As Jessica woke up from where she was sleeping on the bench by the park, she soon wore her shoes and went straight to a hotel. I'm sure you're wondering why was she in the park on a bench when she had $100 000 in her bank account, while... She got scammed and lost all of it, and she only had $500 left which would help her at least get a bath at the hotel. She really hated Anna a lot.
Speaking of Anna, Anna quickly took a shower and paid the office as she told them to take the day off and thanked them for their hard work that they put into the company. As she started straightening her hair, she got a phone call.
"Oh hey sweetie."
"Hey Mom, wassup?"
"Have you heard from your father, I've called him but he hasn't gotten back to me."
"Don't worry mom, it's dad, he'll come through, don't forget I have a court meeting."
"Yes, Yes, I know, I'll pray that you win."
"I know with your prayers, I will."
"Goodbye, sweetie." Said her mom as she declined the call.
Anna then sat purple lipstick and wore her short heels which were blue and a long dark and white blue dress, today's the day she was going to get her revenge on Jessica once and for all.
While Jessica was walking to the court since she didn't have money to catch a bus or even a taxi. She had a remembrance of what happened. She started reminding herself who she really was and why people hated her. It wasn't Jessica who was going to go to court and suffer and go to jail, she was going to be the new CEO of Miller cooperations. She then turned left and headed for Lance's hotel, ready to be the Jessica who she was always.
As Sam dropped the kids off at school, he still had the bracelet that he got and he never knew who it was for, he just kept on admiring it, until Anna banged the window for him to open the door. As she entered, he quickly set it in his pocket. 'What the heck are you doing, daydreaming, we have a case to get to.' 'I'm sorry.' 'You better be, did you contact the lawyer?' 'Yes, he is already there.' 'Good, let's get going.' 'WAIT, but first I have to go somewhere, it's about my brother's funeral.' 'Sure.' said Sam as she drove off.
As Jessica entered Lance's hotel, she was shocked to see he was lying next to a lady who was naked with him. 'HELLO!' She yelled as he and the lady jumped up. 'I see we busy having meaningless sex or is it stress sex?' 'Uh, who are you?' 'I'm the bitch who gon' fuck you up if you don't get your ass in yo clothes and get the fuck out!' 'And what if I don't want to.' 'Bitch, you better be joking.' 'I'm sorry but I'm not.' 'Girl!, you better get the fuck out, or imma go ghetto.' 'Bitch, I know you ain't got the right to say you gon ghetto on me.' said the lady. Jessica took stared at her as she threw the key that was placed into the Doorknob, and as it hit the lady, she started to get angry. She stood up and got ready to attack. Jessica then grabbed the tissue that was there and threw it to her face as she ran to the lady and grabbed her by the neck and started choking her. As Lance tried to stop the fight, Jessica shook her shoe off, aiming for it to hit Lance and he fell back on the couch as she grabbed the lady by the ear and threw her out of the house and she threw her clothes on her and locked the door whilst the lady started banging on the door.
'What the hell is your problem?' 'Listen, I didn't come here to get ghetto, I came here to threaten you.' 'What!?' 'Listen here Lance, I ain't going to jail, and neither am I getting a bad name or going to court, you have no choice but to help me, because if you don't, imma tell everyone in court that you killed Ryan and I have it on video.' said Jessica as Lance froze. 'Woah, breath Lance, all you have to do is two conditions for me and I won't tell.' 'Wha-what are they?' 'Well first, you are going to get Chloe, that lady with two e's in her name.' 'Yeah, I remember her.' 'She hates Anna a lot and I think if we can trick her into trying to kill Anna in court, I can scream and say that Chloeé has a gun and she'll be in jail for good.' 'How am I going to get her to do it?' 'She is obsessed with you, almost everybody in the world is obsessed with you, so just trick her or else I'll tell.' 'Fine, I'll do it.' 'Court starts in about 30 minutes, make it quick.' said Jessica as she left.
When she opened the door, that lady was still there and Jessica quickly grabbed the knife and poked it into the lady's neck. As the lady started to choke and blood was pouring out, Jessica then took the knife out and poked it in the lady's heart and took it out again, and threw it out the window.
'I'm warning you, Lance, you don't know what I'm capable off.' said Jessica as she left, leaving Lance to shake and shiver.
Anna couldn't stop crying, having to see her brother dead in a coffin was really tough. 'When will the funeral commence?' 'In at least three days.' 'Okay, in the next three days, a funeral and memorial service will take place, please book your tickets and seats, we might be overbooked, it is time we perish the loving boy, Ryan Smith.' said the priest as everyone clapped.
As Anna left the ceremony, Sam walked after her. 'Hey, I understand what you feel?' 'Do you, do you really?' 'Yes, I freaking lost my aunt and... It was tough.' said Sam as she started to cry. 'I-I'm sorry.' 'It's okay, don't worry Anna, his in a better place now.' 'I know, I just wish I got to say to him that... that... I love him.' said Anna as her cries got worse. She then in sadness, ran towards Sam and hugged him as he hugged her back. It was the best feeling in the world, Anna really missed his hard abs, it was just magical that she tightened her grip on his shoulder blades, whilst he kissed her on her forehead and she gently moaned rubbing her head against his shirt and chest. She just wanted to kiss him and so did he, but. As she heard her mom heading her way, she pushed him away and headed straight for the car, leaving Sam there, all alone. As he got in the car, it was silent and then he just drove off.
It was finally time and Jessica was pretty upset for there were two minutes left until the hearing, and by luck, Lance came in.
'Where the hell have you been?' 'Sorry, it was kinda hard.'
As Lance entered the bank, there he saw Chloeé sitting at her desk and he was a bit nervous but he had to. 'Hey, Chloeé.' 'Lance, is that you?' 'Yes, it is.' 'What are you doing here?' 'Anna is at it again.' 'What did she do now?' 'She wants to kill Jessica at court and make me pay her over a billion.' 'What, how dare she?' 'I know, pretty upsetting.' 'Is there anything you need?' 'We need someone to try and kill her in court.' 'Well, Goodluck, I have to get back to work.' said Chloeé as she started typing on her laptop. Lance knew he couldn't give up and he had to use his dark side here. 'You know, I'm so freaking horny, and no one wants to have sex with me.' 'What, I'm available.' said Chloeé as she stood up. 'No, it's fine, I don't want to disturb you.' 'No, I'll do it, I'll kill Anna, where do you want it to happen?' 'In court.' 'Really, in court, won't I get caught?' 'Please Chloeé, I don't want Jessica to die or having to pay Anna a billion.' 'Fine, I'll do it.' 'After you kill her, I'll give you unlimited sex and you can have my dick and do anything you want with it.' 'Yes, I would love that, daddy.' said Chloeé as she grabbed Lance's dick and squeezed as he gave a little moan. 'I'll see you at court.' 'See you.' said Chloeé as Lance left.
In the meantime...
'So, is she here?' 'Yeah, she's sitting in the jury.' 'Perfect, today's the day I get to get revenge on Anna, let the game begin.' said Jessica as she flipped her hair and left.
As Everyone entered the court, the judge gave a tired sigh as she sat down. 'Here we are again, with the Lopez and whatever surname is Jessica case, is today the day that Jessica confesses it all and confronts it all, or will Anna once again be proven wrong, we will see?' said the Judge. 'I know to call Jessica up, and we will see what will happen.' said the judge.
While Sam was about to go in, he was stopped by someone, not just anybody random, but his long-lost cousin he hasn't seen since his parents died. 'Janice, where have you been?' 'I'm so glad I found you, cousin, I had nowhere to go, after mom died or my aunt, I didn't have enough money to pay rent so I had to live on the streets where I was abused, and... Raped.' said Janice as she wept. Sam felt bad and he soon went to hug her as she started to cry, hard. 'Don't worry, you can come to my place, there's plenty enough of food.' 'Thanks, Cousin, I'm just glad I have a place to stay and I found you.' 'Don't worry, I'm here.' said Sam as he soon ended the hug. 'I have to go, today might be the day that Jessica confesses everything and I get all the money back.' 'Can I come in?' 'Of course, let's go.' said Sam as he grabbed Janice by her arm and pulled her in.
As Jessica went up the staircase, she started to get nervous, because she didn't see Chloeé anywhere. 'Jessica, did you kill Sam's aunt and Anna's sister and did you lie about Sam blackmailing you and did you try to blackmail Anna and try to get Anna murdered too, which I'm sure there's more but I'm tired of this case, so did you do you do all of it?' asked the Judge. Jessica felt like fainting as the whole crowd laid their eyes on her and the world watching from the news. 'I, uh, did...' and before she could confess, Chloeé entered the court after Sam and Jessica got ready for impact. 'I did not, I did not do all those things, but... Blackmail Sam which I will pay the amount of money for.' 'NO!' Yelled Anna as she stood up. 'She's lying, she's a freaking murderer, we shouldn't trust this son of bitch.' 'Uh, there are kids here Anna, and I'm not lying.' 'I'll make you a kid once I show the court the video or photographs.' said Anna. Jessica knew there was no time like now, so she quickly shouted, 'I'M NOT A MURDERER NOR A KILLER, AND I CAN PROVE IT, LOOK BEHIND ANNA IS CHLOEÉ HOLDING A GUN READY TO SHOT ANNA!' Yelled Jessica as the whole jury ran out. The security guards then jumped on Chloeé as they grabbed the gun and arrested her. 'Wait, no, I'm not a killer or murderer, Jessica's lying, I can't go to jail.' pleaded Chloeé but the judge made it final and clear when she yelled out the words Jessica never wanted to hear. 'GUILTY!'
A Suspect was arrested, A long-lost cousin was back, Lance is being threatened and Anna lost the case and yet there was more to come.
As Anna was walking to her car, she checked her phone and saw sixty-two missed calls from her mom. Anna quickly called her and she then answered.
"Anna, where are you?"
"Mom, is everything okay?"
"It's, it's your father."
"What's wrong with dad?"
"He's in hospital, here by Henry Green hospital, he-he had a stroke." sobbed Anna's mother. Anna then dropped her phone as she fell to her knees crying and screaming.
As soon as Sam heard her, he ran towards her but suddenly he dropped the bracelet without even knowing. As he saw Anna crying, he quickly ran to her and went to comfort her. 'Anna, what's wrong?' 'Everything, I-I just lost the case and now my father is in hospital and my freaking brother is dead, just why.' Said Anna as the crying got worse. 'Come on, we have to go to check on your father, it's important.' 'Y-Yeah, you're right.' said Anna as she stood up and left.
When they arrived, Anna quickly ran into the hospital asking for her father's room, and instantly went there. When she got there, she saw her mom in the waiting room and then she went there. 'Mom, how's he doing?' 'Sweetie, I have to talk to you.' 'What's wrong?' 'I can't anymore, if I keep on being here in this city, I'm going to have a stroke too, not even that, now he's in A COMA, I can't do this anymore, I-I'm tired, I need to go somewhere where I can breathe, I paid for the bill all your have to pay is the amount of $8000, I already booked my flight, just please don't call, text or email me, I need to take a full break.' 'What is wrong with you mom, that's in a coma and you're going.' 'I don't have time to argue, just make sure you go to the people to who we pay the rent, they might the house, I love you but... I don't want to see you nor your father, g-goodbye.' said Anna's mom as she walked away, right there through the door, for as long as she could. Anna just sat there in shock as one of the nurses called her father's name and she had to go there.
'Nurse, what's the problem?' 'He is going to be in a coma for at least about six months now and I have to be honest, there's not that much hope left for him.' said the nurse as she left to call the doctor.
'Good day Anna Smith, don't worry your father will be in perfect hands here, all we need is for you to pay the remaining bill.' 'Yes, no problem.' said Anna as she placed the card on the machine. After hearing what the doctor has said, Anna almost fell. 'I'm sorry Anna, it declined?' 'Wait, try again.' said Anna as the doctor tried again but yet again, it declined. 'I'm sorry Miss Smith, if you aren't able to pay the rest of the bill, we'll have to discharge him the next two days.' 'That's all I need, just two days.' 'Fine, you have two days to pay it, if you don't, I'll leave him outside, this is a private hospital, you understand.' said the doctor as they left.
Anna just couldn't understand how her card which she had put money in had declined, she knew she had to go to Lance and ask him what was happening.
Meanwhile with Lance. 'So, did you freeze all her cards?' 'Yes, I did.' 'Perfect, when she comes in, you'll tell her the second condition, you'll have to fire her.' 'Wait, why me?' 'Well, when I got fired, she made Sam tell me not her, so you'll tell her, or else do you want me to?' 'No, I didn't argue, I agree.' 'Perfect, it's time people know who I really am and why they shouldn't mess with me.' said Jessica as she laughed.