Chereads / CODE : EXISTENCE / Chapter 21 - CHAPTER-21. PATH'S are Made not..

Chapter 21 - CHAPTER-21. PATH'S are Made not..

It is already evening in the Marus forest. One can see the Darkest Hours approaching steadily from a distance. Like a Humongous beast it kept Devouring every single thing in darkness on his way. That Spine chilling yet Beautiful visage strikes a feeling of powerlessness in one's soul. Watching this Beautiful potrait of Nature Dan depressingly ate his Ice Cream.

"Legacy: Hey, Dan. Cheer up. I will find another way, Definitely." Legacy tried cheering up Dan.

"Dan: Do you know, When someone see that Gargantuan Darkness approaching, they will instinctively feel 'How can someone possibly dare going against that. The last time I felt this helpless, when Boss told me No one can leave this place." Dan said watching the Darkness.

"Legacy: Oh, Come on. Snap out of it. I am sorry, Ok. I should have told you sooner." Legacy said in a apologetic tone.

"Dan: Because of you my dreams got crushed again. You lied to me." Dan voiced angrily.

"Legacy: I can't lie. My protocols prevent me from doing that. I only told you Half the truth." Legacy also argued.

"Dan: That's another way of masking lie. You said we can leave this place through Teleportation, whenever we want. Yet, You didn't told me about a barrier that prevents it." Dan also rebuked angrily.

"Legacy: That's because, I only realized, it was a Barrier that prevents Teleportation later. You know what, I am not a hopeless coward like you, Currently I am working on a surefire way to disable it."

"Dan: Atleast, I am not a liar like you."

"Legacy: That's False Accusation. As I said, I can't lie. Artificial Human Intelligence and Judgemental Protocols are Installed in me. I only did what 93.7% Humans would have done in that scenario."

And so.. the argument continued..

If you are wondering why the best buddies Dan and Legacy quarreling right now, It all happened a little while ago...

"Dan: Can someone really leave the Marus forest?" Dan asked looking at Basar.

A kind smile appeared on Basar's face as he answered, "Basar: You know; Six years ago You asked the same question to me, and I said No. That was the only time I ever lied to you. For most people living in this place, it is just a hopeless dream and I didn't wanted you to chase after something like that. That's why I lied. But Now, I think you very much deserves to know that answer."

Dan's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly, "Dan: So there really is a way to leave this place then?"

"Basar: Actually, there are two ways to leave this place. First one being the official one. After becoming a Vassal of one of the Noble Houses you can leave this place. Not anyone can become a Vassal Though. You need to be qualified enough for that." Basar answered.

Qualified enough. Dan remembered Elena also said something about qualifications as well. As if Understanding Dan's bewilderment Basar continued,

"Basar: Becoming an Evoker before the age of 35, that's the only requirement. This is a hurdle most people in the world can't overcome. That's why Only few were able to leave Marus forest." Basar spoke with unexplainable emotions.

Dan stayed silent for a moment and eventually asked. "Dan: What's the 2nd way then?"

"Basar: The 2nd one is actually an unofficial one. Escaping the Marus Forest. Only one person was able to pull this off... Morita." Basar said with an prideful tone.

Dan was dumbfounded. Lord Morita was able to escape this place. How? Dan didn't have to wait as Basar continued,

"Basar: 30 years ago.. Your father, Morita and I accidentally stopped an assassination attempt on one of the direct heirs to Noble House Morgini. That incident earned us a lot of merit points. You see the Othersiders Control this place in a way that no one can become strong without their permission.

That's why while purchasing 5th and 6th Transformation script you need not only Udra coins but merit points as well. Among us Morita was the most talented one. So Me and Your father gave our merit points to him.

That was the best decesion we made. He was able to Initiate his 6th Transformation and awakened a space related Special Ability. In a fit of excitement, he accidentally crossed the space Fabric between this place and the Otherside using his Ability. He found himself in the territory of House Morgini.

Evokers from House Morgini also sensed this Disruption in Space Fabric. Nothing could be hidden from the Othersiders. Eventually Morita was captured by House Morgini. He was given two choices. Join them or Die. Morita choose the former.

Later he became an Evoker at the age of 21. An achievement difficult even for true geniuses from their House. Housemaster at that time even married his daughter to him. This is how Morita became a legend on the Otherside."

Dan listened to Basar's words with full attention. At this point Morita's story is pretty much a Hero's tale for him. Like a little kid he asked in excitement, "Dan: Then? Then what happened? Why is he back Here?"

Basar remained silent at that question and answered sighing a little, "Basar: I don't know what actually happened, but about 10 years ago Morita came back. I heard from Morita he was banished here as punishment, but why? He never answered that. House Morgini even created a Barrier around Marus Forest so that Morita can't Escape using his Space Ability. Now no one can escape this place anymore."

When Dan heard the word Barrier, Bells started ringing in his mind. A barrier that Stops space Ability?? He asked Legacy Hastily, "Dan: Hey, what is that barrier Boss is talking about....."

Now back to the present.. Quarrel between Dan and Legacy have stopped at some point. Now a awkward silence lingered between them. Breaking the silence Legacy's spoke,

"Legacy: A Peacekeeper just left the Headquarters with Cauli's corpse. What are your Orders."

Dan remained silent for a moment then said, "Dan: I shouldn't have said you are liar. I am sorry."

"Legacy: No, I should have told you about the Barrier as well. I am sorry too. Don't worry, No Barrier is unbreachable for me. I will definitely create a way out for us." Legacy assured.

"Dan: No. I don't think we should use that option. Those othersiders will definitely Notice that. I would be just repeating the same mistake Lord Morita did. I don't want to live like a fugitive on the Otherside." Dan said.

"Legacy: You are not thinking about becoming a Vassal, are you? That's just a fancy way of saying that. In reality you will just become another pawn for them." Legacy suggested in Dan's mind.

"Dan: You kidding me. No way. I am not going to trade one prison for another big prison. There should be another way. I just don't know about it yet. And I... We Will Definitely Find it. More Importantly Tell me what happened to Cauli's corpse." Dan asked avoiding the topic.

A panel appeared before Dan as Legacy answered, "Legacy: We definitely will. As for Cauli, His body was thrown near the Dumpster pit."

"Dan: Is that so, let's go clean some trashes." Dan stood up and started cleaning the Tavern. After cleaning everything he grabbed the trash bags and headed towards the Dumpster pit. Dumpster pit is just a place where everyone from settlement throw away their trashes.

Giving up to torture Cauli spilled a location to some place, But to where? He didn't know yet. From Elena and Cauli's conversation Dan is sure it is not something Insignificant. So, It is time to know that Information.

As Dan continued Walking, Legacy alerted Dan, "Dan: Someone is on our Tail. On the roof of the House to your left. Must be a spy sent by Clome."

Although Dan heard Legacy, but didn't stop his steps and continued walking.He acted As if he didn't notice anything. He replied in mind "Dan: Let's not make any suspicions movements. We will act as we didn't notice him and do our job."

Although they may have lost one way, but there are always other ways. they Don't know about it just yet.

As they say.. There are no wrong turnings, Only PATH'S we had known, we were meant to walk..