Varner cut him off.

"...Got it," muttered Sean deflating.

After the older man walked back to the board, the boy shot Alan an unimpressed glare. Leaning over, he whisper-hissed, "What the hell man? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"It's your own fault for falling asleep. You deserved that," Alan shot back with no remorse.

Sean clicked his tongue and mumbled something under his breath before turning his attention to the board.


After class, Sean shoved Alan shoulder when they walked out the room.

"You're such a jerk, you know that?" Sean said.

Alan rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah. But really, your grades are abysmal. You of all people should be paying attention in class."

"...Tch," Sean had nothing to say in response since Alan was right. Instead, he stomped ahead and opened his locker, throwing his stuff inside. After a second, he pulled out a familiar leather jacket.

"Dude, you're not gonna wear that again, are you?" Alan asked with a cringe. "I thought we agreed it wasn't going to work."

"I don't remember any such agreement," Sean said with a huff and threw the jacket around his body. "I'll totally get Gina's number with this."

'Unlikely,' thought Alan. However, seeing his friend's resistance to some 'good' advice, he bit back his words and simply mumbled, "Whatever. You do you."

"And speaking of numbers..." Sean wiggled his eyebrows, "I heard a certain someone exchanged contacts with Alice Cullen."

His words caused Alan to cough and avert his eyes.

"Yeah. So what?"

Sean gaped at him, "So what? Al, do you know how many guys have tried to get her number over the past day? Nearly half of the male population at this school! And she's turned them all down."

Alan wasn't quite sure what to say about that, "..."

Sean clasped his shoulders and shook them, "Dude, you're the first and only guy she's given her number to. How the hell did you do it?"

"I didn't do anything though," replied Alan. He brushed off Sean's hands and walked over to his locker which was two lockers away from the other's. "And why do you care so much?"

"Wha-you-ugh!" Sean groaned. Shaking his head, he sighed and muttered, "You know what? Forget it."

"Forget what?" joined in a new voice.

Mike Newton slung an arm over Sean's shoulder and entered the conversation.

"What are we talking about?" he asked.

Alan sighed and slammed his locker shut, "WE are not talking about anything important. Look, I've got history right now so I gotta go."

As he walked off, Mike looked at Sean with questioning eyes. The latter snorted and said, "He's just embarrassed because I asked about Alice Cullen giving him her number."

"Oh," Mike said with a bit of surprise, "Yeah, I heard about that. That guy really can land any girl he wants, eh?"

"Tch, tell that to him - the nonchalant bastard."


(First Person POV)

When I entered the classroom for my history lesson, I chose to sit at the back near the window where I could feel the breeze.

As I took a seat, I unpacked my bag and set my notebooks and pencil case neatly on the desk before leaning back on the chair and letting my mind drift. But all of a sudden, the chair beside me was pulled out and I gazed over to find a familiar pixie-haired girl taking a seat. She glanced at me and waved.

"We meet again," she said.

"So it seems," I hummed. With a raised eyebrow, I said, "Didn't think you were into history."

"Oh? Why do you think so?"

With a grin, I replied, "You seem more of a science-type of person."

"A science-type," she repeated. "And what do you mean by that exactly?"

"Nothing really. I just got that vibe from you," I replied lamely.

She was silent and for a second, I thought my words might have offended her. However, she suddenly burst out into giggles.

"Pfft! Well, you're not exactly wrong. I do enjoy science but I'm here because something in this class interested me."

"And what might that be?" I asked.

Instead of replying, she merely smiled. she talking about me?

"Say, are you free this Saturday?" she suddenly changed the subject.

I raised an eyebrow and replied, "I am. Why?"

"I was thinking of catching a movie. Would you care to join me?" she leaned forward resting her delicate chin on her palm.

Seeing her lean closer, I felt my breath hitch. I suddenly felt a familiar funny feeling in my chest and I couldn't help but avert my eyes away from her pretty face.

'Damn. What the hell is wrong with me?'

"Well?" she asked.

Ignoring the feeling in my chest, I cleared my throat and replied, "Y-Yeah. I'd be happy to."

"Great! Let's in the afternoon?"

"That works," I nodded.

Giving me a toothy grin, she turned to face the board as I did the same.

However, I failed to pay attention to the lesson for the entire class. The only thing in my mind was...

'Holy crap. Did I just agree to a date with Alice Cullen?'