Chereads / Twilight: A Transmigration Story / Chapter 11 - First Meeting with Bella Swan

Chapter 11 - First Meeting with Bella Swan

(General POV)

It has been approximately eight months since Alan Moore's arrival in the Twilight world.

Till now, his stay has been pleasant. Or one could say it has been rather smooth sailing. From training his abilities to becoming Charlie Swan's foster child, to befriending Jacob Black, to attending Fork's Middle School, his new life has surely been quite busy.

For Alan, time has passed in a blink of an eye.

Soon, he would be turning thirteen-years-old...sort of.

No one knows his real birthday except for Alan himself. Since he still hadn't 'recovered' his memories, no one knew the date he was born. However, Charlie suggested they make the day that he was found outside of Forks the date of his birthday which was at the end of July.

It was a little sad that he couldn't celebrate his real birthday but Alan was happy Charlie was willing to make one up for him.

Either way, he would soon become an official teenager.

Oh boy. Puberty all over again.

Well, Alan wasn't too worried. Considering his real age, going through that whole phase again shouldn't be an issue...right?


(First Person POV)

Summer break was here.

With school out, I have finally found time to fully focus on my training. Meditation has really helped me improve my breathing and mentality. I still have trouble feeling 'chi' flow throughout my body but I am slowly getting there. I think.

The eyes watching me from the dark have dispersed giving me the freedom to practice my flames in the backyard and I have to say, it was a wonderful feeling. It was basically the same feeling of finally shitting after a long day of constipation.

Bad analogy but you get it.

I've been holding back from producing flames in order to not get noticed but now, I was able to release them.

Of course, I didn't just play around with them. I used proper stances and moves whilst punching out the blue fire from my hands and feet. It was thrilling.

As for lightning...I haven't had the confidence to experiment with that yet.

Lightning is a dangerous element and if not controlled properly, the consequences could be devastating to both my body and whatever was around me.

Although I have all of Azula's knowledge and moves with me, I didn't want to take any risks yet.

I wanted to wait until I was a little older when I could travel out by myself and go somewhere deserted. Only then would I be able to practice my lightning strikes.

For now, I just practiced the various stances for the element and prepared my body as much as I could.


On the second day of summer break, I received a surprise.

In the form of a person.

That I didn't expect to meet so soon.

"Alan, this is my daughter, Bella. Bella, this is the boy I told you about. The one who's been living with me," Charlie said patting the shoulder of the girl standing in front of him.

Looking at the main protagonist, I was momentarily at a loss for words as I hadn't expected to meet her so soon and so unexpectedly.

Later on, I faintly recalled something in the first movie of the Twilight series where Bella mentioned how she used to spend summer with her dad. Pretty sure it was right at the start of the movie.


"Um, it's nice to meet you..."

Hearing Bella's voice, I was snapped out of my thoughts. Quickly composing myself, I greeted her back, "Nice to meet you too."

She looked at me with a bit of shyness and uncertainty which I could totally understand. I was a total stranger yet someone who was living with her dad. Right now, she probably had no clue how to act around me.

Her appearance was practically how one would picture a twelve-year-old Kristen Stewart.

She was small, fair skinned, dark brown hair, and soft features with a hint of baby fat still lingering there.

Her hands were clasped together with her fingers brushing against each other showcasing how awkward and apprehensive she was most likely feeling.

Charlie, totally oblivious to Bella's condition, took out her bag from the car and said, "Why don't you call Jacob to come over Alan? Then you three can play together."

"Sure," I replied.

Charlie gave a rare grin. Glancing at Bella, he told her, "You can get to know Alan while you wait for Jacob to arrive. You two should get along well."

Bella just smiled awkwardly in response.

After we entered the door of the house, Charlie took Bella's things up to her room leaving the two of us downstairs.

" live in Phoenix right?" I asked her.

"Yeah," Bella replied.

"How is it?"


"So the total opposite of Forks huh?"

Bella let out a little laugh, "Yeah I guess so."

Glancing around the house, she asked, "What about you? Um, I mean, are you originally from Forks?"

I shook my head, "I don't think so."

"Think?" Bella looked at me with confusion.

Rubbing the back of my head, I had to explain my 'pitiful' past. By the end of it, Bella was looking at me with surprise and sympathy.

"Oh, I'm...I'm sorry for asking."

"Nah, don't apologise. You didn't know," I replied with a smile.

She nodded but the tips of her ears were pink indicating her embarrassment.

I quickly changed the subject, "So you've met Jacob before right?"

Bella nodded, "Yeah. But we were really small at the time."

"I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again," I joked.

Bella's face turned red. It was totally unlike her character in the movies but I suppose that's to be expected since she was still a child.

Hiding my amusement, I said, "I'll go call him now."

"Oh sure. I'll just get something to drink."

I quickly jogged over to the telephone where I dialled a number I knew by heart.

After a couple of rings, the phone was picked up.

"Hello? Oh, hi Mr Black, is Jacob there?... Um well, Charlie's daughter is in town so I was wondering if he wanted to come over for a bit...yeah? Oh great. Thank you!"

Putting down the phone, I wondered if I should learn to reign in my enthusiasm a bit.

Was the high-pitched 'thank you' too much?
