Josie McMillan

— WHAT DOES THAT MEAN, DOCTOR? — Josie asked right after listening to the session.

— Changing into kids, you have an alter ego, a kind of other person living inside you, who at opportune moments, takes charge of your body and does what he wants without your consent.

— But... why...

— You don't remember anything? — This is common in people who have PMS.

— TMP?

— Multiple Personality Disorder.

JOSIE LEFT THE PERPLEXION of the office, she knew and felt that she was not crazy, the doctor himself had said that this was not necessarily crazy, but if he was right, this Jacqueline Monae — her alter ego — could very well be a murderous maniac, after all, according to her statement, she had killed Anthony.

Her thoughts pounded on a succession of events that people talked about, that she had done and that she didn't remember a thing of. At first I thought it was because of the times she got drunk or the few times she snorted coke with Anthony, but now nothing else made sense.

I was really blamed for a lot of things that happened in my life...

The sessions began to be an unknown for Josie, Jacqueline showed herself to be an uncontrollable nymphomaniac and exhibitionist.

Now Josie knew why she often woke up naked in different places, because so many people talked about that — other — Josie, and that scared her a lot.

— Which of the two had more control over that body... and if in fact, the alter ego was her, and not Jacqueline... maybe she discovered that her life was a lie...

Tony always knew about his fragility and attacked there, recording videos while Jacqueline was in charge of his body...

Jacqueline doesn't... something about me... calling Jacqueline is a mistake, I'm to blame...

The doctor gave her some medication to try to control herself, however, sometimes she happened to be naked somewhere and she knew that she had had sex with someone, because there was sperm in her, she just didn't know with whom, but her fear was that if she If she lost control, she would have to go inside like crazy.

— Now it all makes sense — Mark said with his usual good humor, he just didn't give a damn.

— I don't know what to do… I'm really afraid of being hospitalized like crazy.

— It's not as terrible as you imagine, PMS is more common than you think, almost everyone has it, just that some to a high degree and others to a lesser extent, it's an escape valve that the brain has for some traumas, if your trauma was terrible, it reaches the point of dominating his body, which seems to be his case, I'm just amazed how he manages to survive carrying such a burden.

— Mark and Tony have always helped me with this, I think after I moved to Russia everything kind of potentiated inside me and without realizing it I lost control of everything.

— But we're here now, you can count on us.

— I know that.

WHAT TORMENTED JOSIE the most was that she couldn't connect the facts of past events with those of the future, Jacqueline sometimes played the villain, sometimes played the tormented girl, as if she was playing with luck.

In her last session, Jacqueline spoke of her romance with Anthony, thus contradicting her first testimony, but there were many things that didn't make sense, all she needed at that moment was to put the puzzle together.