Vanessa followed his line of sight to see her handkerchief on the floor. She couldn't be more relieved.
"You should be careful where you drop your stuff." Dermot commented as she picked up her handkerchief, and she bowed at him for the hundredth time today. Not sure if it was for an apology or a thank you.
This time, Dermot was the first to walk away, and Vanessa watched his back until he was standing in front of the corridor.
Not too long, Theodore came to join him, and when she saw him, she hid herself behind one of the pillars while watching them.
Vanessa took notice of how Theodore was not in any royal attire, but a simple clothing and his hair a little messy. One would picture him to be a gentleman, where he wore a calm expression without his wicked smile adorning his face.
"That trick was only meant for someone who is seeing for the first time."