Mark Conely

— CALMA JOSIE — shouted Mark as he shook her trying to wake her up from that nightmare — you need to calm down, for God's sake...

— I swear, Mark — she said desperately in tears — it was him, it wasn't a ghost, it was Anthony...

Mark tried to stay calm, but seeing her despair, he felt that this could be the harbinger of something much worse.

— I want to believe everything you're telling me, Josie, but there's no Jacqueline, there's no Anthony anymore... he's dead...

Suddenly, Mark noticed the change.

— You idiot — said Jacqueline — Anthony tricked the three of us, now we're both here in this mental hospital...

Mark was startled by the brusque way Josie had spoken to him.

— I think I can finally introduce myself to the idiot Josie is in love with, pleasure, I'm Jacqueline Monaè.

— Are you kidding me, Josie?

Mark was feeling scared at that moment.

— Josie? I think you're the one kidding, it was me you slept with, not that idiot Josie, if it were with her I wouldn't be in this wheelchair, I'm the one Anthony loves, it's me he's sickly jealous of.

— Loved it — Mark corrected.

— Do you love it — she said sharply — or do you think he's really dead?

JACQUELINE BEGAN hysterical laughter.

— Since you are imbeciles and innocent, you fell right into our theater.

— I'm sorry — asked Marina, who entered the conversation for the first time while just observing all that — but what's the point of all this?

Jacqueline tried to compose herself.

— There's no point, that's the funny part, I tried to play against him and I lost, I'm stuck here in this hell and you're in a wheelchair, in the end Anthony won...

He always wins...

Mark stared at Josie with a pitying look.

— Sorry Mark — Jacqueline said — but from the beginning you were just a pawn, Anthony knew that our lives had been marked differently, even without saying anything, there was a bet between us, the loser would give everything he wanted to the winner, this includes our own life.

— So — said Mark, leaving the room — you and Josie are the pawns on this board, but I haven't been defeated yet, and I won't be...

— That's what you think... Tony always knows everything...

— It doesn't matter… it's just us here, it's impossible for him to know.

— I told you, you idiot... he always knows everything.

— And how does he know everything if none of us have told him?

— I told you everything...