Chereads / CODE : EXISTENCE / Chapter 22 - CHAPTER-22. All great Discovery are Accidental

Chapter 22 - CHAPTER-22. All great Discovery are Accidental

Inside the 7th settlement..

Dan with two trash bags headed towards Dumpster pit. Following Legacy's instructions Dan approached the place, where they threw Cauli's body. As the Spy is also watching, he needs to avoid any kind of Suspicions.

From a nearby Huge pile of trashes, A person clad in black clothes, stealthy stared at Dan.

Caster is too bored. As a member of Lady Elena's Faction, he was looking forward to this Expedition. He is already stressed because of the recent assassination attempt on Lady Elena, To make things worse Sir Clome ordered him to spy on a Weak, filthy rat. But Caster have to follow orders from his superior anyway, so Here he is spying on that guy named Dan.

The whole day, Dan just did what a normal Erand boy would do. In the evening Though, like an Idiot he argued with himself. Maybe he is just cursing his boss behind his back?? Anyway Caster just want to wrap this up quickly and leave.

Caster could see Dan with two trash bags approaching the Dumpster pit. Suddenly Dan stopped and looked at a particular direction. Following Dan's line of sight Caster also realized what he is looking at? Or who it was?

"Wait! Isn't he, the hired dog that tried to kill Lady Elena? Cauli was it? Haha.hahah.. So he died huh? How dare that Dog tried to do something that atrocious. Now he just another corpse on a pile of trashes. A fitting outcome for a dog." Caster thought looking at Cauli's corpse.

Caster could see, Dan looking at that corpse but he didn't do anything. Dan walked away and threw his Trash bags on another pile. He Came back where Cauli's corpse is. Caster focused his gaze on Dan. He is wondering what Dan is up to.

Standing Infront of Cauli's Corpse Dan sighed. putting his hand on Cauli's still wide open lifeless eyes he closed them. Although no one noticed it but some silvery substances entered Cauli's brain through his eyes. In just a Few seconds Dan understood what happened with Cauli. What he knew? And What he wanted?

Unexplainable emotions rose within Dan's heart and he sighed again. "Dan: Legacy, We found a third way. A third way to leave this place. Now It is time to bring someone back to life."

From a fragment of Cauli's Memories Dan learned an interesting thing. Now he is planning to use that information to his advantage.

Looking at the corpse infront of him Dan resolved his determination. Dan surveyed his surroundings, Not far away he could see a House. Dan lifted Cauli's corpse and walked to that house.

Caster watched all this in bewilderment but didn't do anything. He just stayed in his place quietly.

Dan put Cauli's corpse under a tree not far away from that house. Dan knocked on the door of the house and a middle aged lady opened the door. Dan asked her something pointing towards Cauli's corpse under the tree. The lady showed disgust, But still gave Dan what he asked for.

Dan did this intentionally. He needed that spy and another random person to witness what he is doing. Using the shovel that lady gave him, Dan dug a hole. Burying Cauli inside he erected a stone in that place. On the stone he wrote "An Unfamiliar stranger.. Unfamiliar Comrade".

Bowing infront of it one last time he left the place. After Dan left a person appeared infront of the burial breaking the quite solitude. He spoke in a very low voice,

"Caster: A Burial, huh? Although a dog like you don't deserve something like this, You are lucky that a pathetic guy decided to give you one." Then that person disappeared as he appeared..

What Nobody noticed, After Caster left a silvery radiance flashed weakly and faded quietly. Solitude Once again returned to the lonely Grave.

Back inside Tavern 7th..

Sitting on his bed Dan waited for Legacy's voice.

"Legacy: Dan. I sorted out Cauli's Memories. What do you want to know first?"

"Dan: First, Tell me What kind location is so important for Elena?"

Legacy affirmed and transferred the Memories Directly to Dan's Brain. Dan's vision blurred and he felt like he is floating, similar to the feeling he felt when he first met Legacy.

After what felt like an eternity Dan opened his eyes. When his blurry vision stabilized, He found himself Inside a Huge Hall. People of different age and strength could be seen chatting. Among them Dan is also present.

"Dan: Legacy, Where am l? what is this place?" Dan asked in confusion.

"Legacy: This is your Inner Consciousness. Don't worry, Your physical body is in the Tavern, Safe and sound. Your mind is just experiencing Cauli's Memories. This is how you experienced My world as well, Remember? As for where exactly is this place? According to Cauli's Memories it is a Warehouse in the 1st settlement."

"Dan: Woah! It reminded me how we met. As always this feels so Real." Dan commented in amazement. But he stopped his thoughts and concentrated on the front. Because, Opening the Doors, A beautiful Lady entered. Not only Dan Everyone present in the room focused on her. They greeted Half-bowingly.

"Dan: Legacy, who is she?"

"Legacy: Jelena. The richest person in the whole Marus Forest. Using her Business Talent and connections she became a valuable Partner for the Othersiders. How you ask? By selling them what they want the most."

"Jelena: What do you think is the Most Lucrative things One can find in Marus Forest? 'Arut Fruit' and 'Tors Lotus'. They are also in very high Demand among the Othersiders. Where there is Demand, there is Business. This is where rotten scums like you can make it big." Standing in the centre Jelena voiced.

"Random person: We don't care what they want. You said you have some kind of Important job for us. Is it true or not?"

"Jelena: I was just getting there you dimm-wit. Anyway, I have a Proposal for all of you. I am forming Elite search Parties, Who will venture deep into the Forest in Search of these Valuable Elemental Resources. They will be called Rangers. If you want you can join these search Parties and earn Riches and fame. What do you say?"

"Dan: So Cauli worked for a Jelena. I can't believe a woman achieved this much in a place like this. Anyway, Show me that place everyone want so much."

As Dan said those words the view around him changed and got replaced with the Scenery of Night. Dan found himself walking on a grassland. He is not alone, He could see 4 people Infront of him. Dan understood, this is a search Party created by Jelena.

One guy who was scouting in the very front stopped and asked looking towards him. "Ron: Captain Cauli, I think we should camp here tonight. The Darkest Hours will start soon."

Dan was startled for a bit, but his body Moved on his own. Then he realized he is actually Cauli, "Cauli: Listen you lots. There are usually underground caves in these grasslands. If you find a passage report immediately. It would be more safe if we camp underground."

Recieving Cauli's orders his teammates moved. It wasn't long before they found a passage.

Few minutes later, Dan is sitting on a rock facing the campfire. Warmth from The Campfire calmed his body. The teammate called Ron came and reported, "Ron: Sir I placed the symbol Plates and secured a perimeter. The barrier is working fine. Now we don't need to worry about Darkness."

"Cauli: Good job, Ron. Where are the others?"

"Ron: Earlier we discovered a passage. They are exploring it. They will be back before the Darkest Hours starts." After that Ron also sat down to warm his body.

Time passed.. Even after few Hours passed, Their teammates never came back. Ron wanted to go check but Cauli prevented him. "Cauli: It is too late. The darkness must have consumed them by now."

Dejectedly they say down. What can they do otherwise. Dan could see the tension on Ron's face and fear for the Unknown. The Darkest Hours passed in silence..

Ron and Cauli started exploring the passage with caution. Not long after they found a teammates Corpse.. More like a pile of Black Powder.. what left of them. They didn't stop and followed the tracks left behind by their teammates.

They Followed.. and Followed.. Then they saw it..

Tors Lotuses.. A small lake full of Flowers. Dan also witnessed it. The Wonder of Marus Forest.

"Dan: Oh Heavens. Finding a single one would be considered luck of a lifetime, but a whole Lake of them.. There are no words to explain this." Understanding Dan's bewilderment Legacy chuckled and Explained.

"Legacy: It may seem like a miracle but the Answer is quite simple. You see those Insects hovering on the flowers. They might be the reason for such a phenomenon."

Ron unknowingly approached the lake and spoke in admiration, "Ron: Leader, I think we made the greatest Discovery of Marus Forest. We are rich..we are..aggh."

Ron felt a stinging pain in his thigh. He could see, A insect the size of his thumb has bitten him. Before he could say something his body plopped down on the ground. He gasped and looked at Cauli hopefully.

"Ron: ..Cap..tain.. Anti..dote." but to his dismay Cauli just stood there like a statue. His next words Completely crushed his leftover hope.

"Cauli: Ron, Thanks to you all.. I found this place. I am really grateful, But I am not interested in SHARING" with that he didn't bother with Ron anymore and stepped back quietly. Next time, he will come back prepared.

Dan might be witnessing the greatest treasure in the Marus Forest. But can he use it to his advantage?

As they say.. Discovery is where, Accidental opportunity meet.. Prepared Mind.