Chereads / Jaxon Stars, The Nanny Affair / Chapter 10 - Plan Gone Wrong

Chapter 10 - Plan Gone Wrong

As Anna woke up, she was shocked at what she was living in. As she looked at the sitting room, there was no need for her to clean because there were house workers. For the first time, she could go shower and rest. As she headed to the kitchen, Sam left her a note.



After reading the note, Anna gave a tired sigh and got ready to leave.

As soon as Sam had entered the building, he encountered someone. 'Good Morning Sam.' 'What do you want Jessica?' 'I don't know, just felt like seeing you.' 'Well, it's good to see you too.' 'Why are you in a hurry?' 'I have a meeting to prepare.' 'Hey, why didn't I know about this?' 'I don't know and I don't care.' 'Samie, why are you treating me like this.' 'What the fuck is wrong with you, you got me sentenced to court and lied about Anna Injuring your leg, which is weird that you were healed instant.' 'But-' 'Shut up, everything you say is a lie, that's what you are, a liar.' 'How dare you!' 'I have to get going, I don't have time for your shit.' said Sam as he left.

'So did you get the designs?' 'Yes, ma'am.' 'Good girl, go to their apartment and leave it there.' 'But ma'am, what if they need a recognition?' 'You're right, I know, just say mail for Sam Lopez.' 'Ok ma'am.' said Chloe as she left.

As Chloe got to the apartment Sam had rented, she quickly knocked at the door calling out for someone. 'Mail for Sam Lopez.' she said. 'Please leave it in the mailbox.' 'Okay.' said Chloe. As Chloe was trying to open the mailbox, an unexpected Anna stops her. 'What the fuck do you think you're doing?' 'Oh Anne, I was just delivering some mail for Sam.' 'Why would Sam let you deliver it, anyway, what is it?' 'Just some useless designs.' 'Well, let me see.' 'No... Way, Sam said I shouldn't let anyone look at it.' 'Really, not even me?' 'Yes, I know crazy.' 'I'm gonna call him?' 'No!' 'What the fuck is wrong with you and saying no.' 'You know what, I'm just going to leave it here, didn't Sam tell you to deliver the food to the office for the guests.' 'Fuck! Just leave it in there, I'll check with Sam to collect it.' 'Okay.' said Chloe.


"The package has been delivered."

"Good, come in."

"Yes, ma'am." Said Chloe as she got in her car and drove off.

As Anna arrived at the office, something was weird, the office was quiet. 'Good morning, ma'am.' 'Yeah Yeah, take my bags for me will ya.' 'Yes, ma'am.' said Bart. As Anna walked in, no one fought with her nor stopped her, something was really off. Of course, it was Jessica

She was nowhere to be seen. 'Hey Micheal, have you seen Jessica?' 'I'm sorry ma'am, No.' 'Thank you.' said Anna.

As she entered the room, she saw Sam sitting on his chair, shirtless. 'Oh Anna, I have seen to lost my shirt.' 'So are you going to be shirtless the whole day?' 'What, No.' 'Oh thank God.' 'Huh?' 'Forget it, here is the food you ordered.' 'Thank you.' 'By the way, Chloe came over and she said you sent her something.' 'Hmm? I don't remember sending her anything.' 'Sam, I have to tell you something.' said Anna as she leaned forward to Sam's ear.

20 Minutes later

'Well, I better be preparing.' 'Yeah, the guests are almost here.' 'Goodbye, baby' 'Goodbye, Samie.' said Anna. But for Anna she meant it. As Anna walked out, finally Jessica bumped into her. 'I feel sorry for him.' 'I was wondering where your negativity was?' 'Well, satan's arrived bitch.' 'Pretty bad, this one doesn't have horns.' 'I don't have horns, for I have thorns.' 'Seems to me otherwise.' 'You piece of shit.' 'I prefer the term, cake, which Sam will be enjoying tonight.' 'Don't worry Anna, that smile won't last for long.' 'I love how you keep on trying.' 'Urgh!' said Jessica in anger stomping away, as Anna laughed.

As Anna got home, she had a call.

"Hey, Anna"


"I need you to bring me something, those designs that Chloe had, I need them."

"Ok, should I bring them now or..?"

"NOW!, Please."

"Okay." Said Anna as she went to the mailbox and grabbed the designs.

As Chloe saw her leave, she notified Jessica. As Anna was entering the office, Chloe dropped a banana and as Anna ran to the elevator, she slipped and fell, leaving the designs to fall in the shredder machine and shredded the designs. 'Nooooo, Owwww.' said as she stood up. As Anna started to sob, Jessica ruined it. 'Oh-My-Gosh, are you okay?' 'What do you think?' 'Shame, wow, you managed to ruin Sam's designs which he needs to show at the meeting he is at now.' 'I-I didn't mean to.' 'Of course, you did, I better go tell him.' 'No please, he'll fire me.' 'Well, I hate to be you, but I'm not, come to on Chloe, let's go.' Said Jessica as she flipped her hair, not seeing a grin on Anna's face.

As Jessica almost got to the boardroom, she realized that the meeting was over and was ready to hurt Sam who would need comfort from her. But by Surprise, she saw Sam and Anna leaving the office laughing with the clients instead of Sam yelling at her. 'Uh hey, Anna.' 'Oh hey Jessica and Chloe, I'm sure you're shocked to see me here and not getting yelled at.' 'What's happening?' 'It's simple really, your secretary forgot that I didn't yet leave and blabbed the plan to you which I heard, then when I got to Sam I asked him about what Chloe was doing at his house delivering designs, then he realized that you were distracting him by non-stop talking and let Chloe steal the designs, then we came up with a plan to make a copy and get my look-alike, so she could get hurt and fake weeping while I was handling the meeting, oh here she is, Jessica and Chloe, meet Anastasia.' 'You little prick, you said the plan would work too well but it failed miserably because you didn't double-check that Anna had left.' 'I'm sorry, ma'am, it was my mistake.' 'Of course, it was, and for that, YOU'RE FIRED!' Yelled Jessica. By hearing that, Chloe started to sob. 'You know Chloe, you should've never interfered with this, you were just stupid.' 'How dare you call me stupid, you little-' 'Security, take her out of her.' demanded Jessica. As the Security pulled Chloe out, she yelled 'This isn't over Sam and Anna, I'm coming for you.' 'We'll see about that.' laughed Anna. 'You see Jessica, you try too hard.' 'She's right you know, it's not over, I'm going to hurt you like crashing a peanut.' 'I really love how you don't stop trying no matter how many times it fails.' 'Just you wait Anna, Just you wait.' said Jessica as she left.

3 hours later

As Anna and Sam arrived home, they saw the kids sobbing on the floor. 'Kids!, What happened, who did this?' 'The phone, answer the phone.' sobbed Jenna. As Sam picked up the phone, the tv turned on to the news which displayed the DEATH OF SAM'S AUNT.



By hearing that, Sam fell on his knees and dropped the phone. 'Noooooo.' yelled Sam. 'I'm so sorry Sam, I know you started to love her.' 'Why, why would Jessica go this far?' 'Why do think it's her.' 'She's the only one who lives there now and she warned us.' 'Yeah, she did.' 'I'm gonna take her to court again.' 'Wait, you don't have enough evidence, she can pull another big plan and this time we can end up in jail, you're already a suspect.' 'Damn it, you're right.' 'Only if we could-' before Anna could finish her sentence, there was a call.

"How does it feel Samie, she's dead."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I just want you to go through what I went through."

"I never ended someone's life in your family."

"You did, me when you started dating Anna."

"Let me tell you this Jessica, you just made me angrier and when I'm angry I do things you didn't know I can do."

"I'm not afraid of you Sam."

"I don't need you to be afraid, I need you to be scared of me.' said Sam as he declined the call.

'We all better get a good night's rest, the kids aren't going to school for the next four weeks, until I can at least fix this, I need you too to go home, I don't want you to be involved in this anymore, it's going to get dirty.' 'No, I wanna help you.' 'No, Anna.' 'Please just-' before Anna could respond, her phone started to ring. 'I think you should pick that up.' said Sam as he left.

"Anna speaking, Hello?"

"Oh, you're name is Anna."

"Who is this?"

"You really don't remember me?"

"Who is this, if you don't tell me, I'll block you."

"Fine, it's me, Lance Miller, we met when I faked that accident and you wanted to call 911."

"URGH! What do you want?"

"Will you please meet me at Cafe-Mafe tomorrow?"

"Listen, I don't like you and I'm not into men who do silly things."

"That's impossible, no one has ever not liked or loved Lance Miller, not even gays."

"Well, you have your first one." Said Anna as she declined the call.