Chereads / Twilight: A Transmigration Story / Chapter 7 - Settling In and a Visitor

Chapter 7 - Settling In and a Visitor

(First Person POV)

It's been about a week since I came to live with Chief Swan.

So far, it's been good.

Chief Swan stayed at home for the first day and on the second, he went to work leaving me by myself. I doubt he did so out of trust. Most likely, there was no other choice considering I had nowhere else to go.

The local middle school was currently on break but Charlie still had work.

I could tell he was reluctant to leave me alone and gave me his phone number in case anything happened which thankfully, nothing did.

I spent a lot of my time just roaming around the house, exercising my growing muscles when I could, and practicing some stances. All of this was done inside the vicinity of the house as I was afraid there'd be unwanted eyes on me once I stepped out the door.

Heh. Did they think I wouldn't notice how many 'people' were keeping an eye on me from afar?

I couldn't confirm exactly who 'they' were but I did know they'd been watching me carefully ever since I entered Charlie Swan's compound. I didn't feel any hostility in their gazes - more like they were just keeping tabs on me out of curiosity - which I didn't really mind or care about.

It was annoying at first but I eventually got used to it.

I just needed to remind myself to be careful of my actions.

As long as they didn't suddenly attack me, there shouldn't be anything to worry about.


(General POV)

The Quileute tribe had received news of the city's newest resident.

Billy Black, close friend of Charlie Swan, had heard about the boy who turned up out of nowhere. Out of concern for his friend who was currently taking care of him, he'd asked a few pack members to keep an eye on him from afar.

And one of these members happened to be Dan.

Dan, the one who led the patrol around ten days ago, agreed out of respect to Billy. He and a few others came within a good distance of the house, but not too close where they'd be spotted.

What Dan didn't expect though, was to pick up on a familiar scent.

'This is the same one we discovered in the forest!'

Dan's expression hardened as he realized the scent trailed up into Charlie Swan's house. That could only mean one thing.

'The boy. It was the boy.'

Dan was worried and incredibly confused. If it was the boy in the forest that day, then how on earth did he escape their detection? Surely, if he was roaming around near the area, his scent should've still been around. Instead, it had stopped at a pine tree.

'I'd better report this back to the Chief' he thought.

Giving one more suspicious glance at the house, he shifted into his wolf form and dashed off.


(First Person POV)

Sitting on the floor inside my bedroom, my legs were crossed with my hands resting on my knees. My eyes were tightly shut as I breathed in and out calmly.

I was meditating in an attempt to feel for chi in my body. At least, that's what I'd like to think I was doing. To be honest, I was just breathing in and out deeply.

Feeling energy in your body is a lot harder than it sounds.

My journey to becoming the next Iroh was a long one. And yes, I am talking about Uncle Iroh in Avatar. In his time, he was the most powerful firebender - one that was probably more powerful than Lord Ozai. He understood the concept of bending on a whole different level and his knowledge expanded to the other three elements.

I wanted to reach his level. Or maybe even higher.

But, I knew it would be difficult since I was on my own. There were no books to read about such things nor was there anyone to help me.

I needed to rely on myself.

And I'm sure you must be wondering; why am I trying so hard? This is just Twilight right?

My answer to you would be; it's because I want to be prepared. For anything and everything. I've mentioned earlier of how unpredictable a world of supernaturals could be and that is the main reason. Other than that, with my presence in this world, there is no doubt that some butterfly effect will occur or has already occurred.

I have no reason to get involved with the Cullens or the Wolf tribe right now but one can never predict how things will change in the future.

I know that one of those two groups have been watching me so the possibility of me confronting them isn't too far off.

I just hope that when the time comes to meet them face-to-face, a fight won't break out.


(General POV)

The following day, Charlie Swan and Alan received a visitor.

Looking at the tan-skinned middle-aged man on the wheelchair and boy standing next to him, Alan suddenly felt a minor headache coming on.

Billy Black and Jacob Black.

'I should've expected this...' Alan thought. He forgot how Billy and Charlie were close pals. Even if the latter had no idea the real identity of the former, they were as thick as thieves.

"Hey Charlie, long time no see," Billy Black grinned. He swept a brief glance at Alan standing behind Charlie, his eyes narrowing slightly in the process, "Heard you picked up a boy."

"News travels quickly," Charlie responded with a similar grin. He gestured to Alan, "His name's Alan, a kid I found on the side of the road. Alan, this is Billy Black and his son, Jacob. Billy's an old friend of mine."

Alan looked at the two wolves and smiled politely, "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise kid," Billy replied. He looked at the boy with contemplation before motioning to his son, "This is Jacob, as you already know. He's around your age."

Alan and Jacob suddenly made eye contact prompting the former to grin and the latter to nod.

"Why don't you two boys play a bit of catch aye? Billy and I are gonna talk," Charlie said. "What do you think Jacob?"

The two boys nodded simultaneously.

Alan was curious to know what the men would be talking about but held himself back from asking. Instead, he obediently retrieved a baseball and gloves from Charlie's shed and led Jacob to the yard.


A/N: Next update will be a little later as I am pretty busy right now. But I will definitely update again this week.